Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1024: Die on the cliff


Yun Shaoning was so shocked that he couldn't take care of anything anymore. He shoved away Shangguan Quanya and rushed over.

There was a fierce flash in Shangguanquan Ya's eyes, and a sword passed directly into Yun Shaoning's heart.


Yun Shaoning moaned, and his body paused for a moment.

Murong stared blankly, and his heart stopped at this moment.

Shangguan Quanya smiled fiercely, yanked out his long sword, and then struck Yun Shaoning's heart deeply.

Yun Shaoning flew towards the cliff like a disconnected kite.

"Yun Shaoning!"

Murong Yu shouted and flew towards Yun Shaoning.

Yun Shaoning looked steadily at Murong Yu, and for a thousand years, he seemed to be saying goodbye to him.

Murong Yong flew to the edge of the cliff, reached out to pull Yun Shaoning, but finally missed it.

Yun Shaoning stretched his arms and looked at Murong Yu sadly, as if waiting for his redemption.

Finally, like a sinking sea, he disappeared into the dark.

Xue Qingyu, who hurriedly came to see this scene, also stayed for an instant.

Watching Yun Shaoning fall off the cliff with his own eyes, Murong was so ashamed that he jumped immediately afterwards, but was suddenly caught.


Murong looked up suddenly, and when she saw Shangguan Quanya's face, her red eyes instantly became blood red.

Shangguan Quanya drew Murong Yan, her eyes were full of madness.

She finally killed Yun Shaoning, and she would never let them have a chance to be together again.

"I won't let you ..."

Before Shangguan Quanya's words were finished, she was punctured instantly.

She blushed and looked at Murong Yu sadly, but couldn't say anything she wanted to say, but her strength was not loose at all.

Anxious, Murong couldn't care much anymore. She directly cut her arm with a sword and fell off.


Xue Qingyan was shocked, and rushed to the edge of the cliff, but she couldn't see anything.

Shangguan Quanya lay on the edge of the cliff, watching Murongyu, which gradually turned into a black spot, suddenly laughed silently.

After all, she didn't get anything, even a pitying look.

Xue Qing kicked Shangguan Quanya over, but saw her staring unwillingly, apparently out of breath.

Anxious for Murong Yu and Yun Shaoning, Xue Qingxi jumped off the cliff immediately.

The more Xue Qingyu went down, the more frightened.

The cliff is bottomless, Yun Shaoning has just suffered another fatal injury, and his cultivation is not high. He has little ability to protect himself. It is not good to fall down.

It was another incense stick, and Xue Qingxi finally heard the rapid sound of water and the anxious shout of Murong Yu.

Xue Qing's eyes brightened, and she jumped down quickly.

"Yun Shaoning!" Below the cliff was the mountain stream rapids, and Murong Yu was looking frantically in the water.

Xue Qingyu touched the whole mountain stream again, but there was nothing, and she was even more anxious.

He looked up and saw Murong Yan's almost crazy look, Xue Qing frowned, "The water is so urgent, he should be downstream, we will find it, and we will find it."

There was a glimmer of hope in Murong's eyes, and he flew out like an arrow.

Xue Qingyu quickly followed, and the two went down the mountain to find someone.

One day and one night, the sky became black, and the black and white, they never found Yun Shaoning.

Raising his eyes, he looked at the sky that became brighter again. Xue Qing's face was as dead as a face, and countless frustrations made him unable to breathe.

Why can't they find it? They have come and gone in this mountain stream dozens of times, why isn't it?

"You come out ... I will never drive you away, will you come out, OK?"

Murong Yan's throat was dumb, but it was gentle enough to melt everything.

"We are not fighting anymore ... let's go back ... back to the bamboo house ..."

The gentle coaxing words were dumb, but he was still shouting. He knew he could hear it, and he could certainly hear it.

Xue Qingya's eyes were red, and she looked silently.

It has been day and night, and he hopes that he is still alive, but his reason ...

No, he must be alive, sure!

Xue Qingyu glanced at Murong Yu, who was almost collapsed, frowned, and turned to go upstream.

Xue Qingyu returned from the original road and climbed up to the cliff again.

Shangguan Quanya's body was still there, but the white man on the cliff was gone.

Xue Qingxi didn't think much, picked up Shangguan Quanya's body and returned to Huaiyi City.

"General Snow, are you back, His Royal Highness?"

Seeing Xue Qing's return, the anxious Guan Chao immediately greeted him.

"Take us a thousand elite soldiers." Xue Qingyi didn't answer, and directly ordered.

"Subordinates do it."

Seeing Xue Qing's face sink like water, Guan Chao didn't dare to ask more, and immediately turned around.

"Wait a moment." Xue Qingxi stopped him, and threw the person in front of him. "Hang this woman to the center of the city wall, I will let her go through all her arrows, and I will never have peace."

Guan Chao fixed his eyes and immediately excited, "This, isn't this Princess Chilie?"

This time, the main force of the Chilie army will not be Prince Chilie, but the big princess. Now, their master will die, and the Chilie army will definitely be in chaos.

Guan Chao excitedly dragged the body of Shangguan Quanya away, and soon he transferred over a thousand elite soldiers.

"The matter here is left to you, give me a good fight, if you lose, raise your head to see." Xue Qing looked at Guan Chao expressionlessly and said.

Guan Chao shuddered and immediately knelt down, "Subordinates obey."

Xue Qingyu was worried about Yun Shaoning and Murong Yu, and immediately took a thousand elite soldiers away.

Guan Chao looked at Xue Qingyu's back and quickly chased out, "General Xue, if there is something urgent, how can I find you and your Highness."

"Back Mountain Cliffs."

Xue Qing nodded and replied.

It is estimated that Murong Yu didn't even care about these things, and he could only find him.

Back Mountain Cliff?

Guan Chao frowned, but it was very dangerous over there, how could he go there?

After hanging the corpse of Shangguan Quanya here, the Red Army smashed into chaos, and the Xiaoxiao Army chased after the victory, driving them hundreds of miles away.

On the other side, Xue Qingyu took a thousand elite soldiers down the cliff, looking for Yun Shaoning.

After searching for three days and three nights, I even searched the upstream, but there was no news at all.

Murongyu stood with red eyes beside the mountain stream and stared straight into the water as if she had lost her soul.

Xue Qingxi wanted to comfort, but could not say a word of comfort.

On the fourth day, the upstream soldiers finally brought news.

"His Royal Highness, General Snow, people found it!"

Murong Yu and Xue Qingyu had bright eyes, and hurried to them, but they saw a corpse lying on the ground, covered with soldiers' clothes.

Murong Xu's heart stopped abruptly, his eyes widened incredulously, and his whole body was resisting the body in front.

No, that's not him, it's not him, it's definitely not him!

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