Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1068: So cute

After listening to the corner here, Lan Ruoxi immediately went to find Lan Yuyu with excitement.

"Brother, grandpa agreed with you and your sister-in-law."

"What?" Lan Yanyu's back stiffened, and she stayed for a while.

What do you agree with them?

Is it to get them married?

As soon as Lan Ruoxi finished reporting, Baijue came out of the study.

Lan Yanyu looked at the guilty **** and asked silently, "What do you mean?"

Beaver directly gave him a white glance: that's what it meant.

Lan Yanyu's heart suddenly became cold, and he patted his brain suddenly.

Was it a dig from one fire pit to another? He was a professional digger.

The **** also had a bitter face, and felt like he had done something very stupid. Not only did he not help Lan Yanyu, he also put himself in, completely clumsy.

Lan Ruoxi simply looked at Lan Yuyu and Baijue, thinking they were speechless with joy.

"Brother, sister-in-law will stay in our house. When will you be married?" Lan Ruoxi took the beaver, how he liked it.

Lan Yanyu glanced at Lan Ruoxi silently and looked at Baiju with a headache, without saying a word.

"Yuer, don't introduce us to this girl yet."

Father Lan and Mother Lan received news that the old man had left the beaver, and the two immediately rushed over from the main hall.

"She's Baitaner and she's from Yunjing."

"This is my father and mother."

Lan Yanyu pulled the **** and briefly introduced it to both parties.

"Aunt Uncle."

The **** immediately obediently saluted to the two.

Blue Mother also likes the appearance of Baitan, and took her hand to pat comfortably, "Good girl, you can live in Blue House with peace of mind."

"Thank you Auntie."

The raccoon smiled wryly, and felt that Lanfu, except for Master Lan, was more difficult to deal with, and everyone was very kind. It is no wonder that Lan Yuyu and Lan Ruoxi had such temperaments.

"I'm tired all the way, I'll take her to rest first." Lan Yanyu took the **** to bid farewell to the blue father and blue mother, and went straight to Nanyuan.

Lan Ruoxi wanted to follow along, but was carried back by Lan mother.

"Mother, why are you pulling me?" Lan Ruoxi pouted, protesting dissatisfied.

"Did you see your brother in a hurry? They must have something to say, don't disturb them." Lan Mu said while holding Lan Ruoxi's collar, she took her back to the main hall.

Lan Ruoxi pouted her mouth with sorrow. It was her brother who was so anxious that she was going to peek. It was a good show that was completely destroyed by her mother.

Lan Yanyu took Baitan back to his room, which attracted the curious eyes of many guests and waiters. Everyone seems to be interested in Baiju, a woman who appears suddenly, especially Baiju is so beautiful.

"How did grandpa tell you?" Lan Yanyu asked anxiously as soon as he returned to the room.

The **** scowled: "I agree with the two of us. Let me temporarily live in the Blue House. It seems that I am wondering what identity I am given."

The old man is also a terrific figure. I do n’t know if it was to get them married. I ’m probably waiting to check her identity. If she ’s too poor, I ’m sure she ca n’t be a wife.

Fortunately, she doesn't really like Lan Yanyu, otherwise she will have a fight with this old man under the same roof.

Lan Yuyu was slightly relieved. According to her grandfather's intention, they should agree to be with them, but they would not necessarily allow them to get married. It seems that getting married can be dragged on.

"I thought he would definitely not let me, an unknown woman, come in. Who knows he agreed so easily today. Why do you say that I like it so much?" The **** deliberately lamented, very worried. Look like.

"Oh!" Looking at Bai Yu's funny look, Lan Yanyu finally couldn't help laughing.

"You are really good." Lan Yanyu smiled and poured a cup of tea for the beaver.

His grandfather was harsh and old-fashioned, and he easily disapproved others. I never expected that when she met for the first time, it was still a miracle that her grandfather recognized her and agreed to them.

Baitan took a sip of tea and thought of something, and immediately said, "What the **** is going on with you? How did you get married? Do you really want Zhuo Qingyun?"

Lan Yanyu froze stiffly and smiled lonely: "You saw it too, I can't help it."

The Lan family and Yixiangu got married. This was a long-awaited discussion between the grandfather and the master. He has been dragging on for a long time. If she didn't come today, the relative would be bound.

The **** frowned. "What about Zhuo Qingyun?"

If Zhuo Qingyun knows today's events, it should be depressed again. He was looking for him in Yunjing, and he fell here to marry another woman.

Hearing the name of "Zhao Qingyun", Lan Yanyu breathed again, and half a while before she said, "Is he OK?"

"What do you say?" Bai Tandai raised an eyebrow and dropped the problem directly.

Lan Yanyu frowned, and finally looked up at Baitan eagerly: "How is he, have you got married?"

The **** looked at him fiercely, and said deliberately, "Do you want him to be married, or not?"

Lan Yanyu's heart seemed to be pinched by the sharp claws, so painful that she could even breathe.

As long as he thinks that he and others have become pro, his life seems to have no light for an instant.

Looking at Lan Yanyu's appearance, Baitan was also a little uncomfortable and sighed quietly: "Actually, I just came out of the retreat, and I didn't know about Zhuo Qingyun, but I think he must not be married, after all At that time, he was looking for you crazy. He followed Leng Yihan all day to come to God. "

Lan Yanyu's heart suffocated, and she felt like something was blocking her heart.

He had heard about Leng Yihan before, and he went to Zixiao to find him.

Over the years, he has been trying not to return to Yunjing because he was afraid that he would hurt him. If he knew their affairs, his grandfather would not let him go.

The reason why he was willing to get married this time was to get rid of it earlier. He thought that he would become a pro, and his grandfather would probably no longer care about him. He even wanted to leave a place for the Lan family, so he went to go with him and go flying.

Now it ’s ridiculous to think about my own thoughts. If I really do that, I ’m not only sorry for him, but also my sister, such a good girl should not follow him.

Lan Yanyu looked up and looked at Beaver gratefully. "Thank you very much for this time. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid it's really going to an end."

Fortunately, even if she appeared to stop this ridiculous wedding this time, otherwise if he made a big mistake, all three of them would definitely not go back.

The **** chuckled, politely: "What are you polite to me?"

"By the way, why did you suddenly come to sacrifice God?" Lan Qinyu wondered, thinking about it.

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