Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1012: It's time to retire

Moxue Palace.

Situ Yi stood by the window, staring at Mo Zhu out of the window in a daze.

Today is his birthday. His congratulations arrived half a month ago, but he has not yet arrived.

"The emperor, it's time to sacrifice the heaven." The eunuch's small house, who was dedicated to serving Situ Yi, received urging from outside and had to step forward to remind him.

"Is the regent coming back?" Situ Yi asked, returning to God.

"Not yet." The small house knew Situ Yi's mind and immediately looked down.

Situ Yi frowned. Is he planning to break his promise?

Looking at the pure blue sky outside, there was a flash of light in Situ Yi's eyes. No, he never said anything. As long as he promised, he would definitely do it.

A group of waiters came forward, waiting for Situ Yi to put on a new dragon robe, and then gathered him to the altar.

Xuanyun Palace, a place dedicated to the ancestors of the Moxue royal family, Situ Yi first entered the temple to worship the ancestors, and then began to worship at the altar outside.

Throughout the sacrifice ceremony, Situ Yi was absent-minded. Until the end of the sacrifice ceremony, he still looked like he was wandering away.

"Emperor." The small house knelt down, holding the crown.

The oldest elder Stuart qualified to step forward to crown.

"Wait a moment." Situ Yi raised his hand to stop the elder's crowning action.

"The emperor, the time is here," reminded the elder frown.

"I said wait a minute." Situ Yi stared, anxiously and angrily.

The elders had no choice but to step aside.

"What's going on?" Seeing that Guan Guan suddenly stopped, the civil and military officials below whispered instantly.

Bei Xiao looked at Situ Yi on the high platform and frowned.

Bei Yiyang also frowned at Situ Yi, knowing very well who he was waiting for.

As soon as Ayaka passed, the sound of discussion underneath grew louder.

"Emperor ..." Under the pressure of the various princes and officials, the small house stepped forward and reminded.

"Get off!" Situ Yi has reached the edge of rage, and before the small house finished speaking, he shouted directly.

The little house trembled, and immediately retracted its head and set aside.

"Emperor, the regent is here!" As the officials waited impatiently, a little **** hurried up to report it.

Situ Yi was so overjoyed that he did not wait for Mo Beichen to come up and ran down.

Under the stone steps, Mo Beichen was holding the **** and got off the horse.

"Brother Chen!" Seeing Mo Beichen, Situ Yi strode across three steps and leaped down in five steps. "I knew you would come."

Mo Beichen glanced at Situ Yi, and his lips rose slightly.

"You're here too, go up." Because of the good mood, Situ Yi was not so displeased to the beaver, but happily pulled her and prepared to go up the stairs.

Just when Baitan felt a little flattered, Mo Beichen pulled her hand and held it by herself.

Situ Yi poked his lips and was not angry, ran to the front happily, leading the two to the high stage.

The civil and military officials looked at Situ Yi's positive look, and it was no surprise.

If anyone can let the emperor serve like a little eunuch, there is definitely only one Regent.

For the woman who returned with the Regent this time, everyone was very interested.

I heard that the regent had just married recently, and was married to the granddaughter of the first goddess of clouds, Bai Qiyuan. I heard that the granddaughter of Bai Qiyuan was not only beautiful, but also as talented as her grandfather. It is deeper, and in any way is very suitable for their regent.

"The Regent King Chitose Chitose Chitose! Princess Consort Wanfu Jin'an!" Situ Yi led Mo Beichen and Baiju to the high platform, and the civil and military officials underneath bowed down in salute.

Mo Beichen didn't look at those hundred officials, he just turned to look at the small house.

The little house immediately noticed and respectfully gave the top hat.

Mo Beichen took the bowler hat and looked at Situ Yi.

Suddenly, Situ Yi became nervous. He wasn't nervous when he just gave the sacrifice to heaven.

"Crown!" The **** sang, and Mo Beichen put the top hat on Situ Yi seriously.

Fresh breath drew into the tip of his nose, and Situ Yi looked at Mo Beichen's handsome face close by, and couldn't help but blush slightly.

This is the only chance to be near him in this life, but he can be satisfied once in this life.

"Li Cheng!" Sang again, followed by the ritual music.

"Long live the emperor! Long live the live! Long live the regent!

"Free from courtesy!" Situ Yi was in a great mood, even with the hundred officials and Yan Yue.

"Xie Xie!"

Because Mo Beichen and Baiju returned to China, Situ Yi specially hosted a banquet on the Mingyue platform to receive the wind for the two.

The Mingyue Platform is built on the Mingyue Lake. Standing on the Mingyue Platform, you can not only see the specially cultivated flowers, but also enjoy the beautiful scenery on the Mingyue Lake.

"The people of Moxue really enjoy it." Baitan looked at the chic scenery on Mingyue's platform and couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

There is no such scenery in Zixiao.

Mo Beichen smiled lightly and didn't speak, only thoughtfully holding her special dishes sandwiched by Mo Xue.

The opposite officials looked at Mo Beichen's gentle appearance and suddenly hesitated.

It has always been known that the regent's temperament is cold. Who would have thought that the regent also had such a tender and watery side.

Only the raccoon seems to be used to being served like this and eats with great interest. Not only do you eat it yourself, you also feed Mo Beichen from time to time, as if you were feeding a pet.

Looking at the loving affection of the two of them, some officials who wanted to send their daughter to the Regent King completely gave up.

However, all the officials of the family who saw Mo Beichen's appearance were full of heart and soul.

However, because there is a little emperor, they can at best only fantasize about it. There were women who had the idea of ​​the regent before, but their end was very miserable. They did not need the regent to do it themselves. .

Situ Yi looked at the affection of the two, and held the wine glass a little bit sour.

"Brother Chen, thank you for coming back today. I respect you for a drink." Situ Yi held a toast to Mo Beichen, and then drank the wine in the glass.

Mo Beichen's eyes flashed, and he took a drink and drank.

Baitan frowned, and took out an elixir from the waist to feed Mo Beichen's lips.

Mo Beichen smiled at the **** and obediently took the elixir.

The tenderness and affection of the two people instantly stung Situ Yi's eyes. Before waiting for the small house to pour wine for him, he poured a large glass by himself and drank silently.

"Regent King, Wei Chen toast you a drink." With Situ Yi's beginning, those hundred officials who wanted to be close to Mo Beichen came forward to toast.

Mo Beichen seems to be in a good mood today, but he is not as indifferent as before. No matter who toasts, he sips.

"Now that the emperor is mature enough to be pro-government, whether the regent should be retired." As the hundred officials acted, a dissonant voice suddenly sounded.

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