Princess Against the World

Chapter 7720 That’s a place you can’t reach-20

Especially those women, seeing that the situation was not right, they stopped saying anything and hurriedly rushed out the door in disgrace.

Fortunately, I met the shopkeeper as soon as I walked out.

Now they felt more confident and talked about the situation in the house.

The shopkeeper was also confused when he heard this, and got angry: "Who dares to eat Overlord Meal at our house? I have never seen it before!"

Among the people who came today, no one could scare him.

Therefore, he also concluded that Feng Chenglin was just a bluff.

Thinking of this, he picked up a wooden stick next to him and rushed into the house angrily.

"Who is this blind person who dares to eat a king's meal at our house?"

Wherever they looked, Ling Luoyu and Mo Xuanchen pointed at Feng Chenglin in tacit understanding.

Feng Chenglin also puffed up his chest: "That's me!"

After a pause, I realized something was wrong.

"Ah, when did I eat the overlord meal? I ate my own meal. I bought it with money... The meal I bought with money was kicked away by you before I even finished it. Why? I’m not allowed to show off my power here?!”

The shopkeeper looked at Feng Chenglin and made sure it was a face he didn't recognize, and smiled coldly.

"Who did I think it was, you?!"

These people are all unfamiliar faces. They are not locals at first glance, and they are not likely to be people who make him afraid. In this case, how can he be afraid of them!

Immediately he waved his hand and bared his teeth at the guards: "Are you all dead? Did I raise you here to watch the show? What are you doing standing around? Why don't you take these guys out quickly? It will only delay me. Do business!”

Feng Chenglin couldn't help but widen his eyes: "Damn are just like a slave like a master. No wonder these guys dare to take advantage of others and be so unreasonable to the guests. It turns out that you just like you... Not a human being!!”

If the business can be like this, it is definitely because the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked.

If that's the case, why are you so polite?

Looking at the disgusting face of the shopkeeper, Feng Chenglin raised his hand and slapped her hard.

"They are not dead people. I will beat you to death today!"

Originally, his attacks were just ordinary punches and kicks.

A slap would hurt, but it wouldn't be fatal.

But now, the slap on the shopkeeper's face was given the power of an animal.

This shows how miserable the shopkeeper is! !

The blood mixed with the teeth and flew out, hitting the guards' faces heavily.

The few people who were about to rush forward had their faces covered in blood, and were frightened for a moment. They all stood there stupidly, wiping the blood from their faces, at a loss.

This was the first time they had seen such a ferocious person!



It's not ferocity, it's ferocity.

After the shopkeeper was slapped, his eyes were filled with stars, and his face seemed to have lost all feeling. He rolled his eyes and spun around in circles for several times. Then he fell to the ground in embarrassment, mumbling something unclear. .

The guards looked at each other, looking at each other.

Feng Chenglin still didn't understand his hatred after the slap, so he simply rolled up his sleeves and pointed at the others impatiently.

"You, what are you guys doing standing still? Didn't your master ask you to come up? Come on, come on, come on together... You're welcome, come on together!!"

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