Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1001: Strange old man

"Brother Mo!" Ming Lan Qi saw Mo Beichen with a moment of joy, but when she saw the person in his arms, her face was hard to look at instantly, "Why are you here?"

"It turned out to be Master Sister, I haven't seen you in a long time." Baijui crooked intimately at Mo Beichen's neck, greeting Minglan Qi with a smile.

For a rival like Ming Lanqi, she has always been the most receptive.

"Tian is shameless." Seeing the two so close, Ming Lan suddenly became jealous with red eyes.

"Fu Jun, she scolded me." Baitan pursed his lips and turned to Mo Beichen to complain.

"Apologize." Mo Beichen looked at Ming Lanqi in disgust, and said coldly.

"Are you married?" Hearing Beaver's "Fu Jun", and then looking at Beaver's woman's headpiece, Ming Lanqi's head suddenly "hummed", blank.

Baitan raised his eyebrows, deliberately rubbing Mo Beichen's neck, and froze lovingly.

Mo Beichen was stunned by the beaver, but he had to look coldly at Ming Lan Qi.

Ming Lan Qi red eyes, looked at Mo Beichen sobbing, but could not get a little pity.

"Apologize!" The heartless cold voice instantly broke Ming Lanqi's heart.

She glared at the beaver, snorted heavily, and turned away.

"She seems angry?" Baitan blinked, looking intently at Mo Beichen.

Mo Beichen chuckled, "Have fun?"

"Not bad." Baitan raised his eyebrows and performed well.

"Tell Jufu Jun to listen again." Mo Beichen kissed the corner of her lips and teased her.

With nine turns and eighteen turns, the sweet-smelling "Fu Jun" passed from the mountainside in an instant.

Looking at Bai Xiao's playful eyes, Mo Beichen's eyes darkened, and he clenched her head and kissed him.

The **** stayed for a while, then responded to him by holding his neck very cooperatively.

Minglan Qi hiding in the dark, watching the two intimate kisses in the mountains and forests, suddenly turned so angry that her face was green, and she stomped hard and finally turned away.

It took a long time for Mo Beichen to loosen her gasping.

"I'm satisfied now." The dumb voice was full of joy.

"Super satisfied." Bai Tan grinned, and the handsome face holding Mo Beichen was "Let's do it".

Mo Beichen's eyes were dark again, and she raised her hand on her slightly swollen red lips, and took a bite. "Let me clean up later."

Mo Beichen was a little tiptoe, and flew to the top of the mountain with the beaver.

At the top of the mountain, Beaver finally saw several bamboo houses.

"This is where your master lives?"

"Xiaochener is back." As soon as Baitan's voice fell, the old man's joyful voice came from the room.

Hearing the old man ’s title, Beaver's eyebrows beat, and Mo Beichen was a black line.

An old man with a henhouse head poked out of the room. Although the old man's hair was all white and he was wearing a tattered, but that face was as handsome as a guy in his 20s or 30s.

The **** saw his elder man's eyes, and his eyes widened inconceivably in an instant.

Hua Yan also looked at Baiju for the first time, and saw her nesting in the arms of Mo Beichen, and immediately joked: "This is your little sister-in-law?"

"Her name is Tanuki." Mo Beichen lowered Baitan and introduced him.

"Old man ..." Baitan gazed at Huayan for a moment, before murmuring.

Hua Yan wasn't angry, but smiled heartily, "It really is the kid's daughter-in-law, it's the same name."

The beaver's face froze, and he rushed in front of Huayao, rubbing and rubbing his face, "Old man, you don't know me anymore, I'm a girl."

"Oops, I just rubbed the beauty powder." Hua Yan yelled instantly, and shouted at Mo Beichen, who was stunned, "You stinky boy, don't come to save me yet."

"Beaver." Mo Beichen finally came back to him, stepped forward and held the beaver, and rescued Huayan's face.

"Why are you so rude, you girl?" Huayan rubbed her face and looked at the **** resentfully.

"You also said that you don't know me." The **** stared at Huayan suddenly as if he had grasped something.

Hua Yan flashed his eyes, and said, "I don't know."

After Hua Yan said it, he didn't wait for the **** to talk, and hurried into the room.

The **** looked at the back of Huayan and frowned frowningly.

Obviously looks the same, and said she didn't know her. But why would he come here, too, is he dead there?

Mo Beichen glanced at the contemplative beaver, his eyes dazzling.

at night.

The **** kept staring at Huayao, and studied him carefully from head to toe. The more he looked, the more he felt like that person.

Hua Yan ignored the beaver's gaze, and worked like a loving old lady to hold the medicated diet for Mo Beichen.

Mo Beichen did not refuse to come. He would eat whatever the flowers were.

"Have a drink for your daughter-in-law." Huayao brought a large bowl of medicated food to Mo Beichen and motioned him to give it to the beaver.

Mo Beichen finally raised his eyes and stared at Huayan with warning.

"I'm doing this for her." Hua Yan ignored Mo Beichen's warning, and handed the medicated food to Baijuan in a rash manner.

The **** glanced at Huayan quietly, and took the medicated meal.

Mo Beichen frowned frantically, and when he wanted to stop, Baijue drank that bowl of medicated food.

When the **** drank the medicinal meal, Hua Yan smiled suddenly. "That's right, I'm a big supplement."

As soon as Hua Yan's voice fell, Baijue felt like her body was burning, and she was about to faint.

"Beaver!" Mo Beichen was shocked. He quickly picked up the **** and stared at Cao Hua, then rushed out of the bamboo house.

Hua Yan looked at Mo Beichen's flustered back, and finally frowned slightly.

"A Mo, I'm hot." Bai Tan's nest in Mo Beichen's arms was lightly uncomfortable.

"Who asked you to drink the medicated diet he gave?" Mo Beichen glared at the sweaty white **** distressed.

Those medicated meals are all yang medicines that restrain the cold in his body. These yang things are in the body, and it is no wonder that her fire poison does not occur.

"He used to give me a drink before, but this time is different." The **** laughed wryly, stupidly.

Mo Beichen frowned frantically, and the doubts in his eyes grew stronger.

Seeing Baiju's consciousness started to be confused, Mo Beichen quickly took her to his room, and then picked up Hanbingju to start suppressing the poison of fire for her.

The cool chill struck, and the **** felt better.

It wasn't until midnight that Mo Beichen finally suppressed Bai Huo's fire poison and let her fall asleep.

After Baitan fell asleep, Mo Beichen sneaked out of the room.

In the courtyard, Hua Yan is sitting at the stone table, as if waiting for him.

"How is she?" Hua Yan looked up at Mo Beichen and motioned for him to sit down.

"Why give her a medicated diet?" Mo Beichen sat down, frowning at Huayan.

Hua Yan didn't answer, only glanced at Mo Beichen and said, "Her fire poison hasn't been solved yet, it seems that you don't have a round house."

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