Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1044: Three Edicts

Murong Yu buried Murong Shuofeng and the queen together at the emperor's tomb. All civil and military officials and royal families participated in the funeral of the queen.

After the funeral was completed, everyone was demobilized, and Murong Yi stood silently in front of the two tombstones.

He used to think that they were still young and strong and could always support Zixiao, but in a blink of an eye they were already lying here.

Even now, he doesn't believe they have left.

The **** came over, squatting silently, and stroked the tombstone.

It took a long time for the **** to whisper softly: "Do you know? They are still thinking about you until they die."

Murong Su suddenly red-eyed, and looked at the tombstone in tears.

"Uncle Huang's body becomes like this, most of the reason is because of you."

The beaver's voice was very calm, without blame, without complaining, only telling the truth.

But the more this happened, the more painful Murong's heart became. He regretted that his urge to make them worry, regretted that he didn't care enough about them, and regretted all his willful behavior.

"And your mother, in fact, I could cure her then."

Murong was stiff, red eyes looked puzzledly at the beaver.

The **** did not look back, and still said lightly: "She was afraid you would leave them, leaving Xiao Xiao, so she let go."

She would rather die than pull her son off the cliff. She is a good mother and a good queen.

Murong Yu paused for a moment, then he closed his eyes sadly a moment later, and the two lines of tears slipped down instantly.

The **** looked at the tombstone silently, but the sadness in his heart suddenly lost a lot.

In fact, this is not bad, at least they will not be alone.

The two stayed in the tomb for a long time before coming out.

Outside, Murong Lingshan was holding her child waiting, Murong Yun was holding Murong Yun, Murong Yun was carrying Murong Yuying, and Bai Qingyan was holding Qin'er, all waiting outside.

Seeing them, Murong Min relaxed.

The mother-in-law is right, they are his responsibility as Zixiao, he can not leave them so selfishly.

"Go home." Murong Yan took Murong Lingshan's child and took Murong's hand.

Murong Lingshan's eyes flashed red, "Let's go home."

Several people went to the Imperial Palace together and went to the palace.

The **** looked at the blue sky and laughed.

Did you see Uncle Huang? He is a good brother and a good king.

After the queen's funeral, Murong Yu directly went to the throne in order to stabilize the army and the people.

On the day he ascended the throne, Murong Yu dealt with those who rebelled.

Fu Yan, Yu Yue, Zhou Xinji, Cao Yiping, Fang Qian, Chen Hang ... all the unscrupulous officials who were directly involved in the rebellion were beheaded, and their families were also exiled.

As for the three princes, the plots were severely decapitated or exiled, and those with light plots were also terminated.

Of course, those princeling officials also have rewards for merit.

For example, Xue Yuen Long, Yun Zhiyu, Su Shangshu, Qi Chu and others were all rewarded for their merit.

And Murong Yun was named King Kang, Murong Xuan was King, Murong Xun was King Shu, Murong Lingshan was named Jingshuo Princess, and even Murong Xuefei, who was absent, was named Jingan Princess.

In addition to these, Murong Chan also promulgated three other imperial edicts.

First, the Lord Baicier, the chief of Qingcheng County, was seized as King Zhongyi and inherited for three generations.

Second, Yun Shaoning, the son of Emperor Guo Gong, was named King of Anle.

Third, the tenth prince Murongzhen was crowned the prince.

The three imperial edicts that should have set off huge waves, calmly accepted the officials.

The Bai family is loyal, no matter whether it is the old man Bai, the loyalty Hou Bai Tingxuan, and even the current Baicheng county's Lord Baijuer, all of them are loyal and loyal. This loyalty king deserves the Bai family, let alone this Baijuer He Xiuwei lost nothing to the man. She deserves to be the loyal king.

As for the newly-comforted Wang Yueshaoning, they can understand to some extent.

At present, the situation is turbulent and the war has not subsided. They can understand the last imperial edict. Although the ten emperors are still dying, they are the second sons of the emperor, and the new emperor has no sons. This crown prince also deserves it.

After the next dynasty, all the officials congratulated Yun Zhiyu, but Yun Zhiyu was not happy at all.

Now that he had taken Ning'er as soon as he succeeded, the implication is obvious. However, when the emperor was alive before, he might be able to stop it. Now I am afraid that no one can stop it.

But that's the end of it. It's too late to say anything. As a father, he just wants him to be happy.

It ’s just that Ninger ran out a few days ago, he should have gone to find him, but now he is back but he does n’t see Ninger following, maybe he is still pregnant, there are constant wars over there, he and his mother have been disturbed recently. Little Bunny didn't know to send them a letter of safety.

Heaven prison.

Fu Yan, Yu Yue and others were beheaded, but Xu Lingyang was locked up in the prison.

The jail door was opened with a squeak, Xu Lingyang raised his eyes, and saw Murong Yan's face calm as if he had been waiting for him.

Murong looked at Xu Lingyang deeply, without speaking.

Xu Lingyang waited for a while, and seemed a little impatient. "Do you have anything to ask me?"

"Zijin and Fang Gan." Murong raised her eyebrows, asking the doubts in her heart.

Both Zijin and Fang Qian were people whom the Emperor trusted so much that he never understood why they suddenly rebelled.

"Actually, this is to blame the emperor for being too kind and allowing them to forget their identity freely." Xu Lingyang's words frowned Murong, but he did not interrupt him.

"Zi Jin left the seeds outside, the emperor and the blood, naturally the blood is important. As for Fang Qian, it is even simpler, find someone to pour a few pots of wine, and then get him to which concubine bed, what else can he do? Don't agree. "

Xu Lingyang laughed, and the smile was a little smug.

I have to say that he is clever, but this cleverness does not seem to be used in the right way.

"Do you regret it?" Murong Xu looked at Xu Lingyang with a smile and asked suddenly.

He is already a top grade. Even if the rebellion is successful, how much better it can be now, not to mention that Murong Yun has never been a good man.

Xu Lingyang smiled warily and said for a long while, "Chen doesn't regret it." Because there is no regret medicine in this world.

Murong Min nodded silently, glanced at the chasing wind next to her, and the chasing wind immediately came forward with the tray.

Xu Lingyang looked at the silver wine glass on the tray, his eyes dazzled lightly.

Xu Lingyang picked up the wine glass, paused for a long time, and suddenly raised his eyes and begged: "Everything is a minister's fault. Please ask the emperor to give the minister's family a way to live, and the minister's mother is old, so I can stay in bed for many days. She is guilty. "

Murong Ye stared at Xu Lingyang for a long time before spitting out a word, "Just."

"Xie Xie."

Xu Lingyang wept with joy and finally drank poisonous wine without regret.

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