Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1078: Reverse too fast

"Doctor, my back hurts a bit, you can help me see it."

"Doctor, my leg is broken ..."

"Doctor hurt my hand ..."

Several people crowded over here, and Beaver immediately raised his hand. "Don't squeeze, please line up!"

When Liu Yaner saw someone on the beaver's side, he grinded his teeth jealously.

But it was a simple disease that was healed. What ’s so amazing.

"The raccoon is so good!" Murong Xuefei was instantly happy when she saw that the raccoon had a patient at last.

Lan Yanyu also laughed, "I said she would have no problems."

Father Lan, looking at Bai Tan's serious look, nodded silently.

That girl is really good, but unfortunately she is from Yunjing. If her identity matches Yuer, he won't have to worry about it.

On the Mo's seat, the silver-faced man fixedly looked at Baiju, and a jealousy flashed in his eyes.

That man's luck is always so good, it's better not to let him be interested in her, otherwise ...

The silver-faced lips suddenly evoked a smile of evil.

Here, the **** is treating the patients in an orderly way. As long as the **** handles the doctor and patient, it is all cured by the medicine, even if it cannot be completely cured, like the kind of broken leg that needs recuperation, and Those old diseases that are difficult to heal for a while also alleviate the pain.

Moreover, the **** is very careful, not only will he be given the medication, but he will also be instructed to pay attention to it, which is much better than Liu Yaner over there.

Compared to Liu Yan'er, Baitan doesn't seem to be playing a game at all. She seems to be a real librarian, focusing on her patients.

The more beavers like this, the more panic Liu Yaner becomes.

Obviously she has more people healed, obviously she is still leading, but she just can't stop panic.

No, she can't lose, this is not only the reputation of Yixiangu, but also the brother, if she loses, then she can never be with the brother again.

Liu Yaner started to speed up in a panic, but the more she hurried, the more mistakes she made.

On the other hand, the **** has always maintained his ordinary mind, and has become more and more demeanor-like.

On the VIP table, Liu Yuanshan's brow frowned deeper and deeper.

He didn't look at Liu Yaner, who was always making mistakes, but a calm white beaver.

When it comes to medical skills, the most powerful thing about the gods' continent is their doctor Xiangu. Although the children have no intelligence, they can learn medicine from him since childhood. It can be said that even compared with the feathers, the children will not lose. But now that woman is not suppressed at all.

Although the woman looked as if she hadn't surpassed her, her calmness and her superb medical skills had disrupted her.

What is the origin of this woman? It is unlikely that there will be any medical skill in this continent that can surpass Yixiangu unless it is ...

Liu Yuanshan squinted his eyes narrowly, and squeezed his fists to observe the beaver's technique more closely.

Not only Liu Yuanshan began to pay attention to the beavers, but also the Blood Moon religion, Saint Xuanzong, and the Promise Palace began to pay attention to the beavers.

Some of them are guilty of being thieves, while others are soliciting. It ’s a very good thing to know that no matter which school they are, it ’s a good thing to have a clever doctor like Baitan.

On the stage, Liu Yan'er watched the **** impatiently, and the faster he ruled.

So many patients who had been treated at her did not rest assured to go to the **** line up.

The **** side is just the opposite. All doctors and patients cured by **** are grateful to her.

"Thank the doctor!"

"This divine medicine is really brilliant. I'm really good."

"Thank you so much for the doctor. I can finally rest at ease tonight."

Hearing that compliment and thanks, Liu Yaner suddenly became jealous with red eyes.

What **** doctor? The **** doctor on this continent is only her father and brother. How can a woman who emerges from this place deserve to be a doctor?

The more Liu Yaner wanted to get more and more angry, the force on her hand increased unconsciously, and the patient immediately called out, "Doctor, you hurt me."

Liu Yaner glared at the patient and pulled out the silver needle.

Just when she wanted to help him get a needle again, the patient suddenly retracted her hand, "I don't want you to heal, I'll go to Baishen for treatment."

This Shao Guzhu ’s medical skills are good, but she is totally out of their minds, and she is treating them completely for the game.

What looks like a white psychiatrist next door? Not only is the medicine good and beautiful, but also so gentle and dedicated to the patient, people are truly benevolent and good. If it weren't for his turn, he would have been next door.

Seeing that the patient really went to the beaver's side and re-queued, Liu Yaner was so angry that he was going to vomit blood.

Damn bitch, did she think she wanted to heal him? If it weren't for the game, she wouldn't touch these pariahs.

"Next!" Liu Yaner slammed the silver needle on the table and yelled.

The people behind looked at Liu Yan'er's posture, and wherever he dared to come forward to touch the mold, they all swarmed to the beaver's side.

"Well, you ..."

Liu Yaner was dumbfounded for a moment, and she never expected that the final result would be like this.

Looking at people like bee colonies, the **** was dumbfounded.

Will this be too fast? It's only half an hour now, and the woman just made people here for her. She thought that at least she would get the last one. After all, this hour is not too long. How to pretend to finish this hour.

Everyone crowded in front of the raccoon, and all the previous teams were scattered.

The **** frowned, and immediately got up and shouted, "Don't worry, listen to me first."

The crowd calmed down and all looked at Baiju.

The **** looked at the people who were stricken by the disease and suddenly said softly: "Although we only have one hour, but after the game, if everyone still needs, I will still heal you, so don't worry, all of them Good team, everyone has a chance. "

The beaver's words immediately reassured these patients.

"That's great. My illness is saved."

"No need to squeeze, everyone has to watch."

"The doctor is really kind."

Everyone no longer shoved and all consciously lined up the team.

Although there are many people here, the **** does not speed up as fast as Liu Yaner, so carelessly, but to every patient to check, cure, acupuncture, prescribe medicine, everything is done in an orderly manner.

On the other hand, Liu Yaner next door, because there were several patients left, she was even more indifferent to treat them, staring at the **** resentfully from beginning to end.

In just half an hour, the situation of the two people changed dramatically.

Everyone on the VIP table saw this scene, unavoidably boasting, and they were also interested in beavers.

Among them, the silver-faced person is the most interested.

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