Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1079: Marriage cancelled

The time passed by every minute, and more and more patients were cured by the beaver. The entire stage was filled with various words of thanks, making the original indifferent game instantly warm.

"No matter where she is, she will always be the most shining one." Murong Xuefei looked at the **** seriously on the stage and couldn't help feeling.

Lan Yanyu raised her eyebrows, "She is indeed an attractive woman."

He used to be the one who was attracted to her. Although it seemed far away, she was still the only woman in the world that made him feel good.

Old man Lan Lan listened to Lan Yanyu's words, his eyes flashed loosely.

Compared to Liu Yaner, that girl is indeed more suitable for the blue family. The most important thing is that Yuer likes that girl.

Hey, if that girl wasn't from Yunjing, how good it should be.

Time passed quickly, and an hour passed quickly.

"time up!"

When the old man hosting the event rang the bronze bell, the long team in front of Baiju was only a third less.

The patients were excited at the end of the game.

The **** immediately got up and calmed out loudly: "Don't worry, everyone I just said counts down. Everyone steps down and waits. I will heal you soon."

On the VIP table, Lan Yanyu suddenly got up and flew to the arena and stood beside Baiju.

"Because Bai Xianzi's game is not over yet, let me heal you first."

"Little doctor! Little doctor!"

The patients were excited when they heard that Lan Yuyu was going to treat them.

"White fairy! White fairy!"

Some patients still want beavers to treat them.

"Thank you." The **** sighed with relief and slammed into Lan Yuyu secretly.

Lan Yanyu chuckled in her ear with a small smile: "Thank you, you also played for me."

Liu Yaner looked at them whispering and tenderness, and her eyes were red with jealousy.

The silver-faced man on the VIP table looked at the familiar look of the two, and his eyes flashed uneasily.

When a doctor and a patient saw that they were both kind-faced and looked so glamorous, they were excited and said, "The medical skills of both people are so good, the little magician and Bai Xianzi are a natural pair!"

"A natural pair! A natural pair ..."

In a split second, the words "born in a pair" resounded throughout the stage.

Liu Yaner was so angry that his lungs were about to explode, and he broke his nails.

The **** was flushed with their old faces, and no matter how thick she was, she couldn't stand them.

"Ah ..." Lan Yanyu also led the patients out of step with flushed faces.

When the patients left, the moderator announced the results: "Just now Liu Shaozhu treated a total of 78 patients, and White Girl treated a total of 60 patients."

The **** raised his eyebrows slightly, but had no objection to the result.

At her recent speed, it is indeed impossible to win Liu Yaner.

Liu Yier glanced at the **** immediately with a smug glance. What was serious, not to lose to her.

As soon as this result came out, the audience instantly boiled.

"What is this, Bai Xianzi lost?"

"Yeah, then Master Shao Liu is gone, how can he win?"

"Mr. Liu's medical ethics can win the game, which is too unfair."

"It is clear that our Bai Xianzi's medical skills are more sophisticated. How can Bai Xianzi lose? There is definitely a shady in this game."

The audience was very excited, especially the patients who had just been cured by the beaver, and they were so excited that they wanted to rush to the stage.

"White Fairy Wins!"

"Liu Yaner loses!"

Everyone immediately raised their hands to protest. Even the people who had suppressed Liu Yaner's victory did not support Liu Yaner at this moment.

The situation was one-sided, which instantly raised the atmosphere on the court.

Listening to the concussion, Liu Yaner was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood again.

These **** pariahs are simply abominable.

Liu Yuanshan looked at Liu Yan'er in the middle of the stage with a blue face, with a bit of complaint in his eyes.

Obviously it was a game that won steadily. This girl turned out to be so angry that it was really a fight that couldn't help.

The old man who hosted the game was so excited to see the audience below, and immediately raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

The audience gradually quieted down, but they all looked down on each other, as if the host reported an error, they would rush forward.

Looking at the audience's horrible eyes, the host couldn't help swallowing the mouthful, and exclaimed: "Although it is prescribed that there is more healing than anyone, but the performance of White Girl just now is obvious to everyone, she is the true kindhearted Rende, Xuanhu Jishi, so I think the winner of this game is White Girl! "

As soon as the result was announced here, Liu Yier's smug face instantly darkened.

The **** did not expect to win by himself. After a few seconds of stinging, he laughed a little bit.

It is said that the eyes of the masses are clear, which is not bad.

"Oh, win!"

"White Fairy won, I knew she would win."

"White fairy! White fairy! White fairy!"

All the audience in the audience couldn't help cheering, no matter whether they won or lost, they all shouted "White Fairy", and even the people on the VIP table shouted.

Except for Yixiangu's downturn, everyone was smiling.

Listening to the cheers and laughter of everyone, Liu Yaner suddenly rushed to the old man like crazy and shouted, "What kind of referee are you? The one who wins is me, why do you judge her to win? "

Obviously she has the most talents for healing, and she should be the winner.

The old man's face suddenly seemed difficult to look at, just as he was about to start, he heard a cold drink.


Liu Yuanshan flew down from the VIP seat and pulled Liu Yaner from the old man.


Liu Yaner was unconvinced and wanted to say something, but Liu Yuanshan stared hard.

The old man looked at the unwilling Liu Yaner with anger, "The old man urged Shaogu master to forget the duty of being a doctor."

Liu Yaner turned pale and immediately wanted to curse.

Instead, Liu Yuanshan bowed respectfully to the old man, as if he had been taught, "Thank you, Mr. Zhan."

Mr. Zhan finally glanced at Liu Yaner, who stared at him, and threw his sleeve off the platform.

Old Zhan left, and Liu Yuanshan smiled and arched at the **** again: "The young girl is so superb in her medical skills that she admires her."

"Don't dare to be." Baitan looked at Liu Yuanshan calmly. Although she couldn't figure out what the person meant, she was a smart person. She is humble, she is humbler than others.

Liu Yuanshan's eyes flickered lightly, and he still looked kind. "Today's game, it is obvious that White Girl is superior. Since White Girl won the game, then according to the previous agreement, the marriage between our doctor Xiangu and the Lan family was cancelled.

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