Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1022: The power of ninety-nine explosive barrels


Xie Kun and Huo Bin first got off the horse, and the two flew to the **** in one fell swoop, and then beheaded.

"The lord of the palace!"

Tian Di Xuan Huang Si immediately joined the battle circle.

"City Lord!"


Yu Zhongjin and Qingqing flew directly to Baiju and Mo Beichen.

"What's up? What about Shengtiancheng?" Baitan frowned as he watched the two.

"Not all of them come here. General Qin Tian and Cao Yue are in Holy Heaven." Yu Zhongjin explained while killing the enemy.

Qin Lang also smiled and said, "City owners rest assured, I still have 100,000 troops over there, nothing can happen."

The **** nodded silently, that's good, she was relieved when Qin Tian was there.

Since A Mo did not become regent, Qin Tian also resigned as a general and went to Shengtian City to manage the army with Qin Lang.

After Xie Kun arrived, the army of Shengtian City soon arrived, and the two armies sieged the blue magic army directly in the middle.

Seeing the reinforcements, Zixiao's originally low-spirited army immediately raised its fighting spirit.

And the army here in the heaven, also soon joined the battle, and did not softly fight against the blue magic army.

The holy-branded army before Shengtian City has undergone strict training from Qin Lang, and now it can be regarded as a true regular army. Although it can't be compared with the elite soldiers with one enemy and three soldiers against Zixiao, it can still be done with two opponents.

With so many powerful reinforcements, Blue Magic was suddenly caught off guard and messed up.

Soon, the original blue fantasy army was in despair.

"Her Royal Highness, think of a way. Once you are under siege, it will be difficult to break through again." An attendant watched anxiously as more and more holy heaven soldiers approached them.

Li Yangxu frowned, watching Zixiao soldiers who rekindled their fighting spirit, angrily clenched his fists.

"Withdraw!" Pu Yangxu yelled loudly without tangling for long.

Hearing the order of Pu Yangxu, the Blue Fantasy soldiers retreated.

Pu Yangxu and Bai Ruoyu also ran outside together.

"His Royal Highness, we are under siege and we can't go out at all." A soldier hurriedly ran and reported.

When the soldiers heard the words, they panicked, and they squeezed desperately.

Puyang Xu frowned frantically, and immediately yelled, "What are we talking about, we have more people than them, and they all give me outbursts, and we must kill a blood path."

The soldiers calmed down a little and began to break out.

However, at this time, the strength of the two sides was equal, and they were surrounded by 300,000 holy soldiers and horses outside. It was so easy to break through.

After a whole day of slaughter, the Blue Fantasy army failed to break out.

Because the forage was stolen, the Blue Fantasy soldiers had not eaten one day and one night. Where can there be any strength to fight, even the horses were too hungry to fight.

"Brother, please send your soldiers for support." Liyang Bingwei frowned, watching fewer and fewer Blue Fantasy soldiers.

Pu Yangxu's face was dark, his eyes flashed, but he still pulled out the flare from his arms.

"call out!"

A dazzling white flare flew onto the black curtain.

The **** frowned, "This is for reinforcements."

Looking at the white flares in the air with a clear smile, Xie Xie smiled, "The princess is assured, we have already arranged this."

The **** looked at him in surprise, but he had expected that they would call for reinforcements? Is it an ambush on the road that must be passed?

The **** is unknown, so Sunny didn't explain much.

It wasn't until dawn that a loud "bang" sounded in the distance, and the **** finally understood what they had done.

Listening to the loud noise that followed, Qin Lang blinked proudly at the **** and said, "How about? The ninety-nine dynamite barrels are all used, enough for them to drink a few pots."

The **** laughed cheerfully. "Which idea is this? Go back and remember the great work."

"Princess Xie (City Master) (Head of Mission) (Gongzhu)!"

Qin Lang and Yu Chongjin immediately responded with pleasure.

Here, the beavers are proud of their spring breeze, and there is no sense in their minds at Puyang Xu.

A soldier covered in blood rolled down from his horseback and watched Puyang Xuxi breathe out: "Reinforcement ... is ambush, the death and injuries are unknown, the Eagle Valley collapses, and the road back to the country ... is blocked ..."

After Li Yangxu listened, she walked backwards pale in a few steps.

Puyang Bingwei and Zuo Yutao also looked dignified.

Bai Ruoyu's eyes flickered, I didn't know what I was thinking.


Beiyang's situation reversed, but Huaiyi's side fell into a hard battle.

Chilie didn't know where to find an army division who knew the formation method. The old man's ease of battle made the army on the side of Zixiao ineffective.

The Zixiao soldiers caught in the counterattack are like lambs in the swamps and quagmire, facing the other's beheading and killing, not even the power to escape.

Xue Qingxi looked at the soldiers who fell down one by one, and frowned, "You must think of a solution as soon as possible, so it won't work."

Murong Yan also frowned and looked dignified.

"I knew this, and should bring him." Xue Qing frowned angrily.

Murong Yu naturally knew who he was talking about, and there was a flash of thought in his eyes.

"His Royal Highness, someone just sent this out of the city." Guan Chao hurriedly went up the city wall and handed a letter to Murong Yu.

Murong Yan took the envelope and opened it, but looked up, "Where is the sender?"

Seeing Mu Rongji being so nervous, Guan Chao stayed aloof and said, "It seems to be gone."

Murong Yu immediately threw the letter to Xue Qingyu, and flew down the city wall.

Xue Qing frowned, took the letter paper and looked at it, and her eyes flashed for a moment, and her tight heart finally relaxed when she saw the content of the letter.

"General Snow, what's in this letter?" Guan stretched his neck curiously.

"A trick to retreat from the enemy." Xue Qing smiled and shoved the envelope into her arms.

Guan Chao's eyes lighted up suddenly, and the spirit suddenly came.

It turned out to be a good way to retreat. It is no wonder that His Royal Highness would be so excited. Their Zixiao lost a few days in a row.

"Let's go."

Xue Qingyu jumped down the city wall with confidence.

Guan Chao immediately followed up.

Murong walked out of Huaiyi City and headed straight for the mountains of Houshan.

"I know you're here, come out." Murong Yu shouted at the dark woods.

Yun Shaoning, who was hiding behind the bushes, heard Mu Rongyu's shouting, and wanted to go out subconsciously, but when he thought of his firm attitude that he let him go back at that time, he squatted back into the bushes.

He just came after it, he couldn't go back.

"You come out and go back to the barracks with me!" Murong Yu softened her voice, as if coaxing.

Yun Shaoning immediately reddened his eyes, but still didn't come out.

After looking for a whole long time, Murong Yu could not find Yun Shaoning, but had no choice but to return to the military camp.

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