Princess Against the World

Chapter 7718 That’s a place you can’t reach-18

Feng Chenglin gritted his teeth and roared in a low voice: "You, you... didn't you see that we are eating? We haven't even finished the meal, what are you going to do?"

"What are we doing? What are we doing? Can't you see? It's just cleaning!"

Feng Chenglin was really on the verge of going berserk!

I have been eating for a lifetime and have never felt so aggrieved as today.

"Do you entertain guests like this? We haven't even finished eating just clear, clear the table?!"

The mother-in-law still didn't panic, she was obviously used to this kind of thing, and she laughed disdainfully.

"Sir, please don't yell at us, we are just here to clean up. If you haven't finished eating, why are you paying the bill?!"

Feng Chenglin was speechless for a moment: ...What the hell is this logic? It’s simply magical logic!

"When I pay the bill, it's your shopkeeper who comes to me to pay the bill... Besides, does it have anything to do with whether I finish the meal or not? If I leave, it means I have finished the meal..."

Hey, that doesn’t seem right either!

Even though he hadn't taken a bite just now, he just went out for a moment and the dishes were collected.

Thinking about it now, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

"I know, this is a black shop..."

But even if it's a black shop, you can't always stick to him, right? !

I just ordered a table of wine and food, and spent a lot of money. I didn't even eat a bite, but it was swallowed up by these evil-hearted guys.

Now, half of the food and wine on the table had been eaten, and they had tricked me again! !

Is this really a meal?

This is such a fucking disadvantage! !

When had Feng Chenglin ever suffered such a loss? !


The tables were suddenly arranged in a row, and he didn't want to endure it anymore.

"Third Young Master, it's not that I don't want to give you face today. I really can't swallow this breath. They are trying to bully me to death..."

While he was talking, he saw a woman still cleaning up the dishes. She was so angry that she grabbed the corner of the table and overturned the entire table.

There was a ruckus.

The dishes on the table were smashed to pieces.

Mo Xuanchen moved back with an innocent look on his face: "...What's going on?"

"It's okay. This matter is not directed at you today. Just wait and take it easy. After I finish cleaning up these old things, I will choose another place to apologize to you!"

Feng Chenglin rolled up his sleeves, grabbed a chair, sank his buttocks, and sat on it.

"Where's the head of your family? Is anyone out of breath? Get over here!"

Since they don't want to live in peace, that's good, everyone doesn't want to live in peace.

When he got angry, the other women were confused.

However, he was just confused for a moment. After he quickly came to his senses, he immediately jumped to his feet and cursed angrily.

"You guy, you really don't know how to live or die. Do you know where this place is? How dare you act so wildly? You really are tired of living!"

"Come on, come on, someone is running wild here..."


The women roared.

Ling Luoyu retreated to Mo Xuanchen's side. The two of them clasped their fingers together with an expression that it had nothing to do with them. They both squatted in the corner, waiting to watch the excitement.

The roars of the women soon attracted the guards of the restaurant.

"What's going on? Does anyone want to eat the King's meal here?"

"Don't open your eyes wide to see what kind of place this is, how dare you act wild here!"


Feng Chenglin clapped his hands impatiently and pointed at himself: "Here, here...the wild people are here!"

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