Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1081: Mysterious Mo family

"Rest assured, I must teach these three disciples personally." As if knowing what Murong Xuefei thought, Baiju immediately expressed his attitude.

"I will pass on all the medical skills to him, too."

He's an uncle, so he has to make a contribution.

Murong Xuefei was flushed by the two, but she looked forward to it even more.

I don't know if it's a male doll or a female doll, she will also teach her to play the piano and practice her sword in the future.

With such two powerful masters, the children will surely be able to save the world like they do in the future, and cure the disease and save others.

"Let's go, go back to dinner, the hanging pot to save the trio."

The white raccoon held one in each hand, and held the domineering Lan Yuyu and Murong Xuefei very aggressively towards the Blue House.

After the three left, the silver-faced man suddenly appeared.

Seeing the silver-faced man, the coldness in the dark frowned frostily.

It's him?

After the silver noodles left, Leng Yihan walked out of the dark.

Why did that person appear here? Follow the raccoon or the blue pheasant?

Lan Fu, after the three had dinner together, they returned to their rooms.

Leng Yihan was already waiting for him when Lan Yiyu returned to the room.

"Why are you here? You came to see the little beauty?" Lan Yanyu raised her eyebrows in surprise and sat down.

"I saw Mo Dongxian today." Leng Yihan put down his tea cup and stared at Lan Yuyu with a look of solitude.

Lan Yuyu blinked suddenly, "He has come to the game?"

"He seems to be following you."

Lan Yanyu stared blankly, "What does he follow us on?"

They never met the Mo Dongxian again. Why did he follow them?

Leng Yihan frowned, solemnly: "Perhaps he followed the beaver."

Although they belong to the four major families, they do have a different path from Mo Dongxian. He should n’t follow Yu Yu. Xueer has been in Lengfu again. Already.

Lan Yanyu's heart burst into a sudden, and she suddenly became tense, "Why did he follow Baijuer, Baijuer just came to slay God, and it should not have anything to do with him."

"Maybe it's because of Mo Beichen." Leng Yihan groaned for a moment, and expressed his conjecture.

Mo Beichen?

Suddenly thought of something, Lan Lingyu's mind flashed, "Mo Dongxian, Mo Nanyun, Mo Xixiao ... Mo Beichen ..."

"Oh my God!" Lan Yanyu slammed her own head and said, "Is Mo Beichen also a Mo family?"

Why didn't he think about this early? From his name, we can see that he is a Mo family, he is really stupid.

Leng Yihan frowned and nodded silently, "Maybe this is what we guessed, Mo Beichen is the Mo family."

Not only the name, but also the anti-natural talent. He should have thought of it. Except for the Mo family, who would have that anti-natural talent.

"But it's not right. I haven't heard that the Mo's family except Mo Dongxian, Mo Nanyun, Mo Xixiao, and other children?" Calm blue Lan Yuyu frowned doubtfully.

Although they have n’t had much contact with the Mo family, they still know a little about the Mo family. In this generation, there are only Mo Dongxian and Mo Nanyun, and Mo Xi Xiao.

Leng Yihan squinted slightly. "The Mo's things have always been mysterious, and we don't know that it's nothing strange."

Even the grandfather and his grandfather kept tabs on the Mo family, how could they know everything?

"Then, if Mo Beichen was a child of the Mo family, how could he be in Yunjing?" Lan Yanyu still couldn't understand.

Leng Yihan shook his head silently, and he couldn't understand this. If it was a Mo family's child, it should not be left in Yunjing. What happened then?

Lan Yanyu thought for a while, and suddenly said, "Maybe Mo Beichen's disappearance really has something to do with the Mo family."

Leng Yihan was startled and frowned frantically. "Mo Beichen is missing. What's going on?"

Lan Yanyu glanced at Leng Yihan, and then told Leng Yihan about some of the things that the **** and him had before.

"That's it. Bai Taner thinks Mo Beichen is killing God, so he came here to find him."

Leng Yihan listened to Lan Yanyu's words, his face was stunned.

It turned out that so many things happened after he left.

Chi Lie will go to war, which he expected, and he also made a perfect strategy, so that Bu Yangzi guarded the Holy Heaven and Fengshen Academy. If he sent troops to Zixiao, he would also help.

He already had the strength of Chi Lie and Zi Xiao. Although Chi Lie is an old big country, but Zi Xiao has been strong and strong for so many years, plus Bai Tan and Mo Beichen, and Murong is here. questionable.

However, he did not expect that Chi Lie would even join the Blue Fantasy, and even Qing Ye also participated in it. What he didn't expect was that Xueer's father would die, Yun Shaoning's life and death were unknown, and even Mo Beichen disappeared.

Leng Yihan scratched his hair in pain, why did it end up like this?

"Don't do this, things have passed." Looking at Leng Yihan's painful appearance, Lan Yuyu patted his shoulder and comforted.

"I don't know if this will happen?" Leng Yihan covered his face with guilt.

He finally knew why she wanted to kill herself. Everything was his fault. He really shouldn't be forgiven.

Lan Yanyu sighed, "Actually, the cloudscape battle is sooner or later. You take away the little beauty is only one of the small reasons. Don't blame yourself."

But having said that, he and the little beauty are afraid that there is another gulf that cannot be bridged.

Here, Baitan did not return to her room, but followed Murong Xuefei to the room.

"How are you feeling today, are you tired?" Bai Tan asked, taking her pulse for her.

Murong Xuefei chuckled, "Neither of you is a tired doctor. I'm tired of a dozen miscellaneous."

She wasn't tired at all, instead she thought it was fun.

"The child is very good, but you still have to eat more." Baitan put down Murong Xuefei's wrist, could not help but explain.

Murong Xuefei looked at the **** playfully, "Relax, my great doctor, I will definitely eat more."

"Don't you make fun of me?" Baitan laughed and scratched Murong Xuefei's itch.

"I dare not make fun of our sacred doctor." Murong Xuefei continued to make fun while hiding.

The two laughed for a while, and the **** finally let go of Murong Xuefei. "No more, I'll go to my three apprentices to make Baotai Dan."

The **** said something to Murong Xuefei's belly and went back to her room.

Murong Xuefei smiled at the beaver's back and gently stroked her belly.

How long have I never laughed like this, Tanuki and her children are her salvation.

When the **** returned to the room, just trying to practice alchemy, a figure flashed in front of the window.


The beaver's eyes lightened, and he immediately chased out.

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