Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1076: Bucket doctor

Hua Acheng, than fighting field.

In Hua'a City, all the matches are usually scheduled in the center of the city. There is also an unwritten rule that no matter what event, there will be a gamble.

This also greatly attracted the attention of the people. Not only the people, but also the families and gangs outside the city also came to watch the game with interest.

Liu Yaner arrived earlier than the middle of the battlefield.

This time she wore a creamy white lilac skirt, which was not only fresh and refined, but also more noble and elegant, and the group of men underneath looked a little bit like a heart.

But the men dare to think about it, after all, who dares to offend the blue family and the doctor Xiangu.

Over time, the more and more people gathered, the more impatient they became.

"Why isn't that girl here yet? She won't be afraid of Shao Gu, so she won't dare to play."

"Sure it is, I don't know where the girl came from, and if I don't know anything, I dare to fight with the doctor Xiangu Shaogu, isn't this a free delivery of the little **** doctor?"

"No, that girl is too stupid. I see our little **** doctor, and I still like this young master a little bit more. After all, our young master is not only smart, but also so beautiful."

"Just say you haven't seen it, you will not feel the beauty of the young lady until you see the girl, and when you see the girl, you will know what is real ..."

Before the men in the crowd were excited, they were instantly stupid.

The crowd followed his gaze and looked on the stage, but they saw a woman in a red dress stepping on the clouds, and the peerless face and the flying dress were like the fairies of Tiangong.


The man only spit out a word he hadn't finished.

As soon as the man's voice fell, everyone looked at him with contempt.


Where is beauty? Such a look is no longer a "beautiful" word.

The white raccoon flew down directly from the air and fell to Liu Yaner in front of him, and smiled and said, "I'm sorry, it's late."

Liu Yaner squeezed his clothes tightly, and stared at the beaver's smile like a fairy with jealousy.

This woman must have been intentionally late, and she would make her look good in a while.

Liu Yaner really didn't guess wrong. Baiju arrived late on purpose, but she didn't arrive late, but just stepped on.

In her words, in order to achieve results, sometimes necessary means must be used.

Lan Yanyu looked at the handsome white **** and helplessly stroked his forehead.

This woman always knows how to bring herself into focus.

This time the **** match, Murong Xuefei also followed. This is the first match that Tanuki was playing in God. She must see it.

There is Yixiangu standing behind Liu Yaner. If she doesn't come again, the raccoon is afraid that even a cheering person will be gone.

Lan Yanyu took Murong Xuefei directly to the VIP table.

The VIP seat was full, and not only Yixiangu and the Lan family arrived, but also the ancestors of the Mo, Chu, and Leng families.

For the other three families, Lan Yuyu was not much surprised. After all, the four major families were in Hua'a City. It is not surprising that the ancestors would come forward when it comes to the battle between Lanjia and Yixiangu.

Lan Yuyu was surprised that the people on the opposite side of the Blood Moon Church, Promise Palace, and Saint Xuanzong, even if this match was related to Yixiangu, shouldn't cause them to come together, which is too strange.

"Why so late?" Seeing Lan Yuyu coming, Father Lan glanced at him immediately.

"Just a bit delayed."

Lan Yanyu replied with a guilty conscience, and approached Liu Yuanshan and Mrs. Liu respectfully, "Master, Master."

Liu Yuanshan frowned and looked at Lan Yanyu, but he was a little angry at him, so he didn't have the enthusiasm of the past, and only responded lightly.

Mrs. Liu didn't even hum, she was so annoyed by him that she was very good at her family. She thought that her son-in-law had finally found a good home, but she didn't expect it to become that way.

When she returned back crying that day, she was really so angry that she would go to Lanfu to make a big fuss. If their father and daughter did n’t let her go, she would have to go back to the doctor Xiangu and I'm not married.

Although knowing that they might have such an attitude, Lan Yanyu was still a little embarrassed, and she bowed again, before retreating to the position of Lan Jia.

Father Leng over there glanced at Murong Xuefei, who was sitting beside Lan Yuyu, and his deep eyes blinked.

This girl is coming, so can Yi Han not come?

Father Leng frowned, some worried about Leng Yihan.

On the seat next to the Mo family, the silver-faced man looked at the **** instantly, and his deep purple eyes were full of interest.

On the beating platform, the **** easily looked at Liu Yaner with his chin. "How to compare, let's say."

Liu Yaner gave the **** a vicious glance, then raised his hand and patted it.

Soon, a group of disciples in Yixiangu carried more than a dozen disciples in the same clothes to Bidoutai.

Liu Yier raised his chin proudly to the beaver. "They are all poisoned. We are better today than detoxification. Whoever solves faster and more will win."

The **** raised his eyebrows, turned his eyes and looked at the painful and mourning disciple of Doctor Xiangu who was lying on the stretcher, and politely sneered: "I heard the name of Doctor Xiangu for a long time, and today it really deserves its reputation."

Liu Yaner heard the words, and was immediately proud, but before she was so proud, Baiju suddenly coldly said, "I thought that the doctor Xiangu would only treat people and detoxify. I did not expect that you, the owner of Shaogu, would fight Healing poisons people. Is this your medical virtue of Xiangu? "

A word awakened the dreamer, and the beaver's words instantly resonated with the people below.

"Why so, it's too much to poison your disciples for the sake of comparison."

"Yeah, anyway, I'm also a disciple in my own valley, I really have to go."

"Look at how painful those disciples are, this Shaogu master is too cruel."

Liu Yaner was blushed and red-eared by the people, and resented the **** even more.

The face of the Liu Yuanshan couple on the VIP table was also extremely ugly, especially Mrs. Liu, who was anxious to rush to the stage and directly tore the beaver.

Here, Lan Yanyu also frowned slightly. He is a disciple of Yixiangu. In fact, usually Master and Mother are good to their brothers and sisters, but he really did not expect that the sisters and sisters would poison the disciples.

"We need to fight doctors, and naturally we need to be healed. I will give them poison after a while to solve them. What's the matter." Liu Yan'er stared at the beaver, unconvinced.

"Healers are kind, and hanging the pot to save the world, even if it is a fighting doctor, we should not do evil medicine."

"well said!"

Beaver's words of justice won an applause in an instant.

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