Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1016: Northwest War

"His Royal Highness! General Snow!" Seeing the two, Guan Chao immediately greeted him.

Murong Yu walked to the wall and looked at the huge army underneath, her face immediately dignified.


A woman in a battle armor came up from behind.

"is her?"

Seeing Shangguan Quanya, Xue Qingyan frowned instantly.

Murong Yu looked at Shangguan Quanya coldly, and her cold face had no expression.

However, Shangguanquan looked at Murongyu with a fixed look, her eyes were full of obsession.

He knew he wouldn't like her, but she couldn't help but want the moth to catch fire.

Shangguan Quanya took a deep breath and watched Murong Yan playfully yell: "Murong Yue, if you surrender now and obediently become my male servant, I will immediately retire."

"Hahahahaha ..."

As soon as Shangguan Quanya's words fell, a sound of laughter sounded from below.

Murong Ye was still expressionless, as if she hadn't heard her at all.

However, Xue Qingxi was so angry that Su Shiran pulled the bow and arrow in his hand even more.


A sharp sword flew straight towards Shangguan Quanya's brows.

Shangguan Quanya was startled and leaned over, but the sword still scratched her face.

Touching the stinging blood on his face, Shangguan Quanya's eyes spewed out two clusters of flames instantly, "Give me an attack!"


Shangguan Quanya ordered, and all the soldiers in the back swarmed towards the city wall.

"Come down, Kaesong will face the battle!" Murong Min swept at the swarming soldiers, frowning.

"Yes." Su Shiran answered, and immediately ran down the wall.

Guan Chao looked at the soldiers who were desperately climbing the wall below, and was a little uneasy: "Are we too risky?"

Generally, the city gate must be closed tightly to prevent death, but it is better to open the door directly to face it. If this wing city cannot be defended, the defense of Zixiao East may be dangerous.

Murong Yan stared at the army that couldn't see his head, squinting, "They don't fight, why do you think?"

Guan Chao froze, a flash of light flashed in his mind.

Yes, there are so many of them, who have hundreds of thousands more soldiers than Huaiyi. Why did n’t they attack and wait until His Royal Highness came to attack them? Why?

Xue Qingxi looked at Shangguan Quanya surrounded by soldiers and frowned, "They deliberately led us to Huaiyi."

Murong's eyes flashed lightly, with a look of calmness: "The cloudscape is not only Chi Lie and Zi Xiao, so we must make a quick decision."

Xue Qingxi's face also dimmed instantly, and her eyes were disturbed.

Guan Chao was even more cold and sweaty, turning his head and shouting under the city wall: "Give me an attack and kill them all to Chilie."


On the second day of the battle between Zixiao and Chilie, Blue Fantasy sent troops to the northwest, and 500,000 troops attacked Beiyang at night.

Su Wang Murong Jinhong mobilized 200,000 reserve troops overnight to stay in Beiyang.

Su Wangfu.

"I won't go." Bai Qingyan stubbornly leaned over her head, unwilling to listen to Murong Jinhong.

"Obvious." Murong Jinhong held Bai Qingyan's head and coaxed softly.

Bai Qingyan's eyes were red and she flew into Murong Jinhong's arms. "I won't go, I want to accompany you."

Murong Jinhong's red eyes were full of movement. He stroked her head and frowned, "You don't think for yourself, you also have to think for our babies. Qin Er is so small, how can you bear? And babies ... "and babies.

After thinking about her baby one by one, Murong Jinhong's eyes reddened a few more times.

He opened his eyes wide, blinked the tears in the corner of his eyes, and pushed Bai Qingyan away, "obediently, take Qiner and Yuner away."


Bai Qingyan's eyes were red and she wanted to say something, but she was stunned by Murong Jinhong's neck.

Murong Jinhong caressed Bai Qingyan's delicate face reluctantly, and shouted to the door, "Come in."

"Father King ..." Murong Yan hugged Qin Er, and led Murong Yu into the house.

"I will leave it to your mother-in-law, and take good care of your two younger sisters." Murong Jinhong watched them reluctantly.

Murong frowned, and he wanted to stay, but the fainted mother-in-law and younger sister did not allow him to say such things.

That night, Murong Yu brought Bai Qingyan and Murong Yuyu, and Xiao Qiner, and returned to the Imperial City overnight.

At midnight, Bai Qingyan woke up and found that she frowned suddenly on the carriage.

Assured Murong Jinhong, Bai Qingyan glanced at the three children on the carriage, gradually reddening her eyes.

"Sorry, mother-in-law cannot leave your father there alone."

Bai Qingyan kissed them one by one, then secretly got off the carriage.


As soon as Bai Qingyan got out of the carriage, the carriage stopped.

Bai Qingyan turned around and looked at the three children behind her, and suddenly her nose was sore.

"Qin Er is awake, she is looking for you." Murong Ye gave Qin Er with tears in her hand to Bai Qingyan.

Bai Qingyan took Qin'er and coaxed her distressedly.

"Mother-in-law, you stay to take care of Qin'er and Yuner, I'll go back to find my father."

Mu Rongzheng didn't wait for Bai Qingyan to promise, and then directly pulled the guard Ma Fei and ran back.

"Yier!" Bai Qingyan immediately shouted uneasily.

"Mother-in-law rest assured that the elder brother has grown up, and he can certainly help his father." Murong Yuzhe was a little worried about Murongyu and Murong Jinhong, but did not dare to show it, and pretended to comfort Bai Qingyan easily.

Bai Qingyan rubbed the head of Murong Yuxi lovingly and took her and Qin'er back to the carriage.

"Why are you back?"

Murong Jinhong, who was directing the battle on the city wall, was suddenly surprised when he saw the sudden appearance of Murong Yu.

"Mother-in-law is already awake, she will bring her and Qin'er back to the imperial city." Murong Yan looked at the blue magic army underneath, explained briefly.

"Who told you to come back?" Murong Jinhong frowned and stared at Murong Chen. He didn't want to let him be in Beiyang, so he arranged for him to give him away.

"Father, please wait for a moment." Murong Yue completely ignored Murong Jinhong's roar, pulled out her sabre and jumped down the wall.

"You come back to me!" Murong Jinhong was shocked and yelled at Murong Xu.

Where can Murongye hear Murong Jinhong's voice, he jumps into the middle of the enemy and kills him with a sword.

The presence of Murong Yu instantly stirred the blood of Zixiao soldiers.

Even King Shizi of Su went to battle to kill the enemy himself. What reason could they not desperately do?

"You guys, please go and protect the son." Murong Jinhong frowned at Murong Yu, who was killed by Feng Yong below, and immediately recruited Murong Shuofeng to give him Ziwei.


The purple guards responded and leapt from the city wall to Murong Yan.

Murong Jinhong looked nervously at Murong Yu in the enemy's central government, worried.

This silly boy, they have so much difference in strength, even if he kills no matter how useless it is. Now the only thing I can count on is the Emperor Brother. I hope the Emperor Brother will receive urgent documents and send troops to support them immediately.

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