Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1000: Back door

At the invitation of Bu Yangzi, Bai Qiyuan finally agreed to go to Fengshen Retreat.

Bai Jue also agrees with Bai Qiyuan's decision. After all, there is no better place for retreat in the entire cloudscape continent than Fengshen Academy. There is not only ample aura, but also very quiet. The defense is also very strict. It couldn't be more appropriate.

On this day, Baici Mo Beichen sent Bai Qiyuan and Bu Yangzi to Shiliting.

"Okay, don't give it away, just go back." Bai Qiyuan looked at Baiju and gave up.

"Grandpa, be careful on the road!" Beaver also looked down.

Bai Qiyuan looked at Madam again, and Madam immediately approached. "At home, you can rest assured that your daughter-in-law will take care of you."

Bai Qiyuan nodded and rubbed Bai Tan's head gently. "If anything happens, write to me."

"Yeah." Baitan answered, and turned to look at them again. "Master, second master, wait for me to finish things here, and then go back to the college."

Originally, she planned to go back to practice well, and then seriously study medicine with the second master, but now that she has so many things, she really can't get away.

"Take your time, don't worry."

"Waiting for you as a teacher."

Regardless of the grumpy Bu Yangzi, or the cold and ruthless Rui and his party, both of them are extremely patient with this apprentice.

They walked with Bai Qiyuan and Bu Yangzi, as well as Yan Hongtian and Xie Kun, so Baitan didn't worry about their safety at all. If there is anyone who doesn't have long eyes, dare to come up with Grandpa and Master's idea, then It would be ugly to die.

"Gone." The group rode on Ma Hao to the holy heaven.

The **** watched them leave, and he couldn't take his eyes off until he could no longer see them.

"Well, you won't see it again." Mo Beichen stepped forward, appeasing Baiju shoulder.

The **** raised his eyes and pouted, "I just feel that Grandpa has come and gone too quickly."

This time, she didn't have time to talk to Grandpa well.

"He is about to break through, and it is normal to be in an emergency." Mo Beichen smiled and comforted.

The **** pursed his lips. "I know, I didn't blame him. I just want to get things done here quickly and go to heaven."

Even if she was just guarding outside, she felt relieved.

"Then we will go to Moxue as soon as possible, and then we will come back as soon as possible." Mo Beichen took the beaver, flew on his horse, and then went away.

Both Bai Tingan and Bai Yihan can only go back.

"Miss, aunt Grandpa, Yu Gongzi and Zhuo Gongzi of Hayuan are gone." As soon as the two returned home, Yunzhi came to report.

"Gone?" Baitan frowned frowningly.

"It should be gone." Bai Ruyue came in and sat down at the table.

The **** raised his eyebrows, but it was possible. Zhuo Qingyun originally came to Leng Yihan to take him to God, now Leng Yihan brought Murong Xuefei back to God, and he had no reason to stay in Zixiao.

As for Yu Fengling, he has never loved snoring, even if he didn't say goodbye.

"Grandpa and Master are they gone?" Bai Ruyue poured cups of tea for each of them.

"Well, go." Bai Tan took a sip of the tea, and thought of something, she put down the tea cup and said, "Amo and I are going to Moxue recently, and you will leave the family things to you."

"Go to Moxue?" Bai Ruyue frowned and looked at Mo Beichen, and soon she knew: "Is it back?"

"Ah ... heh ..." Bai Tan was stunned by the words "back door", but Mo Beichen was expressionless, as if he didn't care.

Looking at Mo Beichen's leisurely look, Baiju deliberately said, "Oh, right."

"Are you going to prepare any gifts? I'll tell my mother."

"No need to worry about it, let's prepare the gift ourselves."

In the early morning of the next day, Baijue prepared a cart of gifts and went to Moxue with Mo Beichen.

Of course, the two met Murong Shuofeng before leaving Zixiao. Murong Shuofeng naturally did not disagree with Mo Beichen's "back door". Not only did he pick a lot of gifts, let the beavers bring them I went to the little emperor and sent a team of Ziwei to protect it.

Moxue is located in the middle of the four countries. No matter which country is not far from Moxue, it is only three or five days from Zixiao to Moxue. Of course, it will take a few more days to reach Moxue Imperial City.

However, as soon as he came out of Zixiao, Mo Beichen took the **** out of the team, leaving Liuyu and Xingyuan to take things to Moxue alone, and they went in the opposite direction.

"Where are we going?" Beaver looked at the strange trail, wondering.

"Go to Uncertain Mountains." Mo Beichen ran forward quickly, sandwiching the fallen horse.

"Are you going to see your master?" Bai Tan's eyes lightened, and he asked suddenly.

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows. "It's true." If the old man counted as his master.

The indefinite mountain is in the southeast direction of Qingying Country, and it is at the far south of Yunjing, some distance from their current position.

Mo Beichen couldn't bear to be too tired of the beaver, so he walked and stopped all the way.

"This is the uncertain mountain." Baitan looked at the aura of the mountain full of aura, and raised her eyebrows unconsciously.

I never knew that Yunjing had such a good place, but it was no worse than Fengshen College.

"Let's go up." Mo Beichen held the **** directly, and flew directly to the mountain immediately.

"Let me down." Bai Tan was ashamed, and quickly patted Mo Beichen's shoulder.

How can I be so rude this time I see him for the first time?

Where is Mo Beichen willing to let go, these more than ten days of running around have been hard enough, where he was willing to let her climb such a high mountain, and this mountain is full of organ formation, ordinary people can not go up.

"Is this what you designed?" Bai Tan stared at Mo Beichen's broken one after another. The deadly unreasonable formation method instantly felt that those he had seen before were simply too pediatric.

"The old man did it." Mo Beichen had a black line. How could he get such a naive thing?

The **** raised his eyebrows clearly, these are really not like A Mo's style.

But this old man's style is also amazing enough. What stinky tofu, rotten fruit, stinky puddles, poisonous gas holes, five poisonous holes ... Only you can't think of it.

Don't look at these seemingly pediatrics, but once you are recruited, it is absolutely impossible to survive.

Looking down all the way, the **** felt scalp numb, and also felt that this feeling and style were unusually familiar.

Suddenly, she wanted to meet the legendary old man.

"Who?" The two walked to the mountainside, and they heard a drink, and a familiar figure appeared in front of them.

The **** raised his eyebrows evilly when he saw someone coming.

It was her!

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