Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1038: Stink

The Imperial City of Zixiao, the Palace of the Three Princes.


Xu Lingyang slammed a bunch of memorials in front of Murong Yan. "Look at these for yourself."

Murong Yan glanced blankly at the scrambled memorials without expression.

"I told you not, let you not touch her, don't touch her, now you see, what do you smell like?" Xu Lingyang stared at Murong Heng with a steel hate, so angry that he was about to vomit blood .

Murong Yan raised his eyebrows indifferently. "Isn't it just some impeachment? It's a big deal."

Those old things that can't change the age can only play the tadpoles, and what other skills.

Xu Lingyang slammed the table suddenly, "What does it mean to be some impeachment? Do you know what they say about you?"

Before Murong Yan spoke, Xu Lingyang hurriedly picked up the souvenirs on the table and opened it, "robbing the women, insulting the loyalty, disrespecting the heroes, placing the emperor under house arrest, framing the queen, murdering her brother ..."

"Either of these is enough for you to stink for thousands of years, leaving a name for thousands of years." Xu Lingyang finished reading in one breath, and then fell those memorials to the table.

"I think I'm more worried. Which of the history books in this world is not a song of praise to the emperor. As long as I become an emperor, how can I change this history book if I don't want to change it?" Faced with the anger of Xu Lingyang, Murong Yu leaned leisurely Seated and drinking tea.

Xu Lingyang sneered in disdain. "If these are spread out, do you think you still have a chance to become emperor?"

The one who wins the hearts of the people can win the world, and how can he win the world by virtue of his character.

"Then don't spread it out, let's pass all of the above ..." Murong Min made a gesture of wiping his neck with his hand.

Xu Lingyang's face turned green instantly. "You are talking about lightness. You have killed most of the ministers of the Central Government before you got to the throne. What do you want the remaining ministers to think? How do you make the people in the world think? Is everyone at risk? "

A lot of princelings have been arrested before. If even the neutral officials were killed at this moment, there would be no one on the court.

The chapel is now full of gossip. If there is another storm at this time, I am afraid that it will really trigger a riot.

Murong narrowed his eyes and said, "These things were all made by Xue Yuen Long. In this case, then kill Xue Yuen Long. Isn't everything gone?"

"Do you think Xue Yuen Long is so good at killing? He still has military power in his hand." Xu Lingyang suddenly vomited blood when he heard this, and he really wanted to knock open his head and see what was inside. What is paste.

If it weren't for Xue Yuen Long's military power, would they have to work so hard? Fu Yan and Yu Yue had already led their troops into the city. The reason why Xue Yuen Long has not used military power until now is to prevent Fu Yan and Yu Yue.

I also want to kill Xue Yuen Long, the old fox in Xue Yuen Long, I'm afraid they have been guarding them for a long time.

Xue Yuenlang is by no means as good as he is when he sees it. Being able to confront him in the court for decades can make the emperor so trusted. No one except Xue Yuenlang.

"It won't work, that won't work, then what do you say?" Has been rejected, and Murong Ye is not happy.

Xu Lingyang stared. "What else can I do? Send people back, then they will be slandered, you can do whatever you want."

"No, no one can send it back." Murong Xu didn't even think about it, so he decided very firmly.

Xu Lingyang frowned frantically, "Are you crazy? The woman is already married to Bai Yihan. Do you think the Bai family is so messy? Even Qi Chu's old guy is not so messy. Ten of this impeachment setbacks Many are his. "

The Bai family was loyal and had five major generals. The family competition even won the five realms. This time, if it wasn't for the old Bai generals closed, Bai Tan and Bai Yihan went to Beiyang again. He thought he could go so smoothly. House arrest under emperor and queen?

There is also Qi Chu, who is most honest and honest. He is usually a diehard. This time, things fall on his daughter's head. It is more like a crazy dog, biting them dead.

The most troublesome is that Xue Yuenlang, which not only won the trust of the emperor, holds military power, but also has high morals. Most of the ministers in the middle of the country are headed by him. He is very close to the Bai family. Where can he tolerate him daughter in law.

Murong's eyes flickered without saying a word.

Xu Lingyang sighed and persuaded: "Be awake, wait for you to become emperor, what kind of woman do you want, what good is Qi Ziling, she is not ..."

"She is, in my heart, she will always be the purest." Before Xu Lingyang's words were finished, Murong Xu was excited.

Xu Lingyang frowned, and wanted to say something more, but Murong Ji closed his mouth directly, "You die, I will never let her go back."

No one knows better than him, why is he trying to climb to that position so hard?

"Just do it, I don't care about you."

Xu Lingyang fleeted his sleeves and left.

Murong Yu sat in the study for a long time before getting up and going out.

Unconsciously, he walked to Lingxin Pavilion, and Murong looked at the window's shadow deeply.

After struggling for a long time, after all, he didn't go in and turned away.

In the Lingxin Pavilion, Qi Ziling was still sitting by the window, looking at the northwest direction.

"Girl, eat." The waitresses replaced the unaltered meals on the table with new ones, shouting symbolically.

Qi Ziling didn't move, only Mumudi took out an elixir from his arms and ate it.

She didn't dare to eat the food here or even drink the water here, and even she did not dare to sleep.

Murong Yu didn't come over these days, she still didn't dare to relax at all.

She didn't know how long she could last, but before she saw him, she thought she'd stay on.


"His Royal Highness."

Seeing Murong Yan coming, Fu Ruoshi immediately got up and saluted.

No matter what the attendants were, Murong Yu pulled her directly and pressed her to the table.

Seeing this, the maids stepped back with blushing.

"His Royal Highness ..."

Fu Ruoshi was both shy and annoyed, and immediately struggled.

But the more she struggled, the more excited Murong Min was.

When his lower body was cold, Fu Ruoshi immediately cried in fear, "I'm pregnant!"

Mu Rongyi's movements in his hands were silent, staring silently at her belly, and finally let go after a while.

Fu Ruoshi quickly trembled and retreated to the pillar.

Murong Ye looked at Fu Ruoshi's pale face, and suddenly Zi Qiling's face flashed in her head, her eyes softened.

"rest well."

Murong Yu said without leaving.

As soon as Fu Ruoshi fell to the ground, he burst into tears.

She was so scared that he would not want her child.

Fu Ruoshi touched his lower abdomen and suddenly laughed again.

Great, she can give birth to him.

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