Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1027: heart surgery

The soldiers brought the corpses back from under the mountain, and they were arranged in the western courtyard.

In order to prevent him from rotting, Xue Qingxi specially found rush grass and placed it in the coffin.

Looking at the familiar white clothes and outlines, Baiju's heart hurt suddenly.

"Is it clear? Is it him?"

The raccoon stared at the unrecognizable face, how could it not be merged with the original innocent face.

"When we found him, he had a goggle on him, and also found Yuan Shengjian and the book of formations he often reads, and ..." Xue Qingyu choked and said, "Continue The red mole on his left shoulder is also special, and generally difficult to imitate. "

The **** frowned, and looked at the swollen face again, and finally couldn't bear to open his eyes, "Why the **** did he fall off the cliff?"

"It's Shangguan Quanya ..."

Xue Qingxuan carefully told the **** about the affair.

After listening to everything, Baitan gritted her teeth, and said indignantly, "Abominable woman, I knew she was so vicious that we should have left her long ago."

Xue Qing's eyes also flashed a shadow, if he had known it would happen, he would have killed her while in college.

"Is it possible that it was a trap set by Shangguanming, this person may not be him." The white raccoon looked at Xue Qingyu with a look of hope, holding her last glimmer of hope.

Xue Qing sullenly twitched her lips, "I hope everything is a trap they lead us to, but it's impossible."

The **** looked at Xue Qingyu in puzzlement.

"Shangguan Quanya was dead when Yun Shaoning fell on the cliff. As for Shangguan Ming, he never appeared from beginning to end."

Whether it is Shangguan Quanya or Shangguan Ming, they will not have the opportunity to set up this trap. As for the others, they will not do such a lot of work.

The **** frowned, "You said that Shang Guanming has never been pregnant?"

Xue Qing nodded, "From the beginning, Chi Lie's coach was Shangguan Quanya, and Shangguan Ming was just a cover."

With a flash of light, the **** glared stupidly. "Well, he must be going to heaven."

Leng Yihan is the dean of Fengshen College. If Shang Guanming is going to go to war, I am afraid the first place to find is Fengshen College.

Xue Qingxi also came to understand instantly. When he saw Beaver in anxiety, he immediately comforted: "Don't worry, the heaven and earth are dangerous and difficult to defend, and there are many soldiers and horses in the city. It is not easy to attack the city."

The raccoon frowned and said solemnly: "Most of the soldiers and horses in the Holy City are now fighting against the Blue Magic Army in Beiyang. There are only 100,000 soldiers and horses in the city. If they really start the pilgrimage, the Holy Heaven will not be able to keep it."

The **** said he ran out in a hurry.

Xue Qingyu also quickly followed.

The **** found Xie Kun and Huo Bin and said anxiously, "Go back to the heaven immediately."

They stared at each other and frowned. "What happened?"

"Shangguanming is likely to send soldiers to heaven, and now you immediately go back to Yan Hongtian and Master to help them."

The soldiers and horses who arrived in Beiyang could not return to Shengtian now. The only way now is to rely on Yan Hongtian and the division to respect them.


The two realized the seriousness of the matter and hurried back to the heaven immediately.

"Don't worry too much. There is a Master there, and there will be nothing to do with Holy Heaven and Fengshen." Seeing Bai Zi's frowning face, Xue Qing went forward and comforted.

"Um." Baitan nodded, his heart settled a little.

I haven't received any news from the holy heaven yet. I think it's safe to come now.

In fact, Shengtian City is really difficult to capture. When Chi Lie annexed Huang Qin, he also wanted to eat the fat piece of Shengtian City together, but he did n’t want Shengtian but it was a hard bone, let alone swallow it, even one side. Did not chew it, and finally could only look at the Holy Independence.

As long as the people of Shengtian and Fengshen College have a single heart, it is not that easy for Shangguan Ming to capture Shengtian City.

At night, the **** ate some bodhidan and blood-melting dan for Murong Kui, and went back to the room to practise a lot of elixir to be used the next day, until he was busy until he finally fell asleep.

Early the next morning, the **** changed into clean clothes and went to Murong's room.

Xue Qingxi put all the things that Baitan had requested to prepare on the table.

"Do you need my help?"

The **** glanced at Xue Qing and frowned, "Isn't the uncle Huang sent a few doctors?"

"We are here."

As soon as the beaver's voice fell, Zheng Yuyi ran in from the outside.

They arrived only last night, and they rushed around all night, almost waging their horses, almost here to get their half-life.

Baitan glanced at the three doctors and picked one familiar: "You come in to help me, you two keep outside the door."

"Yes." Zheng Yuyi's eyes lightened brightly, and he immediately responded.

He had long wanted to discuss medicine with the Lord of the Allure County, and this time he must learn from her.

The other two doctors sighed in silence and stood obediently by the door.

Great, the Lord of the Allure County did not choose them, at least what happened to His Royal Highness, they should not need to be buried.

I heard that this time, the Qingcheng County mainly gave an cesarean to His Royal Highness, but they had never heard of this kind of medicine, and they were afraid that it would not succeed.

"Get him a clean cotton dress." Baitan glanced at the brocade on Zheng Yuyi's body disgustingly.

When Zheng Yuyi changed his clothes, Baijue cleared everyone else in the room, and the two really started the operation.

"Go and take all his clothes off." While the **** roasted the trenches, he ordered Zheng Yuyi.

Zheng Yuyi immediately obediently undressed Murong Yu, thinking that Murong Yu was seriously injured, so Zheng Yu Yi took off carefully.

It took the boss's strength to take off his clothes.

Seeing Zheng Yuyi leaving a pair of obscene trousers to Murong Yan, the white **** frowned.

It should reasonably be stripped, but since it is a heart surgery, it shouldn't matter.

The **** fed Murong Ye two painkillers and began to undergo surgery.

The sharp knife slowly cut through Murong's chest, and the bright red flesh flew out instantly, revealing blood bones faintly.

Looking at the thick blood and flesh that kept coming out, Zheng Yu could not help swallowing his mouthwater.

Such a thing, a man is afraid of tremor, but she is so calm, as if she is not cutting human flesh, but a cabbage. Maybe the healing doctor should be her.

"Stop bleeding."

Zheng Yuyi immediately returned to his mind and hurriedly took the cotton soaked in alcohol to stop bleeding.

Beaver goes through every step with great care. This is no better than modern. If there is a slight error, the medical conditions here may not have to wait until the operation is over. He may die on the operating table.

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