Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1025: Murong Yu

Xue Qingyu also turned pale, and also did not believe that the body in front of him was Yun Shaoning.

The two stood in a daze, and no one came forward.

It took a long time for Xue Qingyu to finally walk over, shaking hands to lift the soldier's clothes.

The corpse was soaked in water for several days, and it had become swollen. But looking at the clothes, the body shape and outline of the face looked like Yun Shaoning.

Xue Qingxi looked at Yun Shaoning's goggles, and frowned immediately.

The goggles are broken and have lost their spiritual power.

Looking at the broken goggles, Murong Yan's pupils tightened suddenly.

"Sir, we have found these upstream."

An elite soldier submerged a sabre and a book of formations in which the characters were immersed in water.

Murong Yue stopped breathing when she saw Yuan Shengjian and the book of formations he often held in his hands.

Xue Qingyu not only shook his hands, but even shook his heart.

He swallowed, pulled off the corpse's clothes, and wanted to examine the red mole on his left shoulder.

Murong pinched Xue Qingshou's shoulders, and said dumbly, "Don't look, he's not him."

Murong Yan said, turned to the elite soldiers, and shouted in a hoarse voice: "Continue to find me, you must find him."


The elite soldiers didn't dare to neglect, and again looked up.

Xue Qingxi shook her hand, gently lifted his collar, and saw the familiar red mole, her eyes suddenly red.

Murong raised Xue Qingyan suddenly, and punched him in the face.

"Don't look, that's not him."

Xue Qingxuan fell to the ground, and Murong Xuan pulled him up again.

"When are you going to deceive yourself?" Xue Qing narrowed her eyes, pushed him away with one palm, and shouted with a dumb throat: "That was the sword you sent him, you sent his goggles, you sent He has his book of formations, and he takes everything you send with him, and the red mole on his shoulders, you know better than me. "

Xue Qingxuan pulled open the collar of the man's left shoulder so that Murong Xuan could see clearly.

The familiar red mole looked into the sun, and Murong Yan's eyes flashed blood at this moment. At this moment, he could not see anything except red.

"I said that it wasn't him, that wasn't it!" Murong suddenly looked away, yelled, and ran away.


Xue Qingxi shouted anxiously, but as if she hadn't heard it, she rushed to the downstream and searched frantically in the water.

"Yun Shaoning, I know you're still alive, you should answer me." Murong shouted hoarsely with a hoarse voice.

Xue Qing narrowed her eyes and looked at the corpse under her feet, and the corners of her eyes suddenly slipped into tears.

"you answer me!!"

Murong Yan hoarsely raised his head and howled, but the only answer to him was the echo of the mountain stream.

Murong knelt down into the water and collapsed her shoulders weakly.

He's right, no one knows those things better than him, the things he sent in person.

The goggles, the edge sword, and the spellbook are all true, even the plum-shaped red mole, which no one else will have, but he still does not want to believe it, he does not believe that he is willing to leave him like this go with.

It wasn't him, it must be a conspiracy of Shangguan Quanya, yes, it must be her.

Murong Yan raised her eyes with red eyes, slammed out of the water, and ran back.

"Where are you going?" Looking at the crazy Murong Yu, Xue Qingyu immediately held him back in peace.

"Go to Shangguan Quanya." Murong flung away Xue Qingyan suddenly and ran out.

"She's dead." Xue Qing frowned, shouting at Murong Hui's back.

Murong Min stiffened, and immediately clenched his fists and shouted: "Then find Guan Ming."

In short, he must ask clearly, where did they hide him?

Xue Qingxi picked up Yun Shaoning's body and carefully gave him to several elite soldiers. "A few of you will take him back first, and the others will stay here to continue to find someone."

Although he had determined, he still wanted him to live subconsciously, and he didn't want to give up.


Several elite soldiers responded, picked up the corpse, and went to Huaiyi City.

Xue Qingxun hurriedly pursued Rong Yun, and Yun Shaoning had an accident. The guy was completely crazy, and no one knew what he would do?

Murong Yu stumbled out of the mountain stream, and ran towards the Chilie military camp.

At this time, the Chi Lie military camp, because there was no coach, so several generals have written urgent documents to return to China for help.

Holding the blue wolf sword, Murong Xuan rushed to Chilie Military Barracks, and shouted at the sight of him, "Where is Shangguan Ming?"

All the officers and men were snarled by him, and all who could not answer were heads to the ground.

The blood-stained blue wolf sword was glowing blue, and Murong Xi waved wildly and violently.

Soon, the entire Chilie military camp was in chaos, and the generals discussing the strategy in the camp were also alarmed.


Seeing Murong Yu, several generals were shocked in an instant. No one expected that Prince Zixiao was so bold that he broke into their barracks alone.

After a drowsiness, the generals were instantly excited. This was really a sleepy encounter with a pillow. They were worried that there was no siege strategy, and they did not think of a way to send them to God so quickly.

"Catch me ..."


Before a general was excited, he was chopped off his head.

Looking at Murongyu who was walking towards them like a god, the generals finally felt a sense of crisis.

"Where is Shangguan Ming?"

Murong Xuan's eyes were red, stepping on his blood, approaching them step by step.

The generals were in a hurry, "Kill me ... regardless of life ..."


As soon as a general had given his order, he was split in half.

"Where is Shangguan Ming?"

Murong Yan looked at them with blood on his face, and stared at them with blood-red eyes, completely like a god-killer.

The remaining three generals were all frightened by him.

"Put, put, put, put arrows ..."


Countless sharp arrows came in like a rainstorm. Mu Rongzhen did not hide, and several sharp arrows tied to his back, but he didn't realize it. After cutting the general with one knife, he turned to another general without sound. "Where is Shangguan Ming?"

"I, I don't know ... I don't know anything ..." The general turned pale and scared his pants.

Murong Min slammed mysteriously, and the general turned into meat sauce instantly.

"Arrow, let's go!"

The last general was almost driven crazy by Murong Yu, crawling on the ground trembling, and screaming in horror.


It was another two sharp arrows inserted into his back, and Murong Yu's body stiffened instantly, but he still did not stop, and a sword pierced the general's heart.

All the generals were killed, and the soldiers were all terrified and desperately set arrows at Murongyu.

When Xue Qingxi arrived, Murong Hui was already like a hedgehog.

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