Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 999: Opportunity comes

The news of Murong Xuefei being robbed quickly passed back to Zixiao. Murong was so angry that he and Murong Xuan arrived at the scene of the incident overnight.

On the official road where the accident happened, Shangguan Mingzheng and Xue Qingying confronted each other, and the two sides blocked each other's way. Who wouldn't let anyone?

"Da da!"

The sound of a messy horseshoe came, and the two turned at the same time, but they saw that not only Murong Shuofeng and Murong arrived, but also the red emperor Shangguanxiao.

Shang Guanxiao looked at Murong Shuofeng on the opposite side, and smiled slightly, "I didn't expect that we would meet in this situation."

"Less nonsense, hand over my little seven soon." Murong Shuofeng was impatient at this moment, where is there any thoughts and sloppy eyes with him.

"Murong Xuefei was taken away by that person. Don't tell me you didn't know." Before Shang Guanxiao spoke, Shang Guanming was angry.

That person?

Murong Shuo frowned plumply and looked at Murong Huan. Is that the kid?

"I delivered it to you personally. Now that the person is gone, you must give us an explanation." Murong Yan looked at Shang Guanming expressionlessly, saying one word at a time.

"Don't reverse black and white, Murong Xuefei doesn't abide by the women's way, openly eloped with other men, where does our red face look?"

Shang Guanming is now so mad that he didn't care about Murong Xuefei and that one. He didn't expect that the day when the couple got married, the woman even ran away with the man. This was a shame to him.

"What are you talking about?" Murong Shuo became furious when he heard that Shang Guanming was insulting his own baby daughter.

The two sides confronted each other, and they smashed into each other instantly.

Looking at the anger, Shangguan Ming desperately cutting people, Shangguan Xiao suddenly had a black line.

He glanced at Chi Lei next to him, Chi Lei immediately rushed to Shang Guanming, took him on horseback without a word, and then ran back in the direction of Chi Lie.

Shang Guanxiao looked at Murong Shuofeng with a wicked smile, and then rushed away.

"Shall we chase?" Seeing that Shang Guanxiao and Shang Guanming had run away, Xue Qingxi immediately bowed in front of Murong Shuofeng.

Murong Shuofeng glanced at the back of Guan Xiao, and frowned at Xue Qingyan, "I asked you, did Xiao Qi go with that person?"

Xue Qing's eyes flashed, and she lowered her eyes without talking.

Seeing Xue Qingyu like this, Murong Shuofeng guessed all of it, and suddenly angered: "Go back."

The group walked back to Yelu, and went back fiercely, while Murong Yu and Xue Qingyu fell to the end.

"Is it really him?"

Xue Qingxi smiled bitterly. "Apart from him, who else can let her follow willingly?"

Murong's eyes flashed lightly, and she was relieved and worried.

The two did not follow Murong Shuofeng back to the palace, but went directly to Baifu.

Hearing the news that Leng Yihan robbed Murong Xuefei, the **** was as expected, but not much surprised.

"What about others?" Murong asked as she hurried to the cold and cold room.

"It was long gone, and it was said that no one was seen last night." Baitan shrugged.

"Where will he go?" Murong Yu turned around in the cold and cold room and found nothing.

"It's not going back to the holy sky, it's going back to God." Baitan sat down in the yard and poured himself a cup of tea.

Murong Yan frowned slightly, and then sat down at the stone table, took a sip of tea from the beaver.

"You don't seem to be worried at all." Xue Qingxun sat down with him, but he was not as big-hearted as he was, and he didn't have the thought to drink tea.

The **** sipped her tea and raised her eyebrow with a smile. "In my opinion, she followed her heart, nothing bad." At least it was better than following Shang Guanming.

Murong Yan also raised his eyes and said, "Since it will come sooner or later, it will only be faced."

Xue Qing raised her eyebrows, and her heart seemed suddenly brightened.

The three soon became like nothing, drinking tea together.


Bu Yangzi They had just dived into the room, and the oil lamp in the room lit up instantly.

"Oh my god, it's you, you can scare me to death." Looking at the people in the house, Elder Tu immediately put down his hand.

"Cough ..." Bu Yangzi looked at the beavers and coughed pretendingly calmly: "It's so late, why don't you sleep?"

"Isn't this obvious yet? We are waiting for you." Baici glanced at Pu Yangzi meaningfully.

Bu Yangzi's eyes flashed, "What are you waiting for?"

"That's right, we didn't do anything?" Elder Tu smirked.

The **** glared, "Don't give me sloppy eyes, and said, are you going to be an accomplice?"

Elder Tu slurred his lips stiffly and did not speak.

Bu Yangzi also kept silent.

"What accomplice? We don't understand." Elder Yuan blinked innocently, trying to escape.

Xue Qing looked at Elder Yuan quietly and suddenly said, "Master, you are the one who is holding me today."

"Cough ..." Elder Yuan coughed in guilty confusion, and suddenly hesitated.

"Let's go, where is the other person?" Baitan glanced at Elder Yuan with a cold embrace.

Elder Tu and Elder Yuan, Elder Feng, and Elder Su, including Rui and his party, looked at Bu Yangzi together.

Just betrayed like this, Bu Yangzi was instantly black-headed.

The **** looked at Bu Yangzi, and Bu Yangzi sighed helplessly: "He took people back to God."

"What, is he really going back to God?" Zhuo Qingyun called out in despair instantly. He originally expected that he could take him to God to find Lan Yanyu, but he didn't expect him to leave him.

"I've seen your emperor. He left a letter to him, and this matter will not affect you." Seeing Baitan not talking, Bu Yangzi couldn't help but comfort him.

The **** looked at Bu Yangzi resentfully and sighed silently, which is the question of implication?

Royal palace.

Murong Shuofeng stared gloomily at the letter in his hand, as if he could not wait to tear it up with the person who wrote it.

"Cough ..." Murong Yue coughed gently and stepped forward to comfort him. "You can rest assured, that person really likes Xiao Qi, and Xiao Qi should be fine."

"Slap!" Murong Shuo slammed the letter on the table, staring angrily. "Don't let me see that person, I'll see you hit it once."

Murong Xu blinked and mourned for Leng Yihan in her heart for three seconds.

"Don't tell your mother-in-law about this for the time being." Murong Shuofeng raised his eyes and glanced at Murong.

Murong raised an eyebrow. "I'm afraid I can't hide it for a long time."

Murong Shuofeng stared, "How long can I hide it."

Murong Xu shrugged helplessly, saying he knew.

After a long time, Murong Shuofeng sighed again, "Transfer 100,000 soldiers and horses to Huaiyi to defend the city."

"Understood." Murong nodded, turned and went out.

Three Princes' House, study.

"We have been waiting for the opportunity to come." Xu Lingyang looked at Murong and frowned.

Murong's eyes brightened, "You mean ..."

The two looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

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