Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1026: Not far from death

Xue Qing narrowed her eyes red, and rushed forward to wave the arrow rain for him.

"You're crazy, didn't you say it wasn't him? Why didn't you insist?" Xue Qingying looked at the horizontal arrows on Murong's body, suddenly angry and distressed.

Did he want to go with him? He obviously didn't admit that it was Yun Shaoning, but why did Xin Xin die?

"I'm looking for Guan Ming!"

Murong Xuan pushed away Xue Qingxuan weakly, and then went forward with his sword.

Xue Qing had no choice but to stun him with a single palm, then hug him and flew out of Chilie camp.

Feeling that Murong Yun's body was getting heavier and heavier, Xue Qingyan didn't dare to be indifferent, and hurried back to Huaiyi City.

"His Royal Highness! How could this be?"

Seeing Xue Qingying holding Mu Rongying, who was full of arrows, Guan Chao was shocked and the three souls went to the two souls.

"Go to the doctor!"

Xue Qingxi shouted, and hurried Murong Hui back to the room.


Guan Chao was also anxious, and stumbled to find someone.

Several medics rushed to the place, first carefully pulling out arrows for Murong Yu.

Xue Qingyu counted eight arrows in total and became more anxious, "How is he?"

"His Royal Highness counts arrows, loses too much blood, and hurts his heart and lungs, and he is afraid that there is nothing he can do." After the pulse of a military camp, he trembled back.

"A group of rice buckets!" Xue Qing stared blankly and pushed away the medic and rushed to Murong Yun. "What is powerless? Give me treatment, no matter what the Prince can do."


The medics took a hard look at each other and didn't know what to do.

"I'm not ready to boil the medicine yet." Seeing the medics in a daze, Xue Qingyu screamed again.


The medics responded and rushed to dispense the medicine.

Xue Qingxi held up Murong Hui's head and stuffed two elixir that the **** had given them into his mouth.

It seemed that Murong Yu had no consciousness and could not swallow on his own. Fortunately, the medicine made by the **** was ready to be taken.

However, I do n’t know if the medicine is wrong, or Murong Ye ’s injury is too serious. After taking the medicine, he still has no reaction at all.

His face was pale without a trace of blood, and even his breathing was absent.

By the middle of the night, Murong Ye was still at the slightest improvement, and Xue Qingye finally couldn't sit still and wrote a rush back to the imperial city.

Murong Shuofeng received Xue Qingxuan's dispatch and vomited blood on the spot.


Rong Gong was so shocked that he was about to call for a doctor, but was caught by Murong Shuofeng.

Murong Shuofeng clutched Rong Gong's hand tightly, panting angrily and anxiously, "Chun Zhongyu, Zheng Yuyi, Jiang Yuyi went to Huaiyi together, and then sent this urgent piece to Beiyang. Please **** The girl went to save wings with Huaiyi. "

"Old slave understands."

Knowing that Murong Shuofeng was worried about Murong Hui, Father Rong did not dare to do anything negligently.

Murong Shuofeng panted and sat down on the dragon's chair, his expression looked like he was a few decades old.

Heer, he will be fine, he will be fine, Tanuki will be able to cure him.

Murong Shuofeng clutched the back of his chair, his eyes were full of worries.

Three Princes House.

"Have you heard? Murong has something wrong."

When he heard that Murong Yu was unconscious, Murong Yu was very excited and died.

Xu Lingyang raised her eyebrows, and said, "I will tell you another good news. Today, the doctors went to the Ziyu Hall for consultation."

Murong Yan's eyes lightened brightly, and he was immediately excited: "Wasn't my opportunity come?"

Xu Lingyang raised his eyebrows uncritically, and smiled evilly: "Do not move at this time, but when."

Murong suddenly laughed vulgarly.

Father Emperor, don't you want Murong Yu to be emperor? Unfortunately, he didn't die.

Beiyang City.

When the **** received the dispatch, he was not scared.

The news that Yun Shaoning was killed and Murong Xuan was seriously injured was undoubtedly sunny for them.

"How could this happen, Yun Shaoning really ..." Bai Yihan's eyes were red, and his heart was extremely uncomfortable.

Murong Jinhong and Murong Ye are also heavy-faced.

Baijuer shook his head with a sinking face, "I hope they made a mistake."

"I have to go to Huaiyi." Baiju turned to Mo Beichen, Yao Ye's eyes were full of anxiety.

"Let Xie Kun and Huo Bin accompany you." Mo Beichen patted her head comfortably.

Bai Tan nodded, looking at Murong Jinhong and Bai Yihan, "Then Beiyang will leave it to you."

Murong Jinhong nodded immediately, "Relax."

"Be sure to heal your elder brother." Murong Ye also looked at Baiju nervously.

Bai Tan nodded, and hurried to Huaiyi with Xie Kun and Huo Bin overnight.

The **** rushed for two days and two nights, ran to death three fast horses, and finally arrived at Huaiyi City on the third night.

"You are the Lord of Allure?"

He has been standing at the gate waiting for Bai Chao's Guan Chao. He saw Bai Zi immediately greeted him.

"Where is Murong Yu?"

The **** did not dismount, anxious.

"His Royal Highness is in Taiwei Mansion." Guan Chao said as he ran to the front to lead the beavers.

Soon, the **** was taken to Tai Wei's house, Murong Yu's room.

"You're here." Xue Qingyu stood up immediately when she saw the beaver, "Come and show him."

The white raccoon rushed to the bed, and began to pulse Murong.

"The heart is perforated, the heart veins are damaged, and severe blood loss. He is not far from death." Bai Tan said the situation seriously while talking about Murong Yan.

Xue Qing frowned and her anxious heart frowned even more.

Guan Chao is even more cold and sweaty. His Royal Highness must be fine. If something really happened in Huaiyi City, then he would n’t say that his official position is not guaranteed, I ’m afraid he ca n’t even protect his head.

"He did this because of Yun Shaoning?" Baitan lowered Murong's wrist and frowned.

Is it because of Yun Shaoning that he gave up the idea of ​​life and made himself like this?

Xue Qing's eyes flickered and she didn't answer, she only said, "Is there a way to save him?"

The **** looked at Murong Yu who was lethargic, and frowned, "It's complicated, and I have to have surgery."


Xue frowned frantically, not quite understanding the meaning of the words.

Guan Chao on the side also looked puzzled.

The **** took a deep breath and got up and said, "Just cut the chest open with a knife to repair the holes in the heart and damaged meridians."

Heard Bai Rong wanted to use a knife to cut Mu Rongyu apart, and Guan Chao's legs softened suddenly.

The Lord of Qingcheng County is too powerful, not only dare to directly call His Royal Highness's taboo, but also dare to use a knife on him, and she is a strange woman as rumored.

"When does it begin?"

Xue Qingyu heard so complicated, her face was dignified for a moment.

The **** raised his eyebrow. "This must be prepared. Tomorrow, I'll hang some elixir for him tonight."

"It's hard. Let's go rest first."

Xue Qing nodded, and she took the **** to the room in person.

The **** frowned. "Take me to see ... he."

After all, she couldn't say the three words of Yun Shaoning. How could she be reluctant to believe that the person who had been so ambitious had gone.

Xue Qing suddenly felt a pain in her heart, turned and left the room silently.

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