Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 998: Snatch

Shilihongzhuang didn't stop until Shili Pavilion.

Murong Xuefei opened the curtain and came out of the sedan chair.

The icy cold wind blew the red dress and instantly fascinated everyone.

Shang Guanming looked at Murong Xuefei's exquisite and beautiful face infatuatedly, his eyes were full of hotness.

On the other side of the sedan, Shangguan Quanya, looking at Murong Xuefei's beautiful appearance, immediately squeezed her fists with jealousy.

"Don't give it away, just come here." Murong Xuefei walked to Murong Yan, smiling pretentiously.

Murong Yu rolled over and dismissed her, looking at Murong Xuefei, and patted her shoulder reluctantly: "Don't forget whenever and wherever you are, there is Zixiao behind you."

Murong Xun said this to Murong Xuefei, and warned Shangguan Ming.

Shangguan Ming would not understand where, even when silently lowered his eyes.

This is the lady he asked for after all his hard work. Where can he betray him?

"Um." Murong Xuefei looked at Murong Yu gratefully, and nodded, "Take care of them for me."

"I will." Murong Xu nodded and turned to Shang Guanming, "treat her well."

There was not much threatening words, but the cold light in the eyes still made Shangguan Ming's heart stunned.

"You can rest assured that I will treat her well." Shang Guanming looked at Murong Xuefei gently and assured Murong Xu.

"Let's go, it's getting late." Murong Yan looked at the sky.

Murong Xuefei reluctantly looked back at the distant Zixiao Imperial City, and finally got into the sedan chair.

"At Chilie, stay for a few more days before returning." Murong Xu looked at Shang Guanming's back and said to Xue Qing.

"I understand." Xue Qingxuan turned over and led someone to follow Shang Guanming's team.

Murong stared at the distant team deeply, wondering what he was thinking?

White House, Hakka.

"Where's Master?" Bai Tan brought refreshments to Bu Yangzi's house, but he didn't see anyone.

"I don't know. I didn't see them after the morning." Zhuo Qingyun took a piece of tea and stuffed it into her mouth.

What did Beaver think, frowning frantically, "What about cold and cold?"

Zhuo Qingyun shook her head again. "It's even more unclear. I didn't see him last night."

Bai Tan looked at Yu Fengling again, and Yu Fengling shook her head.

He drank too much last night, but didn't notice anything?

"Would you say he will?" Zhuo Qingyun thought of something, and said with wide eyes.

The **** frowned and looked at Chilie's direction. Judging from the current hour, the team that greeted the relatives was out of Zixiao.

"Nothing is going to happen, right?" Zhuo Qingyun frowned and looked at Baiju, a little worried.

The **** shook his head silently, which is really hard to say. Now Leng Yihan is not too much to say that he is a lunatic. No one knows what he will do.

As Baitan thought, Shangguanming's welcoming team had already left Zixiao, and reached Zilie's official road to Zixiao.

At this moment, the setting sun was setting, and the sunset on the horizon was fascinated by the sunset.

Suddenly, a weird strong wind passed, and the wind and sand flew into the eyes of everyone.

It was only momentarily that the setting sun that was still in mid-air fell, leaving only a faint rosy glow.

"Everyone be careful!" As if feeling something, Xue Qingxi suddenly pulled out her sabre around her waist and roared.

"Protect the prince." Shang Guanming was awakened instantly, and immediately led people around the sedan.

When the sedan landed, Murong Xuefei's hijab was suddenly shaken.

She frowned frantically, suddenly feeling bad in her heart.

In the flying sand, suddenly a few figures came by the wind.

"Who?" Shang Guanming squeezed his sword and frowned loudly.

A strong blue spiritual force slashed at him sharply, and Shang Guanming was shocked, and quickly flashed.

"Boom", the car behind him was shattered instantly.

"Little Seven!" Xue Qingxi's face changed, and she immediately wanted to fly to the side of the flower sedan, but was entangled.

Shang Guanming was also startled, watching the shattered flower sedan suddenly regretted.

Murong Xuefei summoned Fei Xuebing Yuqin, a little tiptoe, and flew into the air, but before she started to play the piano, Fei Xuebing Yuqin flew out.

Murong Xuefei was shocked and hurried to chase, but was caught in his arms by the man in black.

"Is that you?" Murong Xuefei immediately forgot about the struggle against the dark eyes.

Looking at the gorgeous red dress on Murong Xuefei, Leng Yihan only felt dazzling. He shattered the bright red wedding dress with one palm, and then put his clothes on her.

"I don't allow you to marry someone." He looked at her vaguely, his voice trembling like a cold wind.

Murong Xuefei breathed a suffocation, the sharp sting that spread from her heart, drowned her like a tide.

The Shangguan Ming underneath saw that it was cold and cold, and was instantly angry, "Let her go!"

Leng Yihan's eyes flickered, and he raised his hand and waved a mysterious power towards Shang Guanming.

"Bang!" Shang Guanming was directly blown out, spitting blood.

"Let me go." Seeing Shang Guanming's injuries, Murong Xuefei immediately struggled.

"Don't think about it!" Leng Yihan's eyes flashed with mad jealousy, and he held Murong Xuefei tightly to keep her from moving.

Murong Xuefei was also angered. She lifted up her spirit and pushed away the cold and cold easily.

Leng Yihan frowned, and flew in front of Murong Xuefei again, not letting her find Shang Guanming.

"Let's go!" Murong Xuefei pulled out the soft sword around her waist and pointed at cold and cold.

Looking at Murong Xuefei's icy eyes, Leng Yihan's heart suddenly hurt.

Once upon a time, they needed swords to face each other.

Leng Yihan's eyes were full of bitterness, and he did not retreat.

Perceived Leng Yihan's intention, Murong Xuefei frowned frantically, and quickly wanted to take back the soft sword, but it was too late.

"Bash!" The soft silver sword stabbed into his chest, and Yin Hong's blood stabbed her in an instant.

Murong Xuefei looked at Leng Yihan unbelievably, and the hand holding the sword handle started to tremble slightly.

Leng Yihan seemed to be afraid of death, grabbed her trembling hand, and stabbed him deep into his chest again.

"Is this what you want to see? Do you want me to die?" He looked at her sadly, a mouth, and a string of blood drops slipping down.

Murong Xuefei shook her head with red eyes.

She didn't, how could she want him to die?

Leng Yihan pulled Murong Xuefei into her arms and hugged tightly, "Even if you die, you can only be mine."

Her heart seemed to be pinched, so she couldn't breathe a little, and she felt like she was about to choke.

"Why do you keep pushing me?" The tears in the corner of her eyes couldn't help falling down.

Leng Yihan looked sad and kissed the teardrops in the corner of her eye with a little distress. "I have no choice but I can't live without you."

Pulling the soft sword on his chest, Leng Yihan held Murong Xuefei directly and flew out.

"Murong Xuefei!" Shang Guanming was shocked, and immediately wanted to catch up, but the people in black around them repaired to a high level, they couldn't get away at all.

Xue Qingxi glanced anxiously in the direction where the two disappeared, and looked helplessly at the masked men in black around them.

It is estimated that this cloudscape continent is the only one he can invite to move these big Buddhas.

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