Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1075: Just ask no more

It was a pleasure to hear that the child was okay, but at the same time there was a little fear.

If it wasn't for the beaver's appearance, she would never eat or drink like this, maybe the child would not be able to keep it.

Thinking of this, Leng Yihan suddenly wished to hack himself.

"I'll get something to eat."

Leng Yihan was out of breath, and ran out in panic.

Lan Yanyu frowned, and quickly went out.

The **** looked at Leng Yihan's back and sighed quietly.

Even her outsider didn't know how to face this man.

Blame him, he is compelled to do all these things, don't blame him, sometimes what he does is really popular.

She really understands Xue Fei ’s mood, and it ’s so painful to fall in love with someone who has brought herself infinite darkness. She wants to get rid of it completely, but her fate has been repeated, Ground them together.

In the end, all love and hatred can only struggle in the vortex of pain and helplessness.

Murong Xuefei lowered her head and silently stroked her flat belly.

Is this child the last redemption from heaven to her?

If so, please God must bless this child safely.

In the yard, Lan Yuyu frowned and looked at Leng Yihan: "What's wrong with you, you have children, aren't you happy?"

"How is that possible?" Leng Yihan turned his eyes away and secretly wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

The woman he loves is pregnant with his child and he will be a father. How could he be unhappy?

No one can understand his mood at the moment, he thought he would not have his own blood in his life, but did not expect this child to come. It was he who saved them, the two desperate hearts.

"I'll cook porridge."

Thinking of Murong Xuefei not eating for a month, Leng Yihan hurried to the small kitchen immediately.

Lan Yanyu stared blankly at the cold and distant cold, would this guy cook porridge? Why doesn't he know?

Leng Yihan tossed in the kitchenette for a long time before finally making a decent bowl of porridge.

When Leng Yihan carried the porridge to the room, there was only Murong Xuefei in the room.

Looking at Murong Xuefei's thin back, Leng Yihan stiffened, and his heart was dull and painful.

As if she felt something, Murong Xuefei raised her eyes and looked at Leng Yihan indifferently.

Leng Yihan didn't open his eyes at once, he didn't dare to look into her eyes, he was afraid to see himself shy and mean.

Suffocated with heartache, Leng Yihan took a deep breath, walked to the table with the porridge, and said, "I ... cook a little porridge, you eat a little."

Clearly feeling the cold and cold emotions, Murong Xuefei also felt so unable to breathe.

She looked at the cold and cold coldly, only half a while before she said, "You don't blame me, I didn't blame you."

She knew very well why he did that? She never blamed him, before, and this time.

She didn't blame him for her father's affairs. She just hated herself because she had killed her father arrogantly, and she couldn't blame her for her death.

Leng Yi chilled his eyes and looked at Murong Xuefei with surprise.

really? Does she really blame him?

"I once loved you." Murong Xuefei smiled softly, and her gentle eyebrows were like the suddenly blooming lotus flowers, so beautiful that people couldn't keep their eyes off.

But Leng Yihan was not happy at all, and he knew that what she was behind was by no means what he wanted to hear.

"I used to ..." She loved him like that. She thought they would be married, old-fashioned, and full of grandchildren, but all the goodness of imagination was shattered after the wake of that nightmare.

Murong Xuefei retracted her smile, pressed down the dull pain in her heart, raised her eyes to look at Leng Yihan, and calmly said, "I don't hate you, I don't love you anymore, I just want to see you again."

Leng Yihan's face was pale as frost. He squeezed his fist, and only half a moment pulled a smile, "I see, I will never appear in front of you again."

His tight fist was shaking, and he exhausted all his strength with just one sentence.

"I can get you back to Cloud View if needed."

Leng Yihan finally glanced at Murong Xuefei, before turning to tears, he turned embarrassedly.

Once he exhausted everything he wanted, but in the end it became a bubble.

He gave up, and even if he didn't want to, he was willing to let go at this moment.

Murong Xuefei stood for a long time before holding up the bowl of cold porridge on the table and tasted it.

The salty taste slipped into her mouth, and she couldn't tell whether it was porridge or tears.

Knowing that Murong Xuefei would never think again, that night the **** lived next door to Murong Xuefei.

The next day, Baijue got up early, because today is the day when she and Liu Yaner are fighting doctors.

Lan Yanyu also got up very early. When she saw the **** playing with gold needles in the yard, she went over and said, "Do you really want to fight doctor with my teacher?"

The **** directly gave him a glance, "If you want to marry her, I can't fight."

Lan Yanyu froze for a moment, and immediately shook his head, "I don't want to."

Before, he thought wrong, he didn't want to hurt any more.

"Then have to fight." The **** carefully wiped the gold needles one by one, and then carefully retrieved the storage ring.

"By the way, tell me about your little sister and sister, her medical skills are not high."

Lan Yanyu glanced resentfully at the beaver, "You say, my sister is the young master of Yixiangu, and her father is my master."

The **** raised his eyebrows with interest, the name of Yixiangu was so tall.

"Is your medical skill high, or her medical skill high?"

The **** looked at Lan Yanyu with a joke, originally thinking that he would brag again, but he did not expect him to pull down his head directly.

They are all taught by a master, and he can understand where he can go. At most, he has a better understanding than her.

It's almost the same!

The **** raised her eyebrows in surprise, she thought that Lan Yanyu's medical skills must be higher than her, after all, Lan Yanyu is known as a **** doctor.

I didn't expect him to be so powerful, it seems that this is still a tough battle.

"Shimei knows Xiangu's unique method, you have to be careful." Lan Yanyu looked at the **** and couldn't help reminding.

The **** is not as nervous as Lan Yanyu. Although Liu Yan'er has great medical skills, she is not bad.

"Rest assured, I won't lose you." Bai Tan patted Lan Yuyu's shoulders with pride, jokingly.

"If you lose." Lan Yanyu blinked resentfully.

"If you lose, marry her, and you won't lose it anyway." Baitan waved his hand generously.

Lan Yuyu suddenly rolled her eyes with anger. "Okay beaver, do you have any conscience?"

Under the eaves, Qi Shuya looked at the flirtatious familiarity of the two, and immediately clenched her fists jealously.

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