Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1037: Is it Yun Shaoning?

After leaving the Western Court, the four gathered to Murong's room again.

The **** stared at Murong Yan's bloodless face and bit his lip. "Hit it, Uncle Huang is waiting for him to come back for help."

"You're here." Xue Qing frowned and shoved quickly.

Just when Murong Yu and Tang Zixin didn't know why, they saw that the white raccoon came forward with their sleeves.

A "bang" punch slammed into Murong Yan's face steadily.

Seeing that Murong Yu still had no response, Baitan suddenly gave another punch.

Murong Yu and Tang Zixin suddenly widened their eyes with amazement.

No, this person is half dead, and she can really do it.

White **** punched left and right, not to mention Murong Yu and Tang Zixin, even Xue Qingyu couldn't bear it.

At this time, Murong Yu was immersed in the beautiful dreams of him and Yun Shaoning.

In the setting sun, the two sat quietly fishing near the stream near the bamboo house.

"Hooked!" The bamboo pole moved lightly, and Yun Shaoning immediately lifted the bamboo pole with joy.

"What a big fish!" Yun Shaoning happily held a cheerful stream fish to this side.

Murong Yu took the fishing basket and wanted to pack the fish, but suddenly the mountain swayed, the original creek slumped into a cliff, and Yun Shaoning, who was standing by the cliff, fell down instantly.

"Yun Shaoning!"

Murong Yu was so horrified that he jumped off the cliff like crazy and caught Yun Shaoning's hand.

"Caught it, I caught it this time." Murong Yan grasped Yun Shaoning's hand tightly and suddenly sobbed and wept.

"It seems to be responding."

Hearing Murongyu's low murmur, Baitan paused for a moment, immediately got down and listened carefully to what he said.

Xue Qingyu and Murong Yu immediately came around.

"What did he say?" Xue Qingchen looked at Murongyu, who seemed to fall into a nightmare, frowned.

The **** listened for a while, and some looked up without feeling: "He is calling Yun Shaoning."

Xue Qingyu and Murong Yu suddenly felt sad when they heard the words.

Bai raccoon glanced at Murong Huan, and he didn't even try to slap him. He just patted his puffy face and shouted, "Murong Wu, you wake me up a bit, Murong Hui rebelled. If you don't wake up, your father and mother will die ..."

Murong Yi suddenly made a black line, it is estimated that she can only say this.

In the dream, Murong Yu and Yun Shaoning fell off the cliff together, but he lived unscathed, but Yun Shaoning turned into a cold body.

"No, he is not, he is not ..."

Mu Rongxi shouted desperately, resisting Yun Shaoning's body desperately, this time he obviously caught him, why is this still the case?

Outside, Baitan heard Murongyu's flustered voice and immediately followed his words: "Yes, that's not Yun Shaoning. You should be convinced that Yun Shaoning is still alive and firmly believe that he lives somewhere in this world. Waiting for you to find him. "

"He is waiting for you, you must be alive, he is waiting for you ..."

The whispering sounds that followed one after another finally pulled up Murong from the mire of nightmares.

Murong Xuan erected from the bed in a stunned manner, so that everyone in the room was startled. Before everyone could react, he had already got out of bed and ran out.

"Hey, you can't get out of bed with your injury."

The **** was frightened and chased out quickly.

Others returned to God and followed them together.

Murong went to the west courtyard and looked at the corpse in the coffin.

Beavers all stood at the door, none of them dared to bother.

"Did you say this wasn't he right?" Murong asked the **** at the door without looking back.

Bai Tan's eyes flickered lightly, and his lips pursed, "You should have heard of my father. It is said that it is similar to Yun Shaoning. When he was brought back, he was completely different. Everyone thought that man was my father. Uncle Huang added a title to him, but my mother was convinced that the body was not my father. "

The beaver's words made Murong Yu instantly raise a hint of hope.

Even Xue Qingyu and Murong Yu's eyes lighted up, especially Xue Qingyu. He knew a lot about Uncle Bai then. Although he was still young, he had already remembered it. At the time, Uncle Bai's body was Unrecognizable, only a few objects on his body to confirm his identity, which is indeed very similar to Yun Shaoning.

At that time, Bai Ye and his father always thought that the body was not Uncle Bai, but they always found Uncle Bai without any news from him. In the end, even Bai Yi disappeared. Everyone said that she was looking for Uncle Bai. His father also always believed that Uncle Bai was still alive, and he had never visited Uncle Bai's grave once in these years.

The **** looked at Murong Min's stiff back and continued: "No one knows Yun Shaoning's body better than you. You can check it thoroughly, of course, you can leave it alone as long as you are sure he is alive.

He would live only if Yun Shaoning was alive, and now Zixiao's situation does not allow him to die.

Murong Xu slowly squeezed his fist, and for a long time stepped forward stiffly.

Seeing Murong Yu started the inspection, the beavers all retreated silently outside.

Murong Xu trembled his hands, but his eyes were firm.

This is not him, he must prove that he is alive.

Time passed minute by minute, everyone waiting outside was anxious.

"Is that man a cousin, brother Huang can't see it?" Murong looked at the room from time to time, anxious.

Bai Tan's eyes flickered lightly. "If he can't recognize him, I'm afraid that no one in this world can recognize him."

As soon as the beaver's words fell, Murong Yue stepped out of the room.

Looking at Mu Rongyu's expressionless face, everyone "suddenly" dared to step forward.

Murong Xu glanced at the people in the yard, and finally his eyes fell on Murong Xu, "Why are you here?"

Murong Yan pulled his eyes out of the line with a black line, he was too senseless, he had been standing for a long time before he was seen.

"There was an accident in the imperial city. Murong Xun placed the emperor and queen under house arrest. He came to invite you back." Finally, Xue Qingxuan answered the question.

"Back to the imperial city." Murong frowned frantically, then turned and went outside.

Xue Qingyi and others looked at each other, and at the same time relieved.

It seems that he is back to normal. So, the body should not be Yun Shaoning.

Thinking about it this way, the heavy hearts of several people were finally relaxed.

Everyone discussed and decided that Xue Qingying would stay in Huaiyi, and Murong and Baiju followed Murong to return to the Imperial City.

Xue Qingyu originally intended to prepare a carriage for Murong Yu, but he chose fast horses, and before the beavers got their wounds wounded, he ran to the imperial city first.

Beavers they had to follow quickly.

Not long after a few people left, Qing's army arrived.

This time without waiting for Xue Qing's questioning, the other party began to attack the city directly.

The Red Army, which had already retreated for hundreds of miles, saw the crickets coming to help out, and they struck again. Huaiyi City was suddenly in danger.

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