Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1017: First female general

Today's Zixiao Hall is so deadly that all the ministers hang their heads stunned, for fear of being noticed by Murong Shuofeng.

However, Murong Shuofeng was not in a hurry, was not flustered, and was calm enough to make him wonder what he was thinking.

"Northwestern Express, Blue Magic soldiers committed Beiyang, what did Zhu Qing think?" Murong Shuofeng glanced down at Baiguan under his eyes, and said.

There was a dead silence underneath, no one came out to speak.

In the eyes of Murong Shuofeng, two clusters of flames were instantly ignited, and he slammed the dragon chair and shouted, "Are we Zixiao defeated? Look at you, the soldiers will be defeated. If you let the battle go, then we Zixiao Not lost. "

"The minister is guilty." Long Yan was furious, and the ministers knelt down in fear.

Murong Shuofeng stepped down from the jade steps, staring coldly at the ministers below, suddenly angrily said: "Prince went out to conceive wings, Su King died and defended Beiyang, what did you do? Wenxiang nephrite, drunk and dreaming I should send you all to the battlefield. "

All the ministers lowered their heads in shame, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

"Who wants to lead Beiyang to support King Su." Murong Shuofeng swept through the generals, and they all lowered their heads in silence.

Murong Shuofeng was disappointed instantly, and his lips sneered disappointedly. This was his general of Xiaoxiao.

"I will go."

"The old minister is also willing to go."

Snow Yuen Long and Yun Zhijun stand up and call for help.

Murong Shuofeng looked at Xue Yuenlang and Yunzhi's eyes flashing, but they were the only ones, but he couldn't let them go to danger.

Qing Ye went to Huaiyi, he could no longer let the third child take risks, and Ding Guogong, a couple of years old, and two uncles to be fed at home, how could he be patient?

But if they are not allowed to go, what should Jinhong do over there? Blue Magic is prepared this time, and the 200,000 Reserve Army will not last long.

It would be nice if Tingxuan was here ...

Everything was like a giant mountain, and Murong was so full of gas.

Seeing Murong Shuofeng's face was not good, Rong Gong frowned immediately.

The emperor hasn't slept for three days and three nights. Now that she is so strenuous, if she gets angry again, she may be bad.

Seeing that Murong Shuofeng didn't let them go to Beiyang, Xue Yuen Long and Yun Zhixi frowned anxiously.

"I go!"

When the ministers were afraid to speak, and Murong Shuofeng was in a dilemma, a clear voice sounded.

The crowd turned around and saw Baiju and Mo Beichen, Bai Yihan hurried in.

"Girl Tan?" Murong Shuofeng was surprised when she saw Bai Tan.

"Please the emperor forgive me." The little **** who followed came down and knelt down under the jade steps tremblingly. The Lord of the Allure County and the Horse of the County would come in without waiting for his report.

The white raccoon drew a coat, kneeling on one knee, "Uncle Huang, the raccoon is willing to lead Beiyang."

Mu Rongshuo looked at Baiju with a full face, at this moment he seemed to see Bai Tingxuan.

At that time, he also stood up to ask for help when his father was in despair, and he was like a child, and his third child was like a green pheasant. The three of them led the army together, killed the enemy, and destroyed the orange cricket together. , But in the end did not return together.

"I am accurate, how many soldiers and horses do you want?" Murong Shuo gathered his mind and lifted the **** himself.

The **** pursed his lips. "One hundred thousand soldiers and horses are enough."

As soon as the beaver's voice fell, the quiet Baiguan instantly boiled.

"Suddenly only 100,000 soldiers and horses?"

"How is this possible? I heard that this time Blue Magic dispatched 700,000 to 800,000 troops. What can these 100,000 soldiers do?"

"There are too few hundred thousand soldiers and horses. This is not enough for Blue Magic to plug its teeth."

"Hundreds of thousands against 800,000, isn't this going to kill?"

Murong Shuofeng also frowned and looked at Baiju, "Are you sure you only need 100,000?"

The **** chuckled, "The old Uncle and Uncle Xue, and my father could have a lot less. How can I not now?"

Zixiao is no better than Moxue, and can easily deploy a million troops, half a million soldiers and horses already have most of the troops that Zixiao can mobilize, plus this one hundred thousand, the remaining troops available to the Imperial City are not At 200,000, Murong Xu was about to move, she could not put Huang Bobo in danger.

"That's right."

Looking at Bai Jue's self-confident appearance, Murong Shuofeng suddenly relaxed, not knowing why, he believed the girl could do it.

The military situation is urgent, and the three of them can set off immediately.

The gate of the city.

"Be careful." Qi Ziling reluctantly pulled Bai Yihan, his eyes full of worry.

"Don't worry about me, take good care of yourself." Bai Yihan calmly squeezed Qi Ling's small face, as well as being reluctant.

"Can I go together?" Bai Ruyue was pulling the white **** to coquettishly.

"What do you say?" Bai Yihan rolled his eyes before waiting for Baijuan to speak.

Bai Ruyue poked his lips unwillingly and didn't insist.

"You must be careful." The second lady repeatedly asked uneasily.

Bai Ting'an frowned, saying nothing, but also worried in his eyes.

"Relax, we will definitely be back."

The three turned on their horses and quickly rushed to Beiyang with 100,000 elite soldiers ordered by Murong Shuofeng.

At the same time, an imperial decree quickly spread throughout the Zixiao.

"The Bai family is a loyal, all of them are the generals of the generals, the pillars of the country. Today, Baichenger, the head of the Qingcheng County, is a general of the National University of Zhengyipin. Lead 100,000 troops to support Beiyang. "

People looked at the notices posted on the gates of the city.

"The Bai family has another general. With this, there are already five generals in the Bai family."

"This is the first female general in Zixiao. It is not easy to be named as a general when he is young.

"I hope they will defeat Blue Magic this time, so that we don't have to worry about the war and be displaced."

"Rest assured, did you see that Jun Ma was also banned from the army this time, did he join the army? Then Jun Ma was the regent of Moxue. When he was twelve, he was invincible. Now, we must not lose. "

When Bai Qingyan brought Murong Yuxuan and Xiao Qin'er to the imperial city, she learned that the soldiers and Bai Bei'er were taken to support them this time, and her face moved suddenly.

When she learned that Baitan was named a general, Bai Qingyan was relieved and more worried.

This time, the blue magic came fiercely and committed a crime. Tanzi only brought 100,000 soldiers and horses. Even if Beiyang's 200,000 reserve army was added, it was only 300,000. ...

Bai Qingyan raised her eyes and looked at the blue sky.

I hope God can hear her prayers, and Zixiao will be able to survive this difficult situation.

On the city wall, Murong Shuofeng looked at the army that was going away, and finally couldn't hold his breath.


Rong Gong was shocked and hurried forward to support Murong Shuofeng.

Murong Shuofeng grabbed Father Rong, hoarsely and said weakly, "Don't speak loudly."

He cannot fall, at least until the tragedy is resolved.

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