Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1019: Qi Yangxu

When Murong Ye was out of town, it was completely dark, and he didn't travel far, and he heard a mighty footstep.

"Who's coming?" Murong frowned frantically, shouting immediately.

"it's me."

Hearing Murong's voice, Bai Yihan immediately struck forward so that he could see clearly.

"Cousin Han!" Seeing Bai Yihan, Murong Yue immediately rushed over with joy, "how did you come?"

"The emperor asked us to lead troops to support Beiyang." Bai Yihan explained briefly.

"Great, you came too soon." Murong Yu smiled happily when she saw the army behind Bai Yihan.

Although it is not too many people in this army, for Beiyang, these people are undoubtedly raining in time.

"By the way, do you know where Cousin is?" Murong asked again, frowning at the purpose of his coming out.

Bai Yihan chuckled, "She is the general this time, and Mo Beichen is here."

"What about her?" Murong Xi was overjoyed, what he really wanted, and he had come before he was looking for someone.

"She said that she had something to do with Mo Beichen, so let me bring someone over first." Bai Yihan said, and smiled evilly: "I guess Blue Magic may be unlucky."

Murong's eyes lighted up, and the heart she had been lifting finally let go.

Both cousin Beaver and Mo Beichen came, and Beiyang was saved.

"Come on, let's go into the city."

Murong Pu hit the horse in front, and led Bai Yihan and went to Beiyang City.

"Father, who do you see?"

As soon as he entered Beiyang City, Murong Yu pulled Bai Yihan to the wall.

"Yihan? Why are you here?" Murong Jinhong was surprised when she saw Bai Yihan.

"See King Su." As soon as Bai Yihan drew his robe, he knelt down and saluted.

"It's all family, no need to be polite." Murong Jinhong grabbed Bai Yihan's arm and lifted him up.

"Father Wang, Uncle Huang has sent cousin Tan and cousin Han to support us." Murong Yue pointed at the 100,000 elite soldiers who had participated in the battle, excited.

Murong Jin frowned frantically. "Here is Tanuki? Who is she?"

"Perhaps they are facing each other now." Bai Yihan looked at somewhere in the dark, with evil lips.

Bai Yihan thinks so well, at this moment Bai Tan and Mo Beichen really touch the blue magic camp.

After observing for a while in the dark, the two finally figured out the law of patrol guards.


A group of patrol soldiers passed by, and Beaver immediately pulled Mo Beichen into the camp.

The two went straight to the granary, and after stabbing the two guards with a stab, the **** put the granary directly into the storage ring.

Looking at the empty granary, Baitan smiled proudly.

They paid for their food first, and saw that they were still mad.

After collecting the granary, Bai Tan pulled Mo Beichen out of the camp.

Soon, countless fires lit up in the camp. It should be the patrolling guards who found the soldier's body.

The **** smiled evilly, summoning Xuantianyan Fireball.

"Give you a chance to show, go and kill their camp for me, see what they burn, don't give me soft hands."

The white raccoon rolled Xuantianyan Fireball, and threw it directly.

Whenever there is a chance to play, Xuantianyan Fireball naturally will not be polite, Sahuan flew out, rammed into excitement, and ignited everywhere.


Xuan Tianyan where the fire beads went, screamed everywhere, the flames soared into the sky.

Of course, the more they shouted, the happier Xuantianyan Huozhu was.

"Your Highness, no, the camp is on fire."

"What happened?" Pu Yangxu was awakened by the soldier's anxious voice, hurried to get out of the clothes, but was suddenly surprised, "How can this be?"

Bai Ruoyu followed, looking at Xuan Tianyan's fireball, who was playing in the air, and his eyes brightened.

Liyang Bingwei and Zuo Yutao, who ran out of the camp, saw the Xuantianyan Fireball, and immediately guessed.

Baitaner finally came, but she was too cruel, and burned their camp as soon as she came.

"Your Highness, it's not good, the grain in the granary is gone." Another soldier hurriedly reported.

"What are you talking about?" Puyang Xu was startled, and yelled at the soldier.

The soldier trembled, repeating with a trembling voice, "The grain ... the grain is gone ..."

"Asshole!" Li Yangxu immediately threw the soldier in anger, and hurried to the granary.

Bai Ruoyu and Liyang Bingwei also immediately followed.

"Who is it? Who is it?"

Soon, the roar of Pu Yangxu sounded in the granary.

Looking at the empty granary, Puyang Xu was fainted.

Bai Ruoyu and Liyang Bingwei are both black lines, which is indeed what Baijuer would do.

"Search me, let's find out the details."

There was another agitation in an instant, and all the soldiers in the barracks moved.

Listening to the roar above, the **** laughed uncontrollably.

Youyang Xu, Youyang Xu, you have today, but this is just the beginning. In the future, you will have good fruit to eat.

Looking at Bai Wei's sly appearance, Mo Beichen couldn't help kissing her.

"Amo, let's go back." Baiju kissed Mo Beichen's lips in a good mood, and pulled him to jump on his horse.

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows, "Aren't you waiting for your heroes?"

The **** raised his lips. "It's okay, he'll come back after playing enough."

What about those people who ca n’t take it at all, let alone say they ca n’t catch it, even if they catch the bad luck.

However, it is really a hero today. Although it did not help much, it saved her the effort to spit fire.

The two rode on a leisurely ride to Beiyang City, completely disregarding the screams from time to time behind them.

Like Baitan's thoughts, Pu Yangxu really couldn't take Xuantianyan Fireball. Don't touch it. It ran into what it burned. When it touched it, it set itself on fire and became coke after a few breaths.

Soon they thought of water, but no matter how much water they poured on it, even the fire it ignited, the water could not be extinguished. The last group of people could only watch it crazy.

Play until dawn, until the entire camp was burned out, Xuantianyan Fireball finally went back intently.

Looking at the scorched black and countless scorched corpses, Li Yangxu was almost mad.

"Cousin Taner, brother-in-law of Beichen." Murong Yu, who had been waiting at the gate of the city, waited for Bai Tan, and when they saw the two came back, they greeted her excitedly.

Mo Beichen was immediately thundered by the phrase "beichen brother-in-law", and the corners of his eyes twitched.

Instead, the **** called a sweet cousin.

"Did you go to Blue Magic Camp? What did you do?" Murong asked curiously as they led the two into the city.

"Of course I'm going to do good deeds." Baitan blinked, and deliberately sold off.

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