Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1031: Newspaper report

Murong was startled, but when he saw Tang Zixin, he was immediately glaring with anger.


Just after saying a word of cursing, his mouth was covered.


Tang Zixin looked at Murong Yan nervously, and gave him a snoring gesture.

Murong frowned frantically, listening to a clutter of footsteps outside.

When the footsteps went away, Tang Zixin let go.

"What are you doing here? Go back to the palace." As soon as his mouth was free again, Murong Yi sighed politely.

Tang Zixin rolled his eyes directly at him. "You would have been found without me just now."

"What about discovery? How about they dare to treat the prince?" Murong Yan pouted indifferently, let alone them, even if Murong Chan came over, he was not afraid.

Tang Zixin raised his eyebrows leisurely, and glanced at him coolly, "Not good? But it is not so easy for you to leave the palace."

Murong frowned, stretched his head and glanced at the gate of the palace.

The eunuchs of Yonghe Palace are still discussing with the guards, but the guards have no intention of letting go.

"Hey, aren't you going to leave the house to report? I have a way." Tang Zixin climbed over and patted Murong Yu's shoulder.

Murong Min immediately turned her face down and stared at Tang Zixin with a cold stare, "You overhear!"

"Oh!" Tang Zixin laughed, compared with the fingernail on his little finger, "only a little."

Murong Ye was still black, not at all pleased by her sophistry.

"Would you like to go out?" Seeing Murong Yan staring at her, Tang Zixin was annoyed instantly.

"any solution?"

Murong looked at her suspiciously, apparently not very optimistic about the method he hadn't heard.

Knowing that Murong Ye was not optimistic about her, Tang Zixin was not angry, took out a large bag from behind and opened it, and gave him a suit of eunuch, "Change it."

When Tang Zixin said, he was still undressed.

Murong Ye turned red, and immediately turned around, "Hey, do you have any consciousness as a woman?"

Tang Zixin glanced down at the white lewd clothes in his neckline, rolled his eyes instantly, and muttered quietly, "I am sick."

Murong Ye's face turned even more red when she heard the change of clothes behind her.

He was embarrassed to change his clothes in front of Tang Zixin's face, and moved to the dark place next to start undressing.

"Hey, are you okay?" Tang Zixin waited for a while, but still didn't see him come out, and groaned impatiently.

"All right."

Murong Min pulled awkwardly the **** suit on his body and walked out of the dark.

"Let's go."

Tang Zixin lived in Murongyu's hand and pulled him toward the side door.

Murong Yuan glanced at Tang Zixin secretly, and his heart began to jump unconsciously.

The two walked for a while, and Tang Zixin realized what he found out later, and smiled, "Your face is so red, like a monkey's ass!"

Murong Yan's face was still very red. After hearing her parable, she instantly darkened.

"I didn't expect you to be innocent!" Tang Zixin raised his eyebrows and continued to make fun.

Of course, the innocence that Tang Zixin said did not refer to the false innocence that would blush when holding hands, but to the absence of a chamber and a housemaid in Murong's palace.

Originally thought that the ancient men would have three wives and four wives, and there were a lot of servants in Tongfang. I did not expect that she actually encountered a few who did not wait in Tongfang, such as her fiance Yun Shaoning, and this Murongyi The five princes Murong Yun, even the prince seemed to have no woman.

After so long in the palace, she heard a lot of rumors about the prince and her fiance. It turned out that they were GAY. No wonder the prince was about to marry, but in her opinion, even homosexuality is better than a bunch of women at home.

"You are too vagrant." Murong Yan glanced at Tang Zixin and said politely.

"Cut ~~" Tang Zixin shook his hand away in disgust, and went forward.

What is letting go? She's letting go wherever she goes, old antiques are old antiques, and there are more than 108,000 generation gaps.

With all his hands empty, Murong Min was a bit lost. When she saw her go, he immediately caught up.

The two quickly reached the west gate, but were also stopped.

Murong Xu lowered his head and did not dare to look up.

Tang Zixin stepped forward with a smile and gave the pair of cards. "We are from the meditation hall. We are ordered by the mother of Xu Xi to go to the palace of the Three Princes."

As soon as they heard that they were Xu Yan's, and they were going to the Three Princes' Palace, a few people didn't dare to make things more difficult, so they let go.

Until the palace, Tang Zixin's tense spirit finally relaxed.

"It turned out to be so easy to go out of the palace. I knew I had already left the palace." Tang Zixin Ledidian put the **** hat on his head and threw it into the sky.

"Have you always been planning to sneak out of the palace?" Murong asked with a dark face and glanced at her resentfully.

"Cough ..." Tang Zixin coughed immediately after being guessed. "Well, you have also come out, and I can be regarded as a gift to you. Let's clear it up, let's just say goodbye."

Tang Zixin smiled and waved his hand towards Murong Xu, and wanted to slip away.

Where did Murong Ye let her run, she caught her back with one hand.

Tang Zixin immediately struggled, but after a long struggle, Murong Yun was not relaxed, she could only collapse her shoulders and stared at him, "What do you want?"

"You are still my maid, not a month away." Murong said with confidence.

Tang Zixin immediately stared unwillingly, "I have come up with a solution myself, and why should I be your maid?"

"The eldest husband is too difficult to chase after a word."

Murong Yu didn't want to talk nonsense with her, she walked forward holding her.

"I'm not my husband. I'm a **** now."

Tang Zixin yelled suddenly, but Murong Yan turned a deaf ear.

Murong Yi directly held Tang Zixin around Xuefu before finally putting Tang Zixin down.

"Sure enough, someone is staring here." Murong Yan frowned, looking at a few dark whistle in the corner.

"What then?" Tang Zixin squatted on the ground, his probe peeping out.

Murong Xu glanced down at Tang Zixin and suddenly said, "Take off your clothes."


Tang Zixin frowned frantically and clenched his **** clothes subconsciously.

The **** served the eyes too much, and the two went to the clothing store and bought two burlap linens, and went to buy a basket of vegetables.

After entering the kitchen and putting the dishes, the two secretly went to the front hall, but happened to meet the Xuefu housekeeper.

"I want to see you Xuehouye."

Murong Yu directly pulled out his waistband.

"His Royal Highness Six."

The housekeeper knew Murong Ye, and quickly saluted him, and hurriedly took him to the study. "Houye, the six princes asked for a meeting."

Xue Yuen Long lifted his eyes and saw Mu Rongzhen in a strange costume. He suddenly froze in his heart and frowned, "But something happened to the emperor?"

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