Princess Against the World

Chapter 7710 That’s a place you can’t reach-10

Really seeking death! !

How dare you act like a monster in front of the two of them!

This guy either doesn't like his fate, or he just doesn't open his eyes.

The moment the door opened, a black figure rushed toward him.

Feng Chenglin reacted quickly, and regardless of who the opponent was, he punched out and hit the opponent's shoulder.

With a "bang", the black shadow was knocked away by him and fell over in the yard, motionless.

"Damn fat man, what are you doing?" Ling Luoyu's voice came from the main room: "Be merciful, at least you will save your life!"

"Don't worry, I know what's going on!" Feng Chenglin waved his wrist and walked out triumphantly: "If I want to kill him, I will use 100% of my beast-like strength. With one punch, I will ensure that his head will be destroyed and his bones will be broken." Break..."

But this thief was really unbeatable. He just used a little bit of beast-like strength, not even 10%. This guy just lay on the ground, motionless.

"Hey, it's almost done. If you don't know, I thought I would kill you with one fist!" Feng Chenglin snapped his fingers impatiently, frowned, and stood next to the shadow: "If you want If you extort my money, I will be rude to you!"

The black shadow lay there, his hair covering his face, still motionless.

Faintly, Feng Chenglin smelled the smell of blood.

"Hey, you guy, you do a lot of acting. Did you vomit blood?"

As Feng Chenglin said this, he took the shadow's shoulder and turned it over.

The next second...


In the silent night, Feng Chenglin's screams were ear-piercing.

"Third Young Master, Third Young Master, Third Young Master..."

After shouting, his tone had changed.

Became panicked, helpless and helpless.

When Ling Luoyu rushed out of the room, Feng Chenglin was stomping on the spot.

Like a frightened child, at a loss.

Seeing her, he quickly pointed to the black shadow with panic in his eyes: "Third Young Master, Third Young Master..."

Ling Luoyu's heart suddenly sank.

Under the night, the light was dim, but the shadow's face was clearly visible.


The person lying on the ground is actually Mo Xuanchen? ! !

Feng Chenglin was extremely anxious: "You, look at him quickly, him, he is covered with injuries, me, me, me, I don't dare to move, I don't dare to touch him..."

Mo Xuanchen's body was covered with wounds made by blades, on his cheeks, on the back of his hands, on his body...

They were densely packed with finger-long wounds.

Ling Luoyu didn't know how she ran over. When she regained consciousness, her hands were pressing the pulse of Mo Xuanchen's wrist.

Feng Chenglin looked at her nervously: "What, how is it?"


Feng Chenglin breathed a sigh of relief, quickly bent down to pick up Mo Xuanchen, rushed back to the room, and lit all the lights.

Although there were many wounds on Mo Xuanchen's body, none of them hurt his muscles and bones, and they were not fatal.

"Then, why is he like this? He seems to be in a coma?"

"He's exhausted!"

"...Exhausted? The kind of... exhausted?" Feng Chenglin opened his mouth in disbelief, looked at Mo Xuanchen, and then at Ling Luoyu: "Third Young Master, are you sure?"

who is he?

He is Mo Xuanchen! !

This is an existence comparable to a god.

How could he still be exhausted? !

Ling Luoyu shook his head: "There are no major injuries on his body. It is as if he has exhausted all his strength and entered a deep sleep to protect himself and repair himself..."

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