Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1011: Dragon Sword vs Fengming Sword

This sudden scene saw everyone stunned. No one expected that Fengming Sword would be so powerful, and the magma underneath could melt one arm in a blink of an eye.

"It hurts! I hurt!" Wen Yuner was sweating all over her face, holding her severed right arm pale and rolling on the ground.

"Don't ... don't burn me ..." Yang Jingfeng was frightened, and now being stimulated by Wen Yuner's broken arm, he was completely crazy.

"How can this be?" Gu Qun looked at his two apprentices in a crazy and disability, and he was totally at a loss, not knowing what to do.

Liyue is also a frightened look, but Huayao is still calm. He steps forward to seal Wen Yun's acupuncture point to help her stop bleeding, and by the way clicks Yang Jingfeng's sleepy point, which makes him completely quiet. Come down.

After watching a series of actions by Huayao, Gu Qun came back to his heart, and quickly stepped forward to heal Wen Yuner's injuries.

Hua Yan looked at the beaver, "You see it, do you want to try it?"

Although Huayan asked so solemnly, she didn't see any worry on her face.

"Of course." White **** raised his eyebrows, without any fear.

"Then go." Hua Yan laughed, and raised his chin at Baiju.

The white raccoon was a bit tiptoe and flew into the air again. Unlike Yang Jingfeng and Wen Yuner before, the white raccoon did not stand on the shore and carefully test, but directly stepped on the lava to the center of the fire pool.

Fengming Jian, who had been quiet, seemed to sense the arrival of Baiju, and suddenly flew up in excitement.

The raccoon stared fiercely at the Fengming sword wrapped in the red halo, and held out his right hand firmly.

This Fengming sword is not only a weapon for her, it is also a pair with Amo's Long Yinjian, so she must get it anyway.

The hot broiled bronze sword handle was caught, and the heartburning heat spread to Bai Jue's heart, which instantly stimulated the heat in her body.

The **** immediately sweated, and she stared at the Fengming sword with blurry eyes. Instead of letting go, she picked up the fire spirit in her body to fight it.

Mo Beichen frowned at the beaver's flushed face, his eyes were worried.

However, Huayan still looks like the old **** is there, without any worries.

The **** was tortured by the fire spirit of Feng Mingjian, and at the same time was eroded by his own fire poison. One foot, I weigh you one foot.

Xuantianyan Fireball got excited, and eagerly ran out to fight with the two.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Baiju, all watching if she could conquer Feng Mingjian.

The beaver's eyes became more and more blurred, but the fire spirit in his body was not ambiguous at all. No matter how timid Fengming Jian was, the beaver's fire spirit always suppressed it.

Finally, Fengming Sword seemed to have exhausted her strength, and the flamboyant fire spirit slowly faded away, leaving only a faint red halo at the end.

When the **** was happy, he quickly recovered the fire spirit and pulled Fengming sword out of the magma.

"Girl, quickly recognize the Lord." Hua Yan reminded the **** excitedly.

"Okay." The **** responded with a smile, and then he poured out his own blood and dropped it on the Fengming sword.

In an instant, a dazzling red light burst from Fengming Sword, and everyone couldn't open his eyes.

At the same time, Beaver's back also emitted the same dazzling red light, and Beaver felt as if his back was burnt, astonishingly hot.

The phoenix-shaped red light behind Baijue flashed Mo Beichen's eyes.

Unexpectedly, Baiju can really conquer Feng Mingjian, Li Yue and Gu Qun are both unwilling, but the last teaching of the ancestor is ahead, they can only watch Feng Mingjian recognize the Lord.

Wen Yuner endured severe pain, staring at the **** with an unwilling look, why she couldn't, but she could do it.

Feng Mingjian succeeded in recognizing his master, Baijuan excitedly grasped Feng Mingjian, and returned to the shore on magma.

"Amo, look, I got it." Baitan excitedly handed Feng Mingjian to Mo Beichen, waiting for his praise.

"You are great!" Mo Beichen chuckled and kissed her sweaty forehead gently.

The **** flushed, but smiled brilliantly.


"锵! 锵! 锵! 锵!" Hua Yan sat under him, watching the two men fighting in midair.

Since Baitan got Fengming Sword, she begged Mo Beichen to take the Dragon Yin Sword to fight her, and the two kept fighting from day to night.

In the air, in addition to Bai Jue's expression of excitement, Mo Beichen and Long Yin and Feng Ming were all grieving.

At the beginning, Long Yinjian and Feng Mingjian were not willing to cut each other, but this day, these two were completely out of spirit.

It's been a day, this girl is so excited, it's all endless.

The **** is really excited. As a warrior, there is nothing more exciting than getting a weapon in hand. The most important thing is that her weapon is a pair with A Mo.

Mo Beichen looked at the excited white raccoon petitely, and nodded the sleepy Long Yinjian.

Long Yinjian glanced resentfully at his master, and raised his sword sharply.

I've seen a pet wife, but I haven't seen such a pet wife. When does this have to be a head?

Beaver looked at the listless Feng Mingjian in his hand and finally realized that he was over excited.

Glancing at the flower owls that were so interesting to watch under the eyes, the white raccoon blinked slyly at Mo Beichen.

Mo Beichen immediately noticed that the two flew down from the air together and then attacked Huayan together.

"Hey, hey!" Hua Yan stared, and jumped up from the stone bench, shouting, "I want to hack me as soon as I get the ceremony."

"Thank you for your blessings, and I got a new weapon. There is nothing to honor you, but to accompany you to learn." Beaver laughed with amusement, but his offensive was merciless.

"Who wants you to accompany me, your unkempt girl, and your stinking boy." Hua Yan suddenly made a black line, and after scolding the beaver, she scolded Mo Beichen.

Mo Beichen smiled wickedly and didn't speak, but his offense was sharper.

He had long wanted to learn from him, and today is a good opportunity.

I do n’t know if Huan ’s men were merciless. The three of them had been playing until midnight, and they did n’t decide the winner.

"No, no, the old man can't move. I'll hit you." Hua Yan shook her head and gasped, and ran back to the room.

The two looked at the back of the owl and laughed together.

Before dawn, on the trail down the mountain, a horse was slowly moving towards the direction of Moxue.

"Amo, shall we not say hello to the old man like this?" The white **** frowned at Wudingshan, her eyes full of perplexity.

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows. "Why did you think he was crazy with us yesterday night?"

Bai Tan's eyes softened, and he reluctantly looked at Buding Mountain again. Did he know that they were leaving, so did he accompany them?

"We will be back in the future." Mo Beichen kissed her forehead softly and calmed.

"Um." Baitan nodded, expectation flashing in his eyes.

Uncertain mountains, Huayan stood on the top of the mountain and looked at the dark spots far away, but also looked down.

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