Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1023: Is cultivation important, or is it important?

"What about others?" Seeing Mu Rongzhen coming back alone, Xue Qingyan frowned suddenly.

Murong Xu shook his head in anxiety and raised his eyes, "How is the formation method? Is it broken?"

"Broken." Xue Qingxun was in a good mood when he mentioned this: "We not only broke the formation but also set up the formation according to the instructions on the letter.

Murong Min nodded silently, a little more comfort in her heart.

"Would you like to send someone to look for him?" Thinking of Yun Shaoning, Xue Qingxi was also a little worried.

Don't know where the kid is hiding now, is it safe?

Murong Xu shook his head with a look of calmness: "No need, the fanfare will cause him trouble."

Xue Qing nodded sternly, and shouted to control Chao, "The next time someone comes to send a letter, we must invite him to the barracks."

"Subordinates understand."

Guan Chao answered, and he admired the person who sent the secret letter.

"How is the situation now?" Murong asked, frowning.

Guan Chao immediately laughed and was excited. "The fierce defeat of Chi Li, he has retired to a hundred miles away."

Murong raised his eyebrows, and sent the tube super.

"Let's go to Chilie Military Camp." Murong Su suddenly got up and went out.

Xue Qing frowned, "You want to burn their granary."


Murong did not return to the authentic hoe.

Xue Qing's eyes brightened, and she immediately followed.

After Yi Hongxiang, the two sneaked into Chilie Army Camp.

Killed a soldier, asked the division's camp account, and the two dived in.

There were many guards at the entrance of the military division. It seemed that Shangguan Quanya attached great importance to this military division.

Murong Yu and Xue Qingyu stared at each other. Both shot at the same time, and one of them resolved them before they even said anything.

The two directly slid into the camp.


The old man on the bed seemed to hear something and erected suddenly from the bed.

As soon as the blue wolf sword was waved, the old man saw a blue light flashing and went directly to the head of the family.


The two women on the bed were awakened and screamed.

Xue Qingxian glanced at the black head and stared at the old man's unconscious head. At such an old age, the two girls were still at night, and their physical strength was really good.

The two ran out of the camp without touching the two women.

The torches were already lit outside, and the shout of the woman just shocked many soldiers.

However, with the skills of two people, those people naturally cannot catch up.

Shangguan Quanya got the news, hurried to the army's camp, saw the headless body on the bed, and was furious.

Chi Lie lost his army division and was beaten by Zi Xiao for several days. With the formation of Zi Xiao's formation, no one can solve it.

In recent days, the army of Zixiao has raised his eyebrows and exhaled. The bird's anger that has been received before is finally revenge.

Chilie camp.

"How? Have you found someone who understands the formation method?" Shangguan Quanya was black-faced and looked coldly at the Lieutenant General.

The lieutenant narrowed his neck, and Wei Nuo-nuo said, "I found it, but they won't solve Zixiao's formation."

"A bunch of rice buckets!"

Shangguanquan slammed the table violently and suddenly scared the lieutenants under him.

Damn, how could Zi Xiao suddenly be in battle? Is it?

Shangguanquan stared sternly, "What new people have recently appeared beside Murong Yu?"

The deputy thought for a while and shook his head: "I haven't seen any new people, but only Guan Chao and the Snow General."

Shangguanquan frowned, Yun Shaoning didn't come? Is she thinking wrong?

"However, before the spies came to the newspaper, it seemed that Murong Ye had gone to Huaiyi Houshan to find someone."

"That's right." Shangguan Quanya's eyes brightened, and she was instantly excited.

In the evening, just after the trance, a sharp arrow with a note was shot on the door of Murong's room.

Murong frowned and looked outside before taking down the note nailed to the door.

Opening the note, Murong changed his face and immediately flew out.

After a while, Xue Qingxi also ran out after seeing the note in Murong's house.

Murong Yu reached the cliff of Houshan according to the requirements on the note.

"come out."

"Papapa!" A clatter of claps sounded instantly behind Murong Yan.

Murong turned round and looked coldly at Shangguan Quanya.

"You really have deep feelings." Shangguan Quanya sneered and looked at Murong Yan, her eyes full of jealousy.

"Where is he?" Murong frowned, coldly.

"Isn't it there?" Shangguan Quan Yayang pointed at the cliff behind him.

Murong lifted his eyes, and saw that the cliff was helping a man in white with vines. The man was covered in blood-stained white clothes, his hair was scattered, and his face was unclear.

Murong suddenly felt a pain in his heart and was about to step forward.

"Don't go, I'm here."

Sounds of familiar sound like nature sounded behind him, and Murong turned instantly.

Yun Shaoning panted, looking anxiously at Murong Yu, "I'm here, I haven't been arrested."

As soon as Yun Shaoning's words fell, Shangguan Quanya flew over with a sword.

"Be careful!"

Murong's eyes widened and he rushed over, but it was too late.

Yun Shaoning was put on a sword around his neck, and Murong Xu didn't dare to move again.

"Haha ..."

Shangguan Quanya thought she was too smart and couldn't help laughing.

"You black woman who no one wants." Looking at the cold sword on his neck, Yun Shaoning turned black.

Shangguan Quanya stunned her eyes, and immediately sent the sword to Yun Shaoning's neck. "I advise you not to talk nonsense, lest I be stunned, it will be bad for you."

"What do you want?" Looking at the blood on Yun Shaoning's neck, Murong suddenly flashed a distress in his eyes.

Shangguan Quanya sneered, "It's very simple, you dethrone yourself and surrender."

"You're dreaming!" Yun Shaoning stared with excitement before Murong Yan spoke.

The **** woman made him self-defeating, so shameless.

"Less nonsense."

Shangguan Quanya immediately exerted her strength and turned to stare at Murong Yun with a dark glance. "You only have three counts of time to consider, whether your cultivation is important or he is important."

Murong frowned and looked at the sword on Yun Shaoning's neck.



Shangguan Quanya did not give Murong Yu any chance to save people.


"and many more!"

Looking at Shangguan Quanya's tightened sword handle, Murong Ye's heart was about to pop out, "Don't touch him, I'll do it myself."

"Don't!" Yun Shaoning opened his eyes warily and shouted anxiously.

"Hurry up, I don't have much patience." Shangguanquan Ya coldly sang, his eyes were full of excitement.

Murong Yu raised her hand and smashed to the top of her head.

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