Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1013: Grow into a qualified king

The original harmonious atmosphere was instantly stagnant, and everyone looked at the suddenly uttering reputation of King Stuart.

This honorable king is too bold, and dare to say such words in front of the regent.

Mo Beichen glanced at Situru indifferently, but was not angry, but there was some disdain.

The **** frowned slightly, with some worry in his eyes.

This person should be the royal family of Situ, it is not a good stubble at first glance.

"Don't forget the last will of the empress." Seeing that Mo Beichen didn't answer, Stuart sneered again.

"After the queen mother, the regent Wang assisted the emperor to his adulthood. Now that the emperor is mature and fully capable of pro-government, the regent king really should be retired." As soon as Situ's voice fell, other princes immediately took over.

"The Regent has been working hard for more than ten years and can rest now."

Sentence after sentence is equivalent to forcing the palace to make the atmosphere stiffer. There were still people whispering before. Don't talk anymore, even the atmosphere is afraid to panic.

But no matter how unpleasant and harsh these people are, Mo Beichen is expressionless, as if he hasn't heard it.

Baitan looked at Mo Beichen with some distress, and silently reached out and attached the back of his hand.

Obviously working so hard, even bowing to death, without getting a word of good words, he is still being persecuted like this. If it wasn't for the original promise to the queen, where would he care about these powers.

The warmth in his hand passed to Mo Beichen's heart, Mo Beichen smiled lightly, and grabbed Baiju's hand in his backhand.

He didn't do it for them, so they didn't listen.

"Emperor, what do you think?" Seeing Mo Beichen still not answering, Stuart's law finally got irritated and turned to Situi.

Situ Yi stared at Situ Lü with a drunk eye, suddenly sneered, "What do you think? It turns out that Uncle Huang still has a cricket in his eyes, and I am very pleased."

Situ Li changed his face, frowning stiffly, "I am afraid!"

"Are you afraid?" Situ Yi suddenly glanced sharply at Situ Li, raised his hand, and threw the wine glass in his head.

With a bang, the wine glass hit Stuart's head and it instantly broke into jade pieces.

"This Moxue doesn't have anyone who is scared of you by Stuart." Stuart's head was still faint, and a big hat was buckled.

"Don't dare!" Seeing that Situ Yi was really angry, where did Stuart dare to neglect, he immediately got up from his seat and ran to his knees before Yujie.

"Please the emperor, please." Situ Yi's sudden anger stunned the civil and military officials in the audience, and everyone knelt down in trembling.

The **** looked at Situ Yi, how she thought the guy was angry and cute.

The grandchildren kneeling in the front row were all ignorant and confused.

Just now they obviously helped the emperor to ask the regent for power. How could the regent not be angry, but the emperor was so angry.

Situ Yi flew from his seat in front of Stuart's law, and before he responded, he pulled out the soft sword around his waist and reached his neck.

Situ Lu's face was white, and he subconsciously wanted to resist, but Situ Yi kicked it and stepped directly on the heart.

"Emperor ..." Stuart held Situ Yi's leg, breathing hard.

Situ Yi stared sharply at Stuart's law, uttering a stern word: "Don't think that you don't know what you're thinking, your mind is clear, and I'll tell you today, if you are in peace, I can protect you for a lifetime, but if you move your mind unintentionally, you are not recommended to be a tyrant. "

Situ Yi said, with a glance at his eyes and a soft sword with silver light, a blood-stained head rolled down.

Everyone in the hall was frightened, and for a short while they trembled in a trembling voice: "Don't dare to wait!"

The **** glanced at Situ's head quietly, and suddenly felt distressed at Situ Yi.

At such a young age, it is necessary to carry up this huge Moxue country, face various political affairs every day, and even fight with those so-called relatives.

In this swirl of conspiracy after another, there is no room for choice, or even the qualification to escape. He can only force himself to grow quickly. Without A Mo, he might not be able to support it today.

Bei Yiyang looked at Situ Yi's bloodthirsty eyes, and suddenly his heart moved. Obviously childish face was covered with suffocation and blood, but why did he find him cute?

Bei Yiyang looked back, and his face turned reddishly.

Are you crazy? Obviously a little devil, he would find him cute!

"If anyone dares to discuss the Regent again in the future, this is the end!" Situ Yi glanced coldly at the civil and military officials in Voldemort, and slammed the soft sword in his hand on the Jinlong pillar next to him.

"Don't dare to wait!" Baiguan shouted again on the ground. Even the emperor's closest relative, the emperor, is dead and no one is dead, and who dares to offend the regent again.

Mo Beichen looked at Situ Yi silently, and there was a touch of relief in his deep eyes.

It's just that it's not because he protects him, but that he has truly grown into a qualified king.

Mo Beichen suddenly got up, walked to Situ Yi in front of a robe, and knelt down on one knee.

"Brother Chen?" Situ Yimei looked at Mo Beichen with an eyebrow, and instantly felt something bad.

"Chen asked to be removed from the post of Regent King." Mo Beichen straightened his back and said nothing.

Situ Yi's face "brushed" white, and stared at Mo Beichen incredibly.

All the officials of Voldemort were also shocked. Just now King Yu said they persecuted the Regent King without saying a word. Now King Yu is dead, and he wants to resign.

"Well, no, quasi." Situ Yi's eyes were red, and he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

"Li Liu." Mo Beichen ignored Situ Yi, and shouted his head blankly.

Liu Ling knew, and immediately came forward and took out Mo Beichen's purpose.

"The emperor has the trust of the queen mother. Fortunately, she has helped the saint for more than ten years. This saint has grown up, and his heart is comforted. According to the queen mother's legacy, the minister returns to the government and the saint.

Seeing that decree, Situ Yi was desperate for a moment. This was the last thing the mother left to Chen's brother in the past. When Chen's brother retired, he wrote the reward he wanted, but he used it to resign.

"Just!" Situ Yi trembled and grabbed the decree sent by Liu Liu.

"Xie Xie." Mo Beichen stood up with relief, and flew out of the moon platform with the white beaver.

Baitan looked at Mo Beichen's relaxed look, and raised his lips slightly.

This time he really put it down, because he can really stand on his own.

Situ Yi looked at the back of Mo Beichen, his nose was sore, and he almost burst into tears.

He still couldn't keep him.

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