Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1030: Control palace

Murong Lingshan took Lvxue and nectar to the Golden Phoenix Palace, but met a guard who caught people everywhere.

"Presumptuous!" When they saw Jin Qiu and Yin Dong being arrested, Murong Lingshan immediately yelled, "Who are you? How dare you break into the Queen's palace."

"Eight princesses quickly rescue the slaves." When they saw Murong Lingshan, Jin Qiu suddenly saw a savior.

"The maid of the Golden Phoenix Palace is suspected of murdering the emperor. We are also ordered to act. Please ask the eight princesses to make it convenient." The guard chief said respectfully, but there was no trace of respect.

Upon hearing the words "Murdering the Emperor", Murong Ling suddenly changed her face. "This is impossible. Is the father emperor wrong?"

When Jin Qiu Yin Dong heard such a great crime, they panicked.

"Slavery is wrong, slavery did nothing?"

"The slaves did not murder the emperor. You eight princesses, please save the slaves."

"take away."

Before waiting for Jin Qiu to cry for a few words, the guard leader let them all be taken away, and then sealed the Golden Phoenix Palace, and no one was allowed to enter.

Murong Lingshan looked at the guards who were catching people in the palace, and the more she thought, the more she felt wrong.

These people were born very well, and those who had previously been responsible for guarding the Jinfeng Palace also changed people. It should not be possible for the mother to replace the guards for no reason.

Murong Lingshan's eyes flickered, and she hurried to the Purple Feather Hall.

Something was wrong, and she had to tell her father as soon as possible.

At the entrance of the Purple Feather Hall, Murong Lingshan was stopped by the guards.

"My father sees his father."

Murong Lingshan said anxiously, and wanted to break into it, but the guards still stopped at the door.

"Who gave your dog courage to dare to stop this princess." When he was stopped again, Murong Ling suddenly became angry, and she was not polite.

"The three princes have orders, and no one can enter the Purple Feather Palace." The guard explained blankly.

"Presumptuous!" Murong Ling suddenly became even more angry. "Why does Murong Ye not let others see the Emperor?"

The guards didn't speak, but just gave way.

Murong Lingshan grinds for a while, and yells a few times outside.

Inside the Purple Feather Hall.

"Is Xiaoya just shouting?" Murong Shuofeng woke up quietly, feeling mad.

"You're awake!" The queen was instantly overjoyed, and her eyes were instantly red.

Scared to her, she thought ...

"I heard Xiao Ba shouting."

Murong Shuofeng wanted to get up, and the queen quickly lifted him up. "What do you think? Is there any discomfort?"

"I'm all right, Xiao Ba, she's all right." Murong Shuofeng reluctantly sat up and looked anxiously outside.

"It's okay, she's gone." The queen was worried about Murong Lingshan, but her face was not revealed at all.

"I hope he's still a bit human and don't embarrass his brothers."

Thinking of Murong Shu, Murong Shuofeng immediately coughed anxiously.

The queen sighed and caressed Murong Shuofeng, "I hope they can be smarter, and they can grow up quickly this time."

"Help me up." Murong Shuofeng struggled to get out of bed.

"What do you want to do? I help you." The queen looked at Murong Shuofeng with concern and disapproved of him getting out of bed.

"I want to make a will." Murong Shuofeng put on a cold sweat, panting thickly.

The queen couldn't beat him, and carefully lifted him off the bed.

Rong Gong also immediately stepped forward to help, the two left and right to help Murong Shuofeng sit at the table case.

Murong Shuofeng shook his hand and picked up the ink pen, and began to write the decree.

While he still has a breath, he must make a plan and never let the villain succeed.

"Where's the seal?"

After writing the decree, Murong Shuofeng found that the seal was missing.

"I don't know, I saw it here yesterday." When Gong Yin disappeared, Father Rong also looked panicked.

When did Yin Xi disappear, he didn't even know, it was a **** thing.

The queen frowned, and her heart became even more disturbed.

"It must be that boy."


Murong Shuo turned white with anger and angrily, and suddenly spit out blood.


The queen was shocked and immediately helped Murong Shuofeng anxiously: "Hurry him to bed."

They scrambled Murong Shuofeng, who was half awake, back to bed.

Here, Murong Lingshan walked halfway and stopped suddenly.

Murong Ye now dares to house arrest even after the father and the emperor dare to frame her mother. If she brazenly interrogates her, he will certainly not admit it, and it is likely that she will also be placed under house arrest. If so, the father and the queen are even more dangerous. Already.

Murong Lingshan grew more and more afraid, and immediately turned to Yongshou Palace.

"Brother Five Emperors."

Without waiting for the court lady to report, Murong Lingshan rushed directly into Murong Yun's calligraphy.

"Little Eight?" Seeing Murong Lingshan, Murong Yun and Murong Yun were surprised.

"Brother Six Emperor is here too, that's great." Seeing Murong Ye also, Murong Ling was relieved.

Murong Yu smiled and joked, "What makes you blush so much."

"You all go out."

Murong Lingshan did not answer directly, but first sent the housekeeper in the house.

"What happened?"

Seeing Murong Lingshan's grim expression, the two finally got nervous.

After confirming that no one was overhearing in the room, Murong Lingshan looked at the two anxiously and said, "The father and mother were placed under house arrest by Brother Three."


They were instantly shocked.

"What does Muronghua want to do?" Muronghua frowned, his face sullen.

"He arrested everyone in the harem and said they were suspected of murdering the father."

Murong Lingshan was impatient now. What she feared most was that Murong really killed her father and emperor in order to frame her mother.

Murong Ye's face suddenly dignified. "He dared to house the emperor and his mother, and thought he should control the palace. It is estimated that the next step is us."

Mu Rongyun was silent for a moment and said: "Now that the emperor is not there, the uncle is most credible above the chapel. We must tell the uncle as soon as possible that the emperor is under house arrest.

"I'll go." Murong Yu volunteered.

Compared to Murong Lingshan and Murong Yun, Murong Yu is obviously the most suitable candidate.

"Brother Six Emperors, everything is up to you." Murong Lingshan looked at Murong Ye with a look of hope.

Murong Nodded his head and looked at the two in anxiety. "Be careful, too."

The entrance to the palace.


As soon as a carriage arrived at the gate of the palace, it was stopped by the guard at the gate.

"Bold!" The little **** who drove the horse immediately screamed angrily. "The man in the car is the sixth prince, and he is not ready to let it go."

"The three princes have orders. No one can go to the palace."

The guard not only refused, but even knew that it was Murong Yun, but he didn't even make a ceremony.

Seeing the situation ahead, Murong Yu hiding in the dark frowned suddenly.

It seems that taking the right path is nowhere to go, and we have to find another way.

Just as Murong Min was struggling with what method to use to get out of the palace, a hand suddenly reached out in the bushes and pulled him in.

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