Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1034: Who's here?

Outside the third prince's palace, outside Lingxin Pavilion, a few beautifully dressed women were standing outside the courtyard and talking about something.

"I heard that Her Royal Highness brought a woman back and lived in Lingxin Pavilion. Is it true?"

"It's still fake. People are inside right now. Would you like to see it?"

"You want to kill me, who doesn't know that this Lingxin Pavilion is a forbidden place in the government, and even Her Highness Fu, who is so spoiled, cannot enter.

"Who is such a capable person that he can live in the Lingxin Pavilion."

"Can anyone else be the one who has been longing for His Highness?"

"You mean ... but didn't she marry into Baifu?"

"The hall is down!"

Just when a few women talked vigorously, Murong arrived.

"See Your Highness."

When they saw Murong Yong, a few people snorted immediately, all of them saluted tremblingly.

However, Murong Yu didn't see them, with a smile on her face, and entered the Lingxin Pavilion without anyone.

Collectively neglected, the women were all wronged, but they had no choice but to leave each other dullly.

After several people left, Fu Ruoshi came out from the dark.

She fixedly looked at the unusually chic Lingxin Pavilion in front of the repair, her eyes dazzling.

"Ma'am, don't worry too much, Your Highness will be fresh at this moment, and his heart is still with you." Seeing Fu Ruoshi's anxiety, Yuzhu immediately comforted softly.

Fu Ruoshi heard a bitter smile and said, "You are wrong, he has no heart."

He spoils her, but she never thinks that his heart is with her, and the people in this spiritual heart are afraid that it is only his obsession, his heart is no longer a woman, or He has no heart at all.

Yuzhu frowned. Although she didn't understand the meaning of Fu Ruoshi, she didn't dare to ask more.

"No matter how prosperous and chic, it's just a cage for her, and I'm the same." Fu Ruoshi looked at the Lingxin Pavilion, suddenly said something meaningful, and turned away.

In Lingxin Pavilion, Qi Ziling sat alone by the window and looked silently into the distance.

All the maids on the side stood far away, afraid to step forward.

"See Your Highness."

When she saw Murong come over, the maids bowed down and saluted immediately.

Qi Ziling's back was stiff, but he didn't look back.

Murong Xu waved his hand, and the maids immediately bowed down with interest.

Looking at Qi Ziling sitting by the window, Murong Yan's heart seemed to settle down.

He walked over and tried to pinch her shoulders, but she jumped from the windowsill to the ground like a frightened kitten.

Murong Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he squeezed his fists secretly, pretending to laugh easily: "Are they not waiting to serve, or should they call Qingshuangyulu?"

"No need, it's good." Qi Ziling refused to think about it, but he was unknown whether he could kill others.

Looking at Qi Ziling's stubborn look, Murong Yan's heart warmed, his eyes suddenly became dark, he stepped forward, holding Qi Ziling's hand, "Linger ..."

"The three princes, please take care of yourself." Qi Ziling jumped, quickly shake off his hand, took a few steps back, stood at the door of the room and watched him vigilantly.

Murong Min immediately lowered her face, watching her vigilant look, and said with a grim expression: "Don't pretend to be high-minded, you should come to me and think of the result.

Murong Yan said, and flew towards Qi Ziling.

"do not come."

Qi Ziling was frightened, and immediately screamed and reached for his neck with a dagger.

Murong paused, his face terribly gloomy.

"Qi! Purple! Spirit!"

The angry roar rang through the entire Lingxin Pavilion, and all the maids outside the house were shocked.

Soon, Murong Xuan came out of the house in anger, and went out of Lingxin Pavilion without looking back.

Until Murong Yuan went away, Qi Ziling loosened his dagger and collapsed on the door frame.

She raised her eyes and looked northwest, her eyes became red.

She didn't know how long she could last, she missed him, even if it was just a voice, a word.


Beiyang City.

Bai Yihan stood on the city wall and frowned.

I don't know why, he always feels upset.

"Cousin Han, how's it going?" Murong Yue climbed up the wall and patted Bai Yihan's shoulder.

Bai Yihan went back to God, watching the situation below him and said, "It's almost there, it should be closed in two days at most."

Ever since the road in the Flying Eagle Valley was blown up, the way out of Blue Magic was completely sealed off. Pu Yangxu, let alone move the soldiers, even the only retreat is gone.

Coupled with the stolen forages before, these Blue Fantasy soldiers are now at the end of the crossbow. I am afraid they will be starved to death even if they do not fight the battlefield.

On the other hand, they have enough to eat and drink. Even without a break, they are all energetic, especially now that the war is in Czech Republic, they are even more aggressive.

"I think it's only the past two days." Murong Ye also disappeared from the tension before, and looked at Bai Yihan with a smile and said, "Han cousin, you go to rest and change it for me."

"Um." Bai Yihan responded, and said with a frown, "It's really lacking."

I don't know what happened recently, I always think about it, I always feel like something is going to happen.

Just as Bai Yihan turned around, he heard the sound of horseshoes in the distance.

He frowned, and turned quickly.

Looking at the dusty scene of ten thousand horses in front of them, the two were shocked at the same time.

Murong Su quickly pulled aside the soldiers and said anxiously, "Go and inform Wang Ye and the army division that an unknown army is coming."

The soldier heard the order and ran down the wall immediately.

Suddenly fighting Yangyang Xu and Zuo Yutao, they also heard the sound of horseshoes, looked at the army rushing towards them, and the blue magic soldier with a heart ashamed suddenly saw the hope of life.

"Is the Father Emperor sending soldiers?" Liyang Bingwei was also delighted, and immediately rejoiced.

"Haha ..." Puyang Xu burst out laughing loudly, "God open his eyes, we are finally saved."

Instead, Zuo Yutao stared at the soldiers in the dust with a frown on his face, and said with a stern expression: "Don't be happy too early, you don't know if the enemy is a friend?"

The Flying Eagle Valley was blown up. It is very unlikely that there will be a rescue in the blue fantasy side. Chilie is also fighting, and it is unlikely to be Chilie. The remaining barley and Mo Xue are with the beavers. The relationship is not shallow, and even if they come, they may not help them.

In a word, the atmosphere of joy was washed away in an instant. According to their current situation, if they are friends, there is still salvation, if they are enemies, they are really dead.

"Who the **** is it?" Murong Min looked at the approaching army and raised it nervously.

"It's a barberry."

I don't know when Mo Beichen and Murong Jinhong have reached the city wall. He squinted and looked at the army in front, surely.

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