Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1069: Yan Fu is not shallow

The **** frowned, pondered over it, or talked about everything before and after.

After listening to Lan Yuyu, he froze for a while.

He didn't expect that so much happened after he left.

Unexpectedly, Yun Shaoning and Mo Beichen disappeared. No wonder she would come to God to find someone.

"Have you heard anything about A Mo and Yun Shaoning?" Looking at Lan Yanyu's surprised and shocked expression, the **** actually had no hope, but she couldn't help asking.

Sure enough, Lan Yanyu shook her head and frowned, "I have never heard of Mo Beichen's name in Yunshen, nor have I heard anything from Yun Shaoning."

Although the result had long been guessed, Baitan was still a little disappointed.

"Don't worry, if they're killing God, I must find a way to help you find them." Seeing the **** disappointed, Lan Yingyu immediately comforted.

"Thank you." Beaver yanked the corners of his lips, his eyes flashing firm.

No matter how difficult, she will definitely find A Mo and Yun Shaoning.


"Hmm ..."

When the **** wanted to ask anything, he heard the knock on the door.

"Come in." Lan Yanyu frowned and stared at the door.

The door was pushed open, and a beautiful woman in a smoky green smoky flower dress came in with refreshments.

"This is my sister, you are polite."

The woman approached, and saw the **** sting, and immediately put the refreshment on the table and bowed to the beaver.

Beaver trembled.


This isn't the little cricket of Lan Yanyu.

Looking at Baiyun's gloomy eyes, Lan Yanyu immediately cried awkwardly, "Her name is Qi Shuya."

Lan Yanyu only introduced Qi Shuya to the beaver, but did not introduce it to Qi Shuya.

Qi Shuya was not upset, and still smiled docilely: "Sister call me Shu Ya."

The **** looked closely at Qi Shuya curiously, and saw that her looks were so beautiful that she was much more beautiful than that of Liu Yaner, and she immediately admired Lan Yuyu.

This guy really only looks at the face value of the face control, which is regarded as the best for both men and women.

Looking at Bai Xi's playful eyes, Lan Yanyu was embarrassed again immediately.

"Ah ..." Lan Yuyu waved her hand at Qi Shuya in a critical position, "you go down first."


Qi Shuya was also well-behaved and immediately bowed and then retreated.

"You are really gorgeous and blessed!" As soon as Qi Shuya left, the **** laughed and joked about Lan Yanyu.

Lan Yanyu's face flushed, and she immediately embarrassedly explained: "Don't get me wrong, we have nothing to do with her, she just lives at home temporarily."

The white raccoon raised his eyebrows, but did not doubt anything about Lan Yanyu.

He seems to have said this before, this little sister-in-law is just hanging a title, and want to come to Lan Yingyu, she should have no idea about her, otherwise she wouldn't run to Yunjing to find any beauty. However, I just don't know if this little sister has no idea about Lan Yanyu.

Outside the room, Qi Shuya heard Lan Yuyu's explanation, and her expression suddenly froze, and she squeezed her fists secretly before leaving the yard.

It felt that the people outside the house had left, and the **** wicked his lips.

I was afraid that Xiaoyi didn't have an idea with Lan Yiyu, and Baici inexplicably began to mourn for Zhuo Qingyun again.

"By the way, have you seen Murong Xuefei? How is she?" Baitan raised her eyes and continued the question just now.

"She ..." Lan Yanyu's face froze, her eyes dodging, "She's fine."

Looking at Lan Yiyu's strange look, Baijui's heart stunned, and suddenly gave a bad hunch, "To be honest."

Lan Yanyu frowned in difficulty. "Don't ask, Leng Yihan will be nice to her."

The more Lan Yanyu was so embarrassed and secretive, the beaver's heart became even more disturbed.

However, she knew that Lan Yanyu had a good relationship with Leng Yihan, so she didn't ask any more.

"I'll take you to your room." Afraid of the **** asking anything more, Lan Yanyu immediately switched the subject.

The **** nodded and followed Lan Yuyu to the next room.

"Just stay here for a while and come to me next door anytime."

As Lan Yuyu said, he took the **** to visit the house.

The **** nodded, looked around the room, and nodded silently.

In fact, God's architecture and the cloudscape are not too different, with only slight differences. Baiju is also very satisfied with this temporary room.

Even though the Lan family was very curious about the beaver, the woman who ruined Lan Yingyu's wedding, they still didn't bother the beaver.

The **** was very comfortable all afternoon.

In the evening, the dining room.

Mr. Lan glanced at the vacancy next to him, frowning, "Where's Yu Yu."

"It was said that she would accompany Bai Girl to dine in Nanyuan, so she would not come to the dining room." Lan Mu immediately respectfully returned.

Lan Ruoxi answered with a smile, "Brother, he cares about the sister-in-law so much. He only ate at Nanyuan to protect the sister-in-law."

After all, none of the Blue family was interested in Xunzi, let alone the Xunzi has not been rectified yet, and my brother would definitely not let her out to be wronged.

"The elders talk, don't cut in." When Lan Ruoxi sipped a bitch, Mother Lan was afraid that the old man was unhappy, and gave her a warning glance.

Lan Ruoxi pouted and sipped her tea.

"Hum, did I even eat her and fail." Father Lan hummed displeasedly, and although there was dissatisfaction between Meiyu, he did not blame it.

The blue father and the blue mother looked at each other quite unexpectedly. It seemed that the old man looked like a white girl to have a meal together.

They thought that they were more curious about the **** at once. To know that the old man was very severe. Most people want to get his favor. It is more difficult than getting up to the sky. They said that Qi Shuya has been in the door for five or six years, and he has not seen the old man. Let her eat at the dining room.

Lan Ruoxi was secretly pleased. The sister-in-law was able to handle the grandfather, and he was very capable. It seems that his brother will soon get what he wants.

Nan Yuan, Lan Yuyu and Baiju also dine.

Lan Yanyu prepared a table of good wine and dishes, as if planning to get drunk with Baiju.

"We haven't had a drink together for almost four years. We must have a good drink today." Lan Yanyu said as he poured.

The **** raised his glass directly, "No drunk or return."

"Do not get drunk."

Before they ate food, they drank directly. Over the past three years, the two have had their own discomforts, and now their friends are together again.

Drinking and drinking, the wine glasses were replaced with wine jars, and both were a little drunk.

"Do you miss him?" Baitan looked at Lan Yanyu with a quivering look.

Lan Yanyu shook her eyes drunk, and for a long while she said, "Think, dream."

He said, poking himself again: "I think it's like being dug here."

It really hurts, it hurts like it's lost.

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