Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1043: Murong Yan's End


Murong Lingshan was so horrified that she rushed into the delivery room like a madman, but she saw the serenity of the queen.

"Mother ..."

Murong Lingshan knelt down to the queen's bed, crying in sorrow.

Outside, Murong Yu also knelt straight down, her red eyes became more and more scary, but she could not cry.

Murong Yun, Murong Yun, Murong Yun, and those concubines also cried sadly.

Xue Guifei froze dumbly there, and suddenly smiled bitterly.

She was inferior to her after all, at least she didn't have the courage to do what she did.

The **** hugged the child and came out of the house with the **** imperial edict.

"Carried in Fengtian, the emperor said: There is a prince, Murong, who has excellent talents, bravery, goodwill, and kindness. He will be named the new emperor, and he will take the throne. this!"

Murong Yan closed his eyes and reached out his hand silently.

The **** handed the decree together with the child, "she said, this child and Zixiao are your responsibility."

Murong Yan looked at the child who was crying in his arms, and finally fell down two lines of tears.

"Impossible, he can't write the imperial edict. The imperial edict is false." Murong Yu slowed down to God and suddenly shouted in excitement.

He obviously took the seal, how could he write the decree?

It was okay for Murong Hui not to speak. Everyone's eyes immediately focused on him when he talked. Originally, only the sad Murong Yun and Murong Yun and others thought of Murong Yun.

Murong Lingshan ran out of the delivery room in a "swishful" manner, and slammed into Murong's face, "I killed you after you killed the father and mother."

"What are you crazy!" Looking at the mad Murong Lingshan, Murong Ye also had a little cyanosis in his heart, and he pushed her away suddenly.

Murong Yan catches Murong Lingshan and looks at Murong Yan coldly.

Murong Huan is not afraid of Murong Lingshan, but he is afraid of Murong Huan, especially Murong Huan, who hates his mother and father in this way, he can't afford it.

But this is the end, and he can only brace his head and hold it down. He swallowed and shivered with a voice: "Your decree is false, you are not qualified to inherit the throne."

The father-in-law Rong Shuo, who had been crying by the bed of Murong Shuo Fenglong, heard the outside voice and finally couldn't help coming out.

"The imperial edict is true. The old slave can prove that the imperial edict was written by the emperor. The seal below is also drawn by the emperor. The emperor wants to give the princes and mountains to His Royal Highness, not the three princes who killed his father and mother."

Rong Gong's complaint instantly made the courtiers understand everything.

And Murong Yu stepped back pale, how could it happen? He even drew one.

"I'll give you a chance for a fair duel." Murong Yu put the child who was crying from her hand to Murong Lingshan, and then looked at Murong Yu coldly.

Murong frowned, he didn't want to fight Murong Hui at all, because he didn't want to die.

Murong Yan glanced at the guards on the side, calculating how many chances he could get away.

But before he could understand, Murong Yue's blue wolf sword stabbed.

Murong Ye quickly evaded, he wanted to pull the soft sword around his waist, but he felt that his soft sword had just been cut off.

The dazzling glaucome struck again, and Murong Chan was scared of a cold sweat and wanted to dodge, but it was too late.


The murderous blue wolf sword swept across like a lightning bolt, Murong's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe he was cut off.

The **** head rolled to the ground, and everyone closed their eyes in fear. Only Murong Lingshan stared fiercely, hoping to kill him again.


Xu Yan screamed and ran over like a mad man, grabbed Murong's body, hugged his head again, and cried with tears in his heart and broken his heart.

This crying and ground-grabbing look should be considered a touching scene, but everyone's attention was all attracted by her dress and makeup on her face.

I saw her wearing a yellow satin gown with a phoenix embroidered on her head and a queen crown exclusively for her queen mother. Her face was painted with a charming and charming costume, but now she was caught by those tears and a nose , To make a big face.

Murong Yu didn't stop Xu Yan, and she was put in custody when she cried her throat. Soon she was given poisonous wine.

Originally, Murong Yu didn't want to touch her, but her queen queen robe revealed all her ambitions, so she had to die.

Murong Yu's body was also carried down, and it was impossible to bury him in the tomb, but Murong Yu did not let him go to the wild, leaving people and Xu Yu'an tombless tombs outside the imperial city.

Those guards who were replaced by Murong Xuan were dead in the end, but their crimes were not as good as their family members, and Murong Xuan did not investigate the others.

In addition, Murong Yu also executed Zijin.

Many people are very puzzled, but Zijin was not surprised at all and confessed his guilt directly in front of Murong Yu.

After finishing the affairs in the palace, the affairs outside the palace were also rescued one by one.

The princeling officials detained by Murong Yu were released.

The secret whistle of Xuefu, Yunfu and Tangfu were all arrested, and all the guards besieging Baifu were also killed.

In addition, all of the three princes' houses were detained, including Fu Yan, Yu Yue, Zhou Xinji, Cao Yiping, and their family members who had previously rebelled with Murong Yu.

The **** learned that Murong Ye grabbed Qi Ziling and went to the Three Princes Palace to pick him up in person.

But when the **** arrived, Qi Ziling had become a paper man.

"sister in law!"

Looking at Qi Ziling, who had strong eyes on the bed, Bai Tan's nose was sour, and she gave her a pulse.

Suddenly, her eyes brightened, and she was afraid and thankful.

"Sister-in-law, you're safe, you can sleep peacefully." Bai Zi coaxed in Qi Ziling's ear.

Seeing the beaver, Qi Ziling finally closed her eyes with ease and fell asleep.

As soon as the Bai family lifted the ban here, Bai Ruyue ran to the Palace of the Three Princes.

"Sister, are you okay, sister-in-law?" Bai Ruyue looked at the closed door, crying anxiously.

The **** lowered his voice. "It's all right, she just fell asleep."

Immediately, Bai Ruyue reddened her eyes sadly, "Did Murong Yu abuse her?"

Seeing Bai Ruyue's misunderstanding, Bai Tan laughed suddenly: "No, she just never dare to sleep, so she was too sleepy."

That's it!

Bai Ruyue felt relieved and said, "It's hard for her."

Bai Tan's eyes flickered, and Bai Ruyue muttered a few words in a grin.

Bai Ruyue's eyes lightened brightly, and she rejoiced, "Great, my brother must be happy to die."

"No, I have to go home and tell my mother to go."

Bai Ruyue hurried away after two happy laps in the yard.

Baitan reluctantly glanced at Bai Ruyue's back. Was this girl here to pick up someone?

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