Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1033: Treason

Looking at the guard who rushed in, Bai Ruyue was startled, and quickly pulled Qi Ziling behind him, yelling, "Who gave you the courage? How dare you break into Baifu."

Hearing the movement, the second lady and Bai Tingan also hurried out.

The guards, without a word, split directly into two teams and surrounded Bai Ruyue in groups.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" Bai Tingan looked at the guards and asked, frowning.

No one answered Bai Tingan, and Bai Ruyue suddenly shouted to the door: "Murong, you're out, I know you're here."

"Slap! Slap!"

With two loud slaps of applause, Murong Yu slowly walked in from the outside.

Seeing Murong Yu, Qi Ziling's face suddenly changed.

Both Bai Ting'an and Mrs. Er frowned.

"Sister Bai, she's really smart." Murong looked at Bai Ruyue with an evil smile, but did not look at Zi Ling at all.

"I don't know what crime I have committed in Baifu. I need to worry that His Royal Highness His Royal Highness has broken into my Baifu so much." Bai Ruyue glared at Murong Yue with a black face and questioned coldly.

Murong's eyes flickered, and Xie Xie raised her eyebrows. "Bai Yihan was treasonous against the enemy. How about this count?"

In a word, Qi Ziling and his wife changed their faces at the same time.

Bai Ruyue was furious and pointed at Murong Yu, "You have less blood to spit people, what evidence do you have that my elder brother is an enemy of treason."

The second lady also said sternly: "My Bai family is full of loyalty and there is no treason, please be careful with the three princes."

"Loyal and unfaithful, you will not know until the prince has searched it." Murong Yu looked at Bai Ruyue and Mrs. Evilly and raised her hand with a wave.

The guards rushed in and searched immediately.

Perhaps it was because of the fear of Master Bai and Baijuer, they did not search Xifu, they only searched in Dongfu.

Soon a guard ran over with a letter, "His Highness Qi Qi, searched a treason letter from Bai Yihan's study."

The Bai family suddenly turned pale.

Murong lifted the letter of treason in the guard's hand, and raised his eyebrows, "This is the evidence that Bai Yihan was treasonable by the enemy!"

"Murongji, you mean!"

Bai Ruyue stared at Murong Yan fiercely, this mean and shameless villain was almost shameless.

Mu Rongyun's face suddenly cooled down, glancing glanced at Bai Ruyue, waving his hand: "Bai Yihan passed the treason and took the Bai family to the Prince."

The guard rushed forward immediately and set up Bai Ruyue them.


Qi Ziling, who was guarded by Bai Ruyue, yelled, rushed to Murong Yan in one step, snatched the letter in his hand, and shattered it.

Qi Ziling's hand lifted, and the shattered piece of paper floated down like snow in June.

"Your purpose is me, don't embarrass them." Qi Ziling looked at Murong Yu expressionlessly, coldly.

Murong Yan glanced at Qi Ziling across the paper, and finally waved his hands, letting the guards release Bai Ruyue them.

"Can I change clothes?"

Murong Hui lifted his chin indifferently, Qi Ziling turned and returned to Jing Hanxuan.

Qing Shuang looked anxiously at Qi Ziling, "Miss, do you really want to go with the third prince?"

Qi Ziling's eyes flashed lightly, and he sighed, "What can you do without leaving? Now that your aunt is away, how can the old and weak women and children in this room fight with that person."


Before Qing Shuang was worried, she was interrupted by Qi Ziling. "Bai's room is clear and loyal, and you can't be tarnished by my reputation."

She couldn't let Yi Han bear the charge of treason for the enemy, absolutely not.

Qingshuang and Yulu both looked at Qi Ziling anxiously.

The reputation of the Bai family is preserved, but what about the reputation of the lady?

Qi Ziling didn't think that much, and took the purple satin garment and a dagger left by Bai Yihan in the cage.

"Just rest assured, I will try my best to deal with him, it's impossible ..."

Qi Ziling frowned and looked at the dagger in his hand.

Qingshuang and Yulu instantly reddened their eyes, and the two silently stepped forward to change Qi Ziling's Aster costume.

When Qi Ziling returned to the main hall again, the utterly charming posture instantly fascinated everyone.

Murong Yu looked at Qi Ziling infatuatedly, as if she had lost her soul.

Seeing that Zi Ziling was wearing the Aster costume, Bai Ruyue suddenly had a sore nose, and the sister-in-law was determined to go.

Murong Hui returned to God and very diligently led Qi Ziling to the sedan.

Looking at the soft car that had been prepared for a long time, Qi Ziling's eyes narrowed slightly, and he got on the soft car silently.

Seeing this, Bai Ruyue chased out quickly, "Xunzi, I'll go with you."

Murong Yi glanced coldly at Bai Ruyue: "Do you think that the three princes and cats can go in if you want to go in. If you don't want to stay in Baifu, you can go to the prison for two days."

"You ..." Bai Ruyue suddenly became dark.

"Let's go."

The soft voice from the soft sedan immediately made Murong Yu out of the fire.

Murong Yu stopped paying attention to Bai Ruyue, took another soft car, and went away.

"sister in law!"

Bai Ruyue looked at the soft car that was far away, and suddenly shouted sadly.

The wicked villain Murong has been treating Xunzi for a long time, and Xunzi's journey must be extremely difficult.

Thinking of Qi Ziling's resolute appearance just now, Bai Ruyue ran back to the room in shock.

She must inform her brother about the sister-in-law's affairs as soon as possible, and Murong Hui can cover the sky in the imperial city, which is also unusual.

Bai Ruyue wrote the dispatch urgently and tied it to the feet of the iron eagle trained by the Bai family.

The second lady looked at the iron eagle in the air and frowned, "Have you written to your brother?"


Bai Ruyue gave an anxious anxiety. If the elder brother knew that Murong Ye had taken his sister-in-law, he would have flew back. The battle ahead was tight, and she did not know whether this was right or wrong.

The second lady sighed softly: "That's all right, I hope your sister-in-law will do nothing wrong."

Bai Ruyue's eyes flickered, and she turned to look at the second lady comfortingly: "Don't worry too much, mother-in-law, and the sister-in-law is smart, and nothing will happen."

"I hope so." Bai Ruyue's words did not comfort the second lady.

Bai Ruyue looked up in the air and was worried.

Sister-in-law, you have to hold on. Brother must be back soon.

What the two didn't know was that the iron eagle who sent the letter had not even flew out of the imperial city before being shot down and sent to the Three Princes' Palace.

Murong Ye looked at the note sent by the guard, and there was a sneer in his eyes.

It's too naive to want to report, not to mention that Bai Yihan didn't return from his life. Even if he returned, he would make him dead.

Murong squeezed it suddenly, crushed the letter to ashes, and said sternly: "Continue to monitor, no one is allowed to approach Baifu."


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