Princess Against the World

Chapter 7717 That’s a place you can’t reach-17

"That's not it, it's just a table of food and wine? As for such a lot of effort and thought?" Feng Chenglin's face was filled with disbelief.

To be honest, he even wondered if he had gone crazy just now and had the illusion of ordering food.

It's just a table of wine and food. Even if it's all the delicacies, how much is it worth?

If a store does business in this way, doesn't it mean that it has ruined its own brand?

Who would take such a risk and cut off their own financial path? !

"What are you doing? Are we right here? Why don't you go in?"

Mo Xuanchen, who had arrived late, was about to look into the room, but Feng Chenglin held his shoulders down.

"No, it's okay, it's another room..." Feng Chenglin glanced at Ling Luoyu.

It was originally a good thing for the young couple to have a reunion dinner, so don't let the food and wine on the table ruin their good mood.

"Well, let's go over there..."

The three of them found another room and ordered new food and drinks.

Ling Luoyu also had a tacit understanding and didn't mention the food and drinks again.

They didn't want to spoil each other's mood because of this little thing.

The three of them were chatting and laughing, talking about simple things. Mo Xuanchen didn't mention where he went or what happened during the period of his disappearance.

Ling Luoyu didn't talk about how he was doing during this period.

They both know in their hearts that as long as the other person is alive and well, nothing matters.

The three of them were chatting and talking nonsense, bursting into laughter from time to time, and chatting happily with each other.

But just halfway through the banquet, the door was kicked open.

"Which of you, please settle the account first." The clerk walked in expressionlessly, holding an abacus and an account book in his hands.

Feng Chenglin stood up unhappily: "How on earth do you do business? Others are half-eaten and enjoying themselves, but you let them pay the bill?"

"I'm sorry, sir, this is the rule of our store," the waiter opened the account book with a dark face: "Check out first, eat later!"

"It's your family's rule. I've learned it. I'm learning it for the second time!" Feng Chenglin gritted his teeth and took out his wallet.

Today’s meal was so frustrating!

If Mo Xuanchen wasn't here, with his temper, he would really have demolished this store.

After asking about the amount of money, Feng Chenglin paid the bill.

When he turned around, there was another smiling face: "Okay, now we can eat and drink freely and openly!"

Ling Luoyu also suppressed his unhappiness and pretended that nothing happened.

Just as the three of them picked up their chopsticks, the door was kicked open again.

This time, instead of one person coming in, more than ten people filed in.

Everyone has pots and pans, mops for cleaning, buckets and other things in their hands.

It seemed that the three of them had seen such a scene for the first time. They all sat there in a daze, each holding chopsticks and still performing the same actions just now, motionless.

The hostess said nothing, picked up a dish on the table, and poured it into the swill bucket with a "swish" sound.

The sour smell hit his nose, and Feng Chenglin couldn't bear it anymore. He dropped his chopsticks with a bang and jumped up.

"What do you mean? What are you doing? Are you all blind?!"

"Sir, what do you mean? Are you blind? Didn't you see what we were doing?!" The mother-in-law seemed to be used to this kind of thing. She rolled her eyes and faced Feng Chenglin without any fear. mean.

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