Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1015: Lead the army

Seeing Murong Yu and Xue Qingyu, Murong Shuo's eyes flashed a moment of relief.

Xue Yuen Long also raised his eyebrows, but there was no accident.

"Murongji listened."

Murong Yu immediately knelt down.

"I now grant you a tiger charm, and order you to lead a half-million army to fight for wings." Murong Shuofeng stepped down the jade steps and handed the tiger charm to Murong Ai.

"The son-in-chief led the order." Murong Yu raised her hands and took the tiger charm respectfully.

Looking at the tiger charm in Murong's hand, Murong's eyes flashed a jealousy.

It had long been known that Father Emperor would come out with a tiger amulet, and he had just taken the initiative to lead an army to fight.

"Xue Qingyu listened."

"The minister is here." Xue Qingyu immediately knelt down.

"Seal you as General Dong Zheng, follow the Prince, and seek Shangguan Ming."

"The court leader thanked him."

"Emperor, Wei Chen is also willing to go with the army." Seeing the two men taking the decree, Su Shiran also stood up and said.

Su Shangshu heard Su Jiran's voice, and a moment of relief flashed in his eyes.

Murong Shuo raised his eyes in surprise, and saw that Su Qiran was a sixth-ranking general at a young age. He also saw that although he was young, he was strong and physically strong. At first glance, he was a martial arts nod. I'll call you Vice Admiral and go with the Prince and General Snow. "

Su Shiran was overjoyed, "Xie Xie."

The trio took the decree and led the troops.

Murong Shuofeng stood on the tower and looked at the mighty army. His deep eyes slightly passed the cold killing intention.

Xiao Qi ’s disappearance is more or less related to Shangguan Ming ’s kid. He has n’t gone to ask for him. He has come to the door first. This time, he must show the whole Yunjing people to see that he is not vegetarian. .

When Yun Shaoning heard the news of Murong Ye leading his army, he immediately chased Shiliting.

"Murongji!" Yun Shaoning rushed to the front of the army, and then stopped panting.

"Why are you here?" Murong frowned at seeing Yun Shaoning.

Yun Shaoning looked at Murongyu what he wanted to say, and he was still talking.

"Let's wait for you in front." Seeing the two said something, Xue Qingyu consciously led the team to the front.

When they went away, the two turned over and dismissed each other, and went to Shiliting to speak.

"I'm going to Huaiyi, I don't know when I will be back. If you have any problem, you can send me a letter." Murong Yu pulled Yun Shaoning with a reluctant expression.

"I want to go with you." Yun Shaoning looked at Murong Yue and said his intentions.

"No." Murong frowned, refusing to think.

"Why? I can help too." Yun Shaoning frowned, anxiously.

Murong Yu sighed helplessly, pinching Yun Shaoning's face gently, coaxing: "Danger on the battlefield, I don't want you to take risks."

Yun Shaoning lowered his head resentfully and said, "But I will miss you."

Before he left, he had already missed him, and he didn't know how long it would take, and he didn't want to see him for so long.

Murong softened her eyes softly, raised his chin, and kissed them.

Yun Shaoning's eyelashes trembled and he closed his eyes obediently.

The two kissed ecstatically, and it took a long time for them to separate.

"Waiting for me at home, obediently." Murong Yan leaned against his forehead, panting heavily.

Yun Shaoning frowned unwillingly, but when he thought of it, he obediently said, "Yes."

"I'm gone." Murong Xun pecked at his lips reluctantly, and then re-started, chasing the big troops three or three times.

"You didn't bring him?" Seeing Murong Hui returning alone, Xue Qingxi was a little surprised.

According to the boy's temperament, he must be the one who wants to follow.

"I let him go back." Murong Yue said briefly.

Xue Qing raised her eyebrows. "Either way, the sword has no eyes, but the Imperial City is safer."

After the large troops in the front walked away, Yun Shaoning got on the horse, but instead of returning to the imperial city, he walked to the sidewalk and sneaked into Huaiyi.

On the night when Murong Yu and Xue Qingyu set off, Mo Beichen and Baiju arrived at Zixiao. The two did not return to Wutong Garden but went directly to Jing Hanxuan.

"You are finally back." When the two returned, Bai Yihan greeted him immediately.

"Older sister, older brother-in-law." Bai Ruyue was also there, and when they saw the two returning, they ran out excitedly.

"How's the situation?" Baitan asked anxiously.

"Today Murongyu and Xue Qingyu took their troops to Huaiyi." Bai Yihan introduced them to the study hall.

"Is the soldier with Murongji?" Baitan frowned, a little surprised.

It is logical that such a dangerous thing should not be sent to Murong.

Bai Yihan nodded, "Yes, the emperor gave the tiger amulet and asked him to bring half a million soldiers to seek Shangguan Ming."

The **** was a little stunned, half suona said: "It seems that Uncle Huang is really angry this time."

Mo Beichen's eyes flashed and said: "500,000 soldiers and horses, plus the two of them are enough."

The **** nodded apprehensively, and Murong and Xue Qingxu were relatively reliable. I hope they can all go well.

Three Princes House.

"Abominable, the father emperor is too partial, so he gave the tiger charm to Murong Yu." Murong Yu was so angry that he swung all the things on the table to the ground.

Xu Lingyang was still sitting in a chair drinking tea leisurely, without being affected by Murong Yu.

"Now that the tiger charm is in Murong's hands, what should we do?" Murong's vent was enough, and then he thought of Xu Lingyang.

Xu Lingyang's wicked hooks said, "What if there is a tiger charm, he must return with his life."

Murong's eyes brightened, "You mean ..."

The two smiled at each other, and then burst into laughter.


Hurry up and rush for five days and five nights before Murong Yu finally reached Huaiyi.

"See His Royal Highness Prince, Xiao Xiaohou Hou." Guan Chao, the guard who guarded the city, went out to meet in person.

"How is the battle now?" Murong Ye didn't stop, he went straight into Huaiyi City.

"His Highness rest assured that all soldiers will be guarded by the city walls, and they will not be able to attack the city for the time being." Guan Chao quickly caught up with Qianyi to report.

Murong Yan glanced at the deserted street and yelled, "What about the people in the city?"

"Three days ago, the people all evacuated to Bai Yuan."

Murong Nod nodded silently, and turned to look at the mighty army behind him frowning: "Arrange the camp and prepare for dinner."

"Yes, the subordinates will arrange it." Guan Chao answered, and immediately took Xue Qingyu to the camp.

The camp is in the west of the city. Because Huaiyi City received the urgent documents early in the morning, Guan Chao and others were prepared early, so the army quickly settled down.

In the evening, just after the army had dinner, the horns sounded.

Hearing the trumpet, Murong Yu and Xue Qingyu, who were discussing the military situation in the camp account, looked at each other nervously.

"His Royal Highness, Chilie has attacked the city." At the same time, the soldiers were anxiously beeping outside.

The two immediately out of the camp together, leading the army straight to the wall.

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