Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1002: Entrusted

"Heck ..." Hua Yan would suddenly say this, Mo Beichen suddenly blushed, and coughed unnaturally: "Do you mean as long as we round the fire poison can be solved?"

"Yes, as I thought before." Flower raised her eyebrows and said meaningfully.

"So Tanuki really knows you." Mo Beichen suddenly squinted at Huayan.

Hua Zheng pouted and gave him a white look. "She doesn't know me. Do you think you can have this little daughter-in-law?"

If it weren't for him, could the girl cross here?

Mo Beichen frowned, "Did you also deliberately design the mask?"

Hua Yan smiled and said, "I made the mask specially for that girl. Only she can open it, but even without a mask, you are destined to be together."

Hua Yan said, looking at Mo Beichen again, and said quite profoundly: "Now you should not ask this question again."

Mo Beichen's eyes flashed lightly, and he did not speak again.

In the past and present, they cannot escape the cycle of destiny. They are destined to fall in love, no matter in the previous life or this life, so he will fall in love with her even without his mask.

"Take care of her." The two sat quietly for a long time before Hua Yan got up and went to the room.

Mo Beichen looked at Hua's back and suddenly said, "Who are you?"

He could bring him out to take care of him and take care of the raccoon at the same time. He didn't remember when he went down the uncertain mountain.

Hua Pao stepped in a footstep, ticking the corners of her lips, "It's just an unimportant old man."

Hua Yan said, and looked up at the air again and said silently, "I just trust someone."

Mo Beichen didn't hear the words behind Huayan, he sat in the moon and lost his thoughts.

"Amo!" A terrified scream came from the room.

"I'm here." Mo Beichen immediately entered the room, hugged Baiju, and coaxed softly, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

"Where's the old man?" Baitan glanced around the house without seeing Huayan, and was suddenly anxious.

"He's opposite, and he's already asleep." Mo Beichen glanced at the bamboo house opposite.

The **** frowned, pulling Mo Beichen anxiously: "A Mo, I really know him."

"I know." Mo Beichen smoothed the raccoon's hair behind his ear and calmed down, "I believe in you."

The **** leaned on Mo Beichen's arms and quietly spoke for a long time: "I grew up without a father and mother. He raised me. He taught me ancient martial arts, medicine, and alchemy. Although I did n’t worship the teacher, he In my heart is Master. "

Mo Beichen didn't understand what Baijue said, but he didn't ask, just listened quietly.

"I thought I would never see him again. I didn't expect him to be your master." The **** smiled bitterly, and there was some envy in his tone.

"I'm like you, and I have never worshiped a teacher." Mo Beichen chuckled, and kissed her forehead gently.

The **** chuckled slightly, then raised his eyes and said, "Sorry, I'm a bit sick today."

Mo Beichen gently squeezed her aggrieved little face, and held her in her arms. "Can you tell me about your past?"

"Do you want to hear?" Baitan hesitated a little. She had never thought of talking to him.

"Um." Mo Beichen looked at her hair, and he didn't seem to understand her past at all.

The **** was silent again, after a long time, she didn't speak until he thought she was asleep.

"Actually, I am not a person in this world. I should say that my soul does not belong to this world. I come from the 21st century, where it is completely different from here ..."

Mo Beichen listened to her in amazement as she told another world. Suddenly he was a little flustered. He was afraid that she would return to a world he had never heard of, but he calmed down quickly. He wanted to no matter which world she went to. He will be with her even if he enters the earth.

"I don't know how I came to this world. In short, I came here after a sleep on the plane. I met you in Chuanyun Mountain that night. Do you remember the look I made for you then? White **** blinked at Mo Beichen with a playful smile, and smiled slyly.

"You dare to say, how dare you make me so ugly." Mo Beichen suddenly had a black line. He hadn't been so embarrassed in his past and present life. At that time, he really had the heart to kill.

"Where is it ugly, it's obviously sexy?" White Beaver immediately retorted without fear of death. Her Cleopatra style was sloppy, coupled with his stunning face and perfect figure, don't be too stunning!

"Is it sexy?" Looking at someone who smiled like a little fox, Mo Beichen immediately turned over and pressed her underneath, and began to scratch her itch.

"Haha ..." Baitan laughed and rolled around on the bamboo bed, begging for mercy, "Is it okay if I am wrong? Itchy ..."

Mo Beichen was stunned by the beaver, and before her laughter stopped, she kissed her lips and swallowed all her voices together.

The long night is long, but the tenderness of the two has just begun.

On the hillside not far, Ming Lanqi looked at the bamboo house with the lights off, and a moment of jealousy flashed in his eyes.

Early the next morning, Baiju and Mo Beichen were awakened by Huayu.

"Come here, this is the medicated diet that I just cooked, one bowl per person." Huayao brought two bowls of soup and medicine to each of them.

"No, it's soup medicine, and you want to hurt me again." The **** immediately became numb when he saw the dark and strange soup medicine.

"Don't drink and pull down." Being so stupefied by the beaver, Huayan sighed and snatched the soup medicine.

"Who said I wouldn't drink it." Baitan held up the medicine bowl and drank it straight up.

Mo Beichen frowned, and saw that the **** had no special response, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

The **** looked at the medicine bowl stingily, and the familiar smell in her mouth made her eyes slightly wet.

Obviously it was him, but why didn't he know her?

"Today, the birthday of your uncle, the two of you will pass together." Hua Yan pretended not to see the strangeness of the beaver, and left after receiving the medicine bowl.

"Uncle Li is the master of Ming Lan Qi?" Bai Tan blinked and looked at Mo Beichen and asked.

"Um." Mo Beichen nodded, and pulled the **** to go outside.

Huayao took the two men and went to the other hill together.

The **** looked around and found that there are three peaks in the whole uncertain mountain. The oldest peak is on the far right, and the peak they are going to is in the middle, and the left is another peak. Master Lan Qi, is there anyone else on the mountain?

The **** glanced at Mo Beichen in doubt, and Mo Beichen explained with a smile, "There is also an uncle Gu, who should also pass by. You will know when you see it."

Beaver raises his eyebrow, is he an uncle again? It seems the old man is still a big brother.

There is a relatively short-cut passageway between the two peaks. The three did not take long to reach the middle peak.

"Brother Mo, you are here!" As soon as the three entered the ladder, Ming Lan Qi greeted him.

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