Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1077: Smart gold

Liu Yaner suddenly became red-eyed, "Then how do you compare us?"

The **** scanned the excited people under his eyes, and suddenly he had a clever idea. "Since it is a fighting doctor, it is a matter of natural practice for practitioners. There should be a lot of people here tormented by the illness. We might as well treat them One counts as a test, and the second counts.

I didn't wait for Liu Yaner to speak this time.

"it is good!"

"Okay, this method is good!"

"Only the true healer's heart would think of such a method, this girl is really nice."

"I have long wanted to go to Yixiangu for treatment, and finally I have a chance this time."

The silver-faced man looked at the **** with a wicked charm. Before the opening, she had already won the hearts of people, and she was really a smart woman.

Liu Yier stared at the **** resentfully: "Okay, it's up to you. An hour is the norm. Whoever has more doctors wins."

The **** shrugged indifferently, "I have no opinion, I can start at any time."

Looking at the beaver's pride, Liu Yaner sneered sneerfully.

Don't be too happy, she will regret it later.

Liu Yuanshan frowned, but not as optimistic as his daughter.

That girl doll can be a fan of the beginning, afraid that it is difficult to deal with.

The disciples of Yixiangu soon went down to Bidoutai. Both Baiju and Liu Yaner set up a medical table in front of them. The things on both tables were the same. Use personal items.

There is no opinion on Bai Jue about this, after all, the owner of Shaogu of the Doctor Xiangu should have more personal items than her.

"Now invite people in need of healing."

The voice of the old man who presided over the event fell, and the people who wanted free medical treatment immediately swarmed.

As Liu Yaner thought, Bai Jue was really depressed, because Liu Yaner's table was flooded by the sea, but she didn't even have an ant in front of her table, and desolately did not even leave the leaves.

Guessing the result early in the morning, Liu Yaner glanced proudly at the beaver, and then turned toward the messy people in front: "Everyone queues up, one by one."

The people on the VIP table all looked at Beaver curiously, waiting to see how she could get out of her predicament, but saw that she was not anxious at all, still bracing her head, and looked at Liu Yaner with interest to maintain order.

Murong Xuefei frowned a bit worried, "What now? No one believes Tanuki's medicine."

Lan Yanyu was not in a hurry. "She's so smart, you still don't believe her."

Gold always shines, not to mention she's still clever gold.

Liu Yan'er was very fast, and only a few minutes later he cured several people.

The **** observed for a while and sneered unconsciously.

This woman's medical skills are good, but medical ethics is a little worse.

"Come and come, there is only one hour for the test. Friends who can't get along and friends who haven't been cured can come to me to try it." After watching the scene for a while, the **** suddenly sat down and drank.

Liu Yaner glanced at the **** obliquely, and the disgusted eyes were full of ridicule.

Such a market woman, even robbed her brother with her, to see that she would not let her lose.

Not to mention, being reminded by the beavers, those who came last and had little hope suddenly felt a little emotional.

After only struggling for a while, the old man at the bottom of the line asked his son to help himself to the beaver's table.

"Come and come, the old man please sit down." Finally, a visitor came to the door, but Baitan held the chair personally with enthusiasm to let the family sit down. "What are the symptoms of the old man?"

The old man opened his mouth and tried to say nothing but couldn't say a word.

Still his son answered for him, "It's chest tightness, can't breathe, and has difficulty breathing. I can't even speak for a few days."

These days they have seen countless medical museums, but the doctors said that they were not sick. He also heard that there was a fighting doctor here today to try his luck. I did not expect that the medical fairy valley would be free to treat people today. He Then I hurried home and took my father to see me, but I didn't expect it was too late.

The **** looked at the old man's complexion, his eyes lightened, and he immediately took the pulse for him.

"How's that?" Bai Tan finished the pulse, the old man's two sons asked in unison.

The **** did not answer, went directly behind the old man, and gave a hard hammer to his back.

"Cough ..." The old man coughed up a **** moment.

Everyone was dumbfounded for a moment, and no one expected that the **** would treat the disease like this, and even the people on the VIP table widened their eyes in astonishment.


The two sons returned to God and immediately stepped forward to support the old man.

"Do you dare to hurt my father!" The other even impulse to step forward to do something with Baiju.

"do not!"

Seeing this, the old man immediately grabbed his son, and then took a heavy breath, relieved: "Finally comfortable."

"Dad, can you speak?" Both sons looked at the old man with surprise.

"Thank the doctor." The old man ignored the son, but bowed deeply to the beaver.

The **** immediately raised the old man, "The old man is polite."

"I don't know how the miracle doctor cured my illness?" The old man looked curiously at the beaver. He didn't know how many doctors he had seen, and he gave her a fist to cure it. .

The **** pointed at the ground with a smile and said, "You are really not ill, but there is something trapped in the trachea, so you will feel tight and unable to breathe. It may be a long time, things stick to the inner wall of the trachea, so It's not even convenient to speak. "

The old man and his two sons looked at the **** sticky object on the ground, and suddenly realized.

It turned out to be a cricket, which has been stuck in the trachea for several months. The old man hadn't noticed before, and no one thought about the cricket. They all thought that the old man was seriously ill. After all, he couldn't even talk.

"In the future, the elderly should pay attention to eating and chewing as much as possible." Bai Tan reminded with a smile, the gentle eyebrows immediately melted the hearts of the father and son.

"Thank you Doctor!"

The old man immediately bowed to Beaver again.

"You're welcome, this is your prescription. Go back and drink two patches and you'll be cured." Baitan passed the written prescription.

"Thank you, thank you!" The two sons immediately took the prescription gratefully.

When the old man came, he was supported by his son. It looked like he couldn't live long, but the old man walked with energy and no pain.

Here, the people in the queue saw Baiju so easily healed the old man who was seriously ill, and suddenly many people in the back crowded towards this side.

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