Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1020: Already in Baifu

"Father, cousin Taner is back." Murong Xu led Bai Tan and Mo Beichen to the wall.

"How can your girl come to support herself on your own initiative, do you know how dangerous it is?" Seeing Baiju, Murong Jinhong immediately greeted her, watching her blame.

Beaver's eyes warmed, and he chuckled, "I'm worried about you and your aunt. By the way, what about your aunt?"

Baici looked around the city wall, but did not see Bai Qingyan's figure. It is logical that such an aunt could not sit still.

Murong Jinhong sighed, "I let her take Qin'er and Xun'er back to the Imperial City."

Murong Jinhong said and looked helplessly at Murong Xu, "I originally sent this boy, but I didn't expect him to run back halfway for me."

Murong scratched his head, Beiyang was in trouble, where could he go back to the imperial city.

The **** pursed his lips. "My cousin is also worried about you, as long as the aunts are safe in the Imperial City."

Murong Jinhong frowned, worried.

I don't know if they have arrived in the imperial city, and no one has written a letter to him, but now the war in the northwest is urgent, even if there is a letter, it will not be passed unless the documents are expedited.

"Father and King rest assured that there are so many escorts, they must be at the Imperial City at this time." Knowing that Murong Jinhong was worried, Murong Yue immediately stepped forward to comfort him.

Murong Jinhong nodded silently, Yaner Xiu was not weak, they should be fine.

"How is the battle now?" Mo Beichen swept the battlefield under his eyes and said.

"With these 100,000 elite soldiers, Beiyang has no worries for the time being." Murong Jinhong said nothing at all when she was relaxed.

The 100,000 elite soldiers were regarded as timely rain, which solved the urgent need of Beiyang, but there were still too few 100,000 elite soldiers. Even if they could win by one enemy and three, they would not be able to win, at most they could support for a while.

Seeing Murong Jinhong's concerns, Baijue slightly drew his lips. "Uncle, don't worry, since I dare to come to Beiyang for support, I have my own way."

Murong Jin raised her eyebrow at the beaver, and there was a flash of light in her deep eyes.

Hope this girl can turn the tide and turn the tide.

In the blue magic camp, Pu Yangxu was sitting on a ruin in a wolf, and the anger in his heart was like a fire of stars above the ruins, stunned outward.

"Report!" A soldier rushed forward, dismounted and knelt down before Li Yangxu, "Zixiao has reinforcements!"

"What?" Puyang Xu stood up, looking surprised.

People like Liyang Bingwei and Bai Ruoyu also stood up and looked at the soldier.

"How many people are they here? Who will lead the team?" She Yangxu calmed down after being shocked.

"One hundred thousand soldiers came, I heard that General Bai was leading the team." The soldiers immediately reported each one.

General Bai?

Puyang Xu frowned frantically. Is Bai Qiyuan here? Did Bai Qiyuan send someone to do last night?

Hearing the words "Bai Taijun", Bai Ruoyu also paled.

Pu Yangxu squeezed his fist, and there was a shadow of Yin in his eyes.

If there is a way in heaven, you will not go there. If there is no way in hell, you will break through. Today he wants him to come back.

"Come, go and invite General Zuo."

"Yes." A soldier responded immediately and hurried to another secret camp.

Puyang Bingwei and Zuo Yutao stared at each other, and there was a flash of worry in their eyes.

Beiyang City.

"Cousin Tanzi, what did you ask me to find an empty granary?" Murong asked as he entered the city with the white beaver.

The Beaver smiled mysteriously, "You'll know in a while."

"Beiyang was in chaos. Most of the grain in the northwest was transported to Beiyang, so most of the granaries in the city were full. But the people in the city were evacuated. The yards here were empty and could be temporarily used as granaries.

Murong Yu took Baitan to a relatively large empty yard.

The **** looked around for four weeks, and was quite satisfied with the "granary". The yard was large enough and should have enough food.

The white raccoon pulled Murongyu to the side, and then released all the grain in Fengjie.

Looking at a sudden pile of grain and grass, Murong Su was stunned.

"Oh my God, where did you get so much food?"

The **** smiled evilly: "The forage of the 700,000 army is here."

"You ..." Murong Yue looked at Bai Tan with surprise. At this moment, his cousin's cousin's image seemed to be gilded, and he couldn't open his eyes at all.

"Cousin Tanie, you are so amazing." After a long while, Murong Xu was excited. "Did you go to get these grains last night?"

The **** raised his eyebrows proudly, "Of course not only taking the forage, I also burned their camp."

When Murong Su listened, he immediately said, "That Puyang Xu is not miserable."

"It's miserable, there isn't even a place to sit now." Thinking of Pu Yangxu's miserable situation now, the **** couldn't help gloating.

They talked out of the yard with a smile.

Murong Yu originally wanted to find a few soldiers to guard the yard, but was stopped by the beaver.

"It is obvious that there are soldiers guarding. If there are no guards, there are so many yards in Beiyang City. Who knows which is the granary, they can never find one by one."

Murong Min nodded, thinking that the **** made so much sense, even when the guard of the original granary was withdrawn.

As soon as the two returned to the city wall, they saw that Li Yangxu ran forward with a group of people.

Seeing dozens of masked men in black behind Mr. Zuo, Baijue and Mo Beichen squinted at the same time.

"Beaver, you!

Pu Yangxu rode down the city and saw everything immediately.

The white raccoon smiled and tossed the ball of Xuantianyan fire, "how about it, my bead tastes good."

Li Yangxu suddenly red-eyed and stared at the beaver, anxious to strip her alive.

When I saw Bai Tan again, Bai Ruoyu narrowed his eyes.

Unexpectedly, she was already General Bai.

The **** naturally saw Bai Ruoyu, and she hooked her lip corner meaningfully, so she stopped looking at her.

"Regent, the battle between Blue Magic and Zixiao seems to have nothing to do with you." Pu Yangxu looked at Mo Beichen with a dreadful look.

Mo Beichen said expressionlessly: "I recruited Baifu, who is already Baifu and naturally is also a Zixiao."

The people underneath were all black lines for the first time. It was the first time I saw a man who was so arrogant and upright.

"That being the case, then don't blame me for being rude." Pu Yangxu with a dark face and a big wave of his hand, "Give me one, don't stay, kill them all."

As soon as Pu Yangxu ordered, the black masked man next to Father Zuo flew up the city wall in an instant.

Bai Tan and Mo Beichen, as well as Bai Yihan and Murong Yan flew into the air at the same time, and clashed with those masked men.

A dazzling white light came straight to the face, and Beaver was shocked.

I didn't expect that it was only one month, these people even advanced to Bai Ling.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, Baijue quickly turned his eyes, and saw that Bai Yihan and Murong Yue had been shot before they were shot.

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