Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1035: Robbery while fire


Murong frowned frantically, and her heart became even more tense.

Qing Ye came in at this time, was he here to help, or was he robbed in the fire?

The army was approaching, and everyone finally saw the green flag.

"Is this a young man?"

Seeing the same female soldier, Li Yangxu "suckled" for a moment, and immediately had a bad feeling.

Puyang Bingwei and Zuo Yutao also frowned.

"It's them." Murong Jinhong also frowned, shouting in the direction of those people: "My King is Zixiao Su Wang Murong Jinhong, I don't know who is leading the army ahead?"

Hearing Murong Jinhong's shout, a gray-haired female general came out of the army opposite him, "Shu Yuan has seen Lord Su."

Hearing the word "Shu Yuan", Murong looked subconsciously around the old general, and sure enough, she saw Shu Ye in the left side of the back row.

Obviously, Shu Min also saw Murong Rong, but she only glanced at him silently, but did not open her eyes.

Murong frowned, and immediately felt uneasy.

"It turned out to be Shu's homeowner, and he has long been famous." Murong Jinhong narrowed his eyes and said calmly, "I don't know what Lao Shu intends to bring me to Beiyang City this time?"

Shu Yuan didn't answer, only raised his hand silently.

The green soldiers moved instantly and set up the Zixiao Army.

At this moment, everyone was embarrassed, including the rescued Blue Fantasy soldiers, and they were all silly, staring blankly at the qingren people.

What's the matter? Did these young soldiers come to rescue them?

On the wall, the faces of Mo Beichen, Bai Yihan and others cooled down instantly.

Murong Jinhong shouted angrily: "What does Shu Lao mean?"

"Old man is also obliged to act, please also ask King Su to stop seeing strangeness." Shu Yuan glanced at Murong Jinhong with an expressionless expression, and made a "war" gesture.

In an instant, Kung Fu soldiers joined the battle and fought with soldiers from Zixiao and Heaven.

The blue fantasy soldiers had a chance to breathe, but the green soldiers did not mean to share their forages.

Several times after Li Yangxu sent someone to ask for it, the Qingye soldiers delivered food only for a few people.

Of course, these foods must have been in the mouths of Puyang Xu, Bai Ruoyu and Puyang Bingwei.

With the addition of these new forces of Qingying, the war situation once again leaned to the side of Blue Fantasy.

In the evening, the main house of Beiyang City.

"What does this young empress mean?" Murong Jinhong sat in the first place, lamenting again and again.

If there were no green crickets entering, they would soon be able to catch Li Yangxu alive and attack the blue magic nest.

Mo Beichen's eyes flashed and solemnly said: "Obviously, the three kingdoms made an agreement in the morning to annex Zixiao together."

Qing Qin should not have promised to send troops now, but he would deliberately wait until everyone was defeated and then sent soldiers, so maybe he could kill two birds with one stone and wait for the blue sky with the blue fantasy, and maybe he could destroy the blue fantasy together. I have to say that the empress of Qinghai is by no means a simple character.

"Damn!" Murong Jinhong patted the table in anger, anxious.

Now that Qingye is in the battle, they are afraid that Zixiao is over.

"Don't worry, maybe there is another way." Seeing Murong Jinhong anxious, Bai Yihan frowned and comforted.

"Hey!" Murong Jinhong sighed, worried: "What else can we do? Everyone wants to swallow Zixiao, and all the soldiers we can send out, even the raccoon girl transferred the soldiers and horses of the heaven Here, where else can I go? "

Murong Jinhong said, suddenly looking at Mo Beichen.

Bai Yihan also looked forward to Mo Beichen with anticipation. It turned out to be only the battle between Zixiao and Chilie. Now Lanhuang and Qingyu are involved. The three kingdoms besieged together. Now, except Mo Xue, no one can save They are out.

Knowing what they meant, Mo Beichen said blankly: "Mo Xue will not participate in any war, and they will not send troops."

Both were a little disappointed when they heard what they said, but they understood.

At the beginning of the Seven Kingdoms War, everyone was battered in the end, and Mo Xue could stand up for the fishermen to gain, but they didn't mean anything to participate.

Mo Beichen went to the window, looked up at Mo Xue's direction, and frowned slightly.

If he sent a letter for help, he would definitely send him troops, but he didn't want to do that, he had no relationship with Mo Xue.

Outside the room, Murong Yan listened to the conversation of several people, secretly squeezed his fists, turned and ran out.

Green Camp.

Shu Zheng was **** and wanted to sleep, but what he felt instantly, he quickly put on his clothes and shouted, "Who?"

"It's me." Murong Yue came out of the dark.

Seeing Murong Yan, his eyes widened Shu Shu.

"Shu Shen, what's the matter?" The soldier asked in a worried voice outside.

Shu Huan calmly said, "It's okay, I'm backing down."


Hearing the footsteps of the soldiers going away, Shu Xun stepped forward and looked at Murong Xuan, frowning, "What are you doing here, do you know this is dangerous?"

"Why?" Murong looked fixedly at Shu Yan, eyes full of tangled and distressed.

Why did she bring soldiers to attack Beiyang? He could accept anyone to attack Beiyang, but he could not accept her alone.

Shu Yan lowered his eyes and collapsed his shoulders helplessly, "I don't want to, but the emperor's life is hard to violate, even my grandmother can't resist, let alone me."

She didn't want to come, but what could she do?

"If your emperor asked you to attack Qingyou, would you fight or not?" Shu Shu raised his eyes and suddenly left the problem to Murong Yun.


Murong froze for a moment, he didn't know how to answer?

He could not disobey the orders of the uncle Huang, but he did not want to attack her country.

Seeing that he couldn't answer it, Shu Min shrugged and said, "That's it, you don't know what to do?"

Murong frowned and frowned.

"Don't worry too much, Your Royal Highness is still working for you, and there is still room for turning around." Seeing Murong Su worried, Shu Yi comforted.

Murong Min nodded silently, "I hope so."

I hope they will have a clear day.

"The kid doesn't know where to go?" Murong Jinhong worried on the wall.

"He'll be back." Mo Beichen glanced quietly at the direction of Qingying Camp.

Murong Jin suddenly knew where Murong Ye had gone, and at the same time she frowned and said, "I don't know how the girl Tanuki is going? She's gonna be fine."

"He will be fine." She will not let him be fine.

Murong Jinhong sighed, "Hey, now I can only hope that they can eliminate Chilie as soon as possible and come to the rescue."

Mo Beichen looked at the Qingying camp again and suddenly said, "Why do you think Qingying only sent so many soldiers and horses?"

"What do you mean?" Murong Jinhong flashed something in her head for a moment, her face turned pale.

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