Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1018: Brother's feelings

On the third day of the blue magic siege, Beiyang 200,000 Reserve Army died guarding the city, and nearly half were injured.

Under the city of Beiyang, Murong Xuan killed his enemies to numbness. He did not drink a drop of water for three days, did not squint once, his spirit was highly strained, and his body reached the limit.

As if to see his exhaustion, a blue fantasy soldier raised his bow and arrow at his back.

The sharp arrow flew out swiftly and shot directly at Murongyu's heart.

"Be careful!"

Murong Jin on the city wall widened his eyes and shouted in horror.

Zuo Yutao, who was on the other side of the battle, saw his face change, and immediately flew over, throwing Murong into a hand.

The sharp arrow stunned through the two and inserted into the ground.

Murong Yan looked up with a bit of anxiety and saw anxious Zuo Yutao, immediately grateful.

Zuo Yutao's eyes flashed, without much pause, he fought against Murong Yu.

Seeing that Rongrong had escaped, Murong Jinhong was also greatly relieved.

Looking at Zuo Yutao, who was playing against Murong Yu, there was a gleam of light in his bloodshot eyes.

Watching the battle in the distance, Pu Yangxu watched the two men in the field, squinting and squinting, "their brothers have very deep feelings."

Puyang Bingwei's eyes flickered, and her lips stiffened: "Brother Huang joked and laughed, where is there any brothers in front of the country's justice?"

Pu Yangxu snorted coldly, his eyes lightened deeply: "There is no best, if there is really anything, Zuojia's identity cannot save him."

Pu Yangxu said and looked at Bai Ruoyu beside him meaningfully.

Bai Ruoyu was expressionless, as if nothing had been heard.

But Liyang Bingwei clenched her fists, her eyes were full of worries.

Why didn't Baitaner come? If she didn't come again, Beiyangcheng couldn't help but say that her cousin and uncle would not be able to survive.

Bai Ruoyu glanced at the poor Zi Xiaojun in the eye field, and raised his eyes to look deep into Murong Jinhong on the city wall, wondering what he was thinking.

Zuo Yutao, while playing against Murong Yu, secretly helped him block a lot of hidden arrows.

Murong Ye can't see it at this moment, it's really stupid.

"Thank you!" He looked at Zuo Yutao gratefully, mutely.

Zuo Yutao frowned, slashing a sword to Murong Yu's sword, and approached him in a small voice: "Where is the beaver, the only way you can now is to find the beaver."

Blue Magic and Chi Lie were prepared this time. First, Chi Lie soldiers whipped the wings to lead most of the army of Zixiao, and then the blue magic soldiers committed Chiyang. Now Zixiao has no force against Blue Magic. Now The only people who can turn the tide are Bai Juer and Mo Beichen.

Murong's eyes flashed, Zuo Yutao's words he understood.

Zixiao's strength is not much now, but cousin Tan'er has another strength in his hand. In addition, Mo Beichen is also Lord Moxue. If he wants to borrow soldiers, he may be a word.

However, cousin Tanzi does not know where she is now. With so many battles in Zixiao now, cousin Tanzi may have gone to Huaiyi.

"Remember my words, find Baijuer." Zuo Yutao reminded again uneasily, and then hurriedly pushed Murong Yu toward Zi Wei.

"Murongji, today is your death."

Zuo Yutao shouted deliberately and raised his sword and slashed at Murongyu.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the two Zi Weis immediately dragged Murongyi to the wall.

The sharp arrows like a dense rain flew towards the city walls in an instant.

Murong Jin hurriedly flung out a stormy arrow and pulled Murong Hui back to the city wall.

"Well, let's not be hurt." Murong Jinhong pulled Murong to sit on the ground, and began to check uneasily.

"I'm fine." Murong Xu shook her head and saw Murong Jinhong's white cloth wrapped around her arm, she suddenly said nervously, "Father, you are injured!"

Murong Yu was both distressed and upset. He was a **** man. He was only concerned about killing the enemy and forgot to protect his father.

"A little injury, the father is all right." Seeing Murong Yi blame herself, Murong Jinhong quickly comforted.

"The general just met you?" Thinking of the scene just now, Murong Jinhong couldn't help asking.

"He is my brother." When referring to Zuo Yutao, Murong's eyes flashed grateful.

If it were not for him today, he was afraid that he would be killed in battle. In fact, although they worshiped him as a teacher, they didn't spend much time together. I didn't expect him to help him today.

Murong Jinhong nodded silently. It turned out that no wonder he would just help.

"Father, just now Brother said that we should find cousin Tanzi to help."

Looking for a raccoon?

Murong Jinhong frowned and did not agree.

In such a situation, how can he still let the raccoon girl come over, isn't this harming others for nothing? If he really hurts the raccoon girl, what other face does he have to see Yaner.

"Master, if we don't have any reinforcements, we will support for a maximum of two days." The overlord Wang Zan aside hesitated and reminded.

Murong Jinhong's tightly frowned eyebrows twisted into twists. I do n’t know if Brother Huang has received his urgent report, but in terms of Zixiao ’s strength now, even if Brother Huang sends troops, it will be a sloppy salary.

Murong Jinhong looked up at the red glow in the sky, and her bloodshot eyes were the ultimate decision.

It is his duty to guard the northwest, and even if he kills the last soldier, he will not let them break this Beiyang city.

"Kill me! People are in the city, staying at Beiyang!" Murong Jinhong suddenly stood up, roaring with red eyes.

"People are in the city, and they will stand by Beiyang!"

At the moment, I remembered a response, although weary, but the momentum remained unabated.

Li Yangxu listened to their shouts, and a sneer sneered from the corners of her lips.

People in the city?

Since they wanted to die so much, he let them die in this Beiyang City.

Murong Yuan glanced at Zuo Yutao in the middle of the battlefield, turned around, and went down to the city to find the beaver.

Here, the beavers hurried for two days and two nights, and finally arrived in the northwest.

"Newspaper! Seven hundred miles ahead is Beiyang City." A vanguard rushed to sue.

The **** frowned. "How are things going now?"

"The Beiyang Reserve Army has suffered numerous injuries and injuries, and King Su is still holding on."

The beaver's face suddenly calmed down, as she expected, with her uncle, the blue fantasy army was not so easy to break through the city, but their uncle must have paid a bitter price.

"Aunt Uncle, they're afraid they won't be able to hold it any longer, and we must get over it as soon as possible." Bai Yihan struck immediately, frowning.

The beaver's eyes flashed, and he suddenly raised his eyes and said, "In this way, the elder brother first took the army to support him, and Amo and I had something else to do."

Bai Yihan frowned at the beaver, without asking much, and nodded and led the army to Beiyang City.

"What are we going to do?" Mo Beichen flew forward and sat behind Baiju.

The **** slyly raised his lips, "You'll know in a while."

As soon as the **** raised his whip, he led Mo Beichen to the west and left.

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