Princess Against the World

Chapter 7721 Go Home-1

The more he clamored like this, the less the others dared to move. Instead, they all retreated in tacit agreement.

"What are you doing? What are you hiding from? I'm still waiting for you to come up and beat me up, come on!!"

The roar behind him was coupled with the power of a beast. Suddenly, he was like a roaring breast, looking at everyone ferociously and fiercely.

At this moment, everyone was frightened by him.

These guards, like foxes and tigers, show off their power in their own restaurants.

If they were really used in a fight, no one would be able to withstand the beating.

Seeing that the momentum was not going well, I didn't know who made the move first, so I raised the shopkeeper's hand very discerningly.

"Why are you still standing there? Let's go!"

With a shout, everyone left the room in embarrassment.

"What are you doing, why are you leaving? Come back, I haven't started this fight yet!!"

Feng Chenglin's anger hadn't fully exploded yet, so how could he let them leave?

He roared, grabbed a bench leg, and walked out in a arrogant manner, smashing things and scolding everyone he saw.

He was so messy that people in the restaurant didn't dare to mess with him.

Like lost dogs, they all ran out the door with their tails between their legs.

Even the diners who were eating were originally watching the excitement, but seeing that the aura in front of them was not right, they walked around, backed away, and dispersed.

Feng Chenglin didn't know where he copied a pot, moved a stool, and sat at the gate.

While tilting the bottom of the pot, he scolded the shopkeeper for his dark conscience.

It was dinner time. He was so noisy, and soon several layers of people gathered outside to watch the fun.

Some people didn't take it too seriously when watching the excitement, and still fanned the flames.

"I said brother, you still have time to scold here, go away!"

"That's right, before things get too big, go as far as possible!"

"Let's go, stay far away, don't let them catch you!"

"If I catch you, it won't be as simple as swearing here!"


Is Feng Chenglin the kind of person who is frustrated?

He is a man who will eat anything, but will not suffer any losses.

It was okay if others didn't say anything, but when others did, his stubborn temper also rose.

"I've been in so many restaurants, and I've never met a restaurant with such a black conscience and shamelessness. I'm sitting here today and fighting him to the end. I want to see who can come to me today. Please, I’ll take off one of his legs first!”

Among the onlookers, there were also well-meaning people whispering reminders.

"Brother, please leave quickly. This is the Mo family's restaurant. This generation belongs to their Mo family. If you cause trouble here, they will come soon. When the time comes, you won't be able to leave even if you want to!"

"...Who? Whose family?" Feng Chenglin was still stiff at first, but when he heard this, he lost his composure.

"The Mo family is the Mo family..." The person who spoke looked at him with sympathy, "Brother, you come here to eat and make trouble, but you don't even know whose restaurant this is?"

Feng Chenglin was very confused: "...I really don't know?! The Mo family...which Mo family is it?"

"Is there a second Mo family here?"


Fengcheng and Lin Xin said it couldn't be Mo Xuanchen's Mo family, right?

Not caring about the expressions of these melon-eating people, he quickly ran back to the room.

"Third Young Master, Third Young Master, something happened, I seem to be in trouble!"

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