Princess Consort Is No Pushover

Volume I Chapter 1206 Aunt Mei's Man

"Remember, she said that if your mother wants to eat stinky tofu, she will learn how to make it for you another day. But after so long, she didn't make it at all, not only didn't make it, she didn't even buy tofu. This girl is really a mouthful , do not care at all.”

Speaking of which, Jiu'er suddenly realized, "Madam, I know who the ghost is! It's Xiaoqing! If she really cared for Madam, she would have done it long ago. After all, all of us regard Madam's orders as very important. When she said that at the time, she must have been just playing on the words of the empress. After knowing that the empress really likes to eat stinky tofu, she told the killer!"

"You are so smart, it coincides with what I think. But it's just our guess, and we need actual evidence." Yun Ruoyue said.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, Feng'er and I will monitor Xiao Qing, if she is really the ghost, we will definitely not let her go!" Jiu'er said through gritted teeth.


At noon the next day, Jiu'er found that Aunt Mei left the palace in a panic with a bag of things after lunch.

She quickly called Mo Zhu, who knew martial arts, and the two followed Aunt Mei to see where she was going.

Since she had already told Princess Mozhu of her suspicions, Mozhu actively helped her when she heard about it.

After Aunt Mei walked out of the gate of the palace, she looked around in fear and walked towards the east of the city.

Seeing this, Jiu'er and Mo Zhu quickly followed.

Soon, they saw Aunt Mei walking into a remote alley, and they pretended to be passers-by and quietly followed behind.

Aunt Mei walked around the alley a few times, and finally stopped in front of a small house.

"Dong dong dong..." Aunt Mei stretched out her hand and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" At this moment, a middle-aged man's voice came from inside.

"Zhou Xing, it's me, Mei Xiang, why don't you open the door soon?"

"Here we come." After the man finished speaking, he opened the door.

As soon as he saw that Aunt Mei was coming, his eyes lit up. Seeing that Aunt Mei was carrying a burden, he enthusiastically leaned over to help her carry the burden, "Come, I'll help you."

"I don't want you to take it for me, I will take it myself." Aunt Mei slapped Zhou Xing's hand coquettishly, and walked in with the bag.

Zhou Xing quickly closed the door.

Seeing this, Jiu'er and Mo Zhu hurried over, and seeing that the door of the house was closed, Jiu'er was very anxious, "What should we do, Mo Zhu, they closed the door, we can't get in."

Mo Zhu looked at her who was blushing because of anxiety, and couldn't help laughing, "You forgot, I know martial arts, come, I'll take you in."

After Mo Zhu finished speaking, he walked over suddenly, grabbed Jiu'er by the waist, and flew her up the wall and into the courtyard with her.

As soon as Mo Zhu hugged her waist, Jiu'er's face turned red, she accidentally looked sideways, and saw Mo Zhu looking down at her, his eyes seemed to be smiling but not smiling, very gentle.

She hurriedly lowered her head, not daring to look at Mo Zhu, her heart was already beating loudly.

Seeing Jiu'er's shy look, Mo Zhu blushed.

It was the first time he hugged a woman's waist, Jiu'er's waist was very thin, and when he hugged it, a burst of electricity passed through his heart, making him tremble.

Jiu'er still had a faint scent of a woman, and Mo Zhu realized that women were so fragrant, and his face blushed even more.

When they landed in the yard, they found that the door of the wing room inside had already been closed, and there were voices of men and women talking.

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