Soon, they left the palace gate.

Aunt Mei and Feng'er Jiu'er had been waiting at the door, and when they saw them coming out, they rushed to meet them.

"Princess, are you alright? Did the emperor say that he wants to punish you? If he wants to punish you, please let the servants take the punishment on your behalf." Aunt Mei rushed up, grabbed the eldest princess's hand, and said tearfully.

Yun Ruoyue looked at her coldly, seeing that her eyes were red, she must have been brewing outside for a long time just now.

Seeing her expression of not knowing the result, it should be that Mrs. Wei Guo has not left the palace yet.

"I'm fine. Not only did the emperor not blame me, but he also granted me a marriage with Mr. Su." The eldest princess said here, her voice was as soft as a mosquito.

"Huh? The emperor didn't blame you, but gave you a marriage?" Aunt Mei looked disappointed.

"Auntie, this is a good thing. Why don't you feel happy for the princess, instead you look disappointed?" Yun Ruoyue said lightly.

Aunt Mei quickly showed an embarrassed smile, "Yes, the empress taught you the right thing, but the servant didn't realize it just now. The princess is getting married, which is a great event, a happy event, and the servant is very happy for the princess."

"By the way, sister Huang, who gave you this medicine? As far as I know, the palace doesn't have this kind of medicine." Yun Ruoyue turned around, looked at the eldest princess and asked.

The eldest princess quickly glanced at Aunt Mei, and Aunt Mei winked at her immediately.

The eldest princess bit her lip and said, "Yes, I brought it from the palace."

In the end, Yun Ruoyue didn't ask any more questions.

Asking any more, the eldest princess will only be embarrassed, and she doesn't want to expose her scars.

She will investigate this matter herself!


On the way back home, Yun Ruoyue had been observing Aunt Mei.

Aunt Mei always had a worried expression on her face, as if she wouldn't get any benefits if things were not done.

After returning to Feiyue Pavilion, Yun Ruoyue called Jiu'er over, "Jiu'er, send someone to keep an eye on Aunt Mei to see if there is anything unusual about her recently, and report back to me with the results."

"Your Majesty suspects that the princess drugged Su Shizi and that it has something to do with Aunt Mei?" Jiu'er also suspected that it had something to do with Aunt Mei, but the princess didn't want to say it, and they didn't dare to speculate.

Yun Ruoyue nodded, "Everything shows that she is very suspicious. Also, there is an inner ghost in the Feiyue Pavilion, and this matter must be investigated carefully, and the inner ghost must be caught!"

If Mrs. Wei can buy off the eldest princess, she can buy off her.

This kind of bribery behavior is very similar to Mrs. Wei's style. Then Mrs. Wei is suspected of this stinky tofu poisoning incident.

"The ghost is out, who is it?" When Jiu'er heard this, his face immediately became vigilant, and raging anger burst into his eyes.

"Do you still remember the stinky tofu incident last time? I said once that I wanted to eat stinky tofu, and the killer knew it right away. When I said this, I was in the yard, and there were several people listening around. , are all suspected!" Yun Ruoyue said after taking a sip of tea.

"I remember, Feng'er and I were there at the time, as well as Xiao Yu'er, Xiao Qing, the prince and the butler. But the butler and the guards were far away, and we were the only ones who really heard it. Feng'er told the empress She has always been loyal, it can't be her, the servant is an old man of Li Palace, only Xiao Yu'er and Xiao Qing are newcomers, it seems that they are the most suspicious!" The clever Jiu'er came to a conclusion at once.

"Do you still remember what Xiaoqing said at that time?" Yun Ruoyue asked.

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