Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1082: Sorry amo, i'm late


Murong Xuefei heard the movement next door and immediately wanted to chase it out, but was pulled by Lan Yuyu.

"Beaver, she ..." Murong Xuefei immediately pulled Lan Yuyu anxiously.

"Relax, Leng Yihan went after him." Lan Yanyu looked at Murong Xuefei comfortably.

Hearing Leng Yihan's pursuit, Murong Xuefei immediately felt relieved.

Ahead, Leng Yihan chased for a long time, but he still failed to catch up.

The **** is already a **** step, and the cultivation of the person before her is not weak.

Leng Yihan frowned. Who is that person? Will it be Mo Dongxian?

Here, the **** was catching panting, just when she thought she couldn't catch up, the person in front stopped suddenly.

The white raccoon supported her knees, panting heavily, and watching the person in front.

This man is so weird that he could run away, but stopped to wait for her. Did she deliberately bring her here?

But why?

What the **** thought, he stood upright and shouted at the man in front: "Amo!"

The man in front had a stiff spine, but did not turn around.

The more the **** looked at the person's back, the more he became familiar with it. It really looked like A Mo.

The **** walked over with red eyes and hugged him from behind, "Amo, are you?"

The tenderness behind him gradually relaxed the man's body, but he still did not turn around.

He couldn't hear the man, and the **** turned a little uneasily and turned to the man.

Looking at the silver mask on the man's face, Beaver frowned, "Who are you?"

The silver-faced person didn't speak, so he fixedly looked at the **** with red eyes.

The **** looked at the silver-purple eyes of the silver-faced person, and his heart narrowed suddenly, "Amo?"

The raccoon stepped forward violently, and unveiled the silver-faced man's mask. A terrifying face appeared in front of the raccoon.

This is exactly the same face as Mo Beichen, but it is only half the same, the other half are all burned, contracted together, and deformed the entire face.

"Amo ..."

The **** looked at the stern face in shock, and the tears in his eyes could no longer be controlled.

The man didn't expect the **** to suddenly lift up the mask, and the silver-purple eyes suddenly burst into the killing intention, but when he saw the beaver's tears, the killing intention disappeared instantly.

"Who did this? I killed him." Baitan caressed the half of the burned face, and Yaoye's eyes were full of resentment and murderous intention.

The man's eyes flashed, and he suddenly said, "Am I ugly?"

Apparently the smoky throat broke the beaver's heartache.

With tears in her eyes, she shook her head suddenly, "No, my A Mo is always the best looking person in the world."

The **** said to tiptoe and kissed his ugly face.

The soft touch passed from his unconscious face to his heart, giving him warmth he never had before.

He breathed a suffocation, reached for his **** in his arms, and hugged her tightly.

Beaver's eyes were red and he held him tightly. "I'm sorry, Amo, I'm late."

She should have come earlier, if she had come earlier, perhaps he would not have suffered so much.

The man's eyes were red and he hugged the **** tightly, as if to embed her in his body.

Since you provoke me, I will never let go again.

The two hugged for a while, and the man suddenly held the **** and flew out.

The **** nest was in the man's arms, hugging him tightly, and he did not want to let go for a moment.

The man took Baiju directly to a different garden, and hugged her back to the room.

"What is this place?" Baitan asked, looking around the room.

"My yard," the man replied briefly.

The **** frowned. "Have you been living here?"


"Why don't you go back to me? Do you know how hard I'm looking for you?" Beaver's eyes were red, and the man glared indictment.

The man's eyes flashed and he said, "I ... was hurt."

The beaver's heart hurt suddenly, and he held the man's burned face and said, "Fool, do you think I would hate you? No matter what you become, I love you all the same."

The man's eyes softened and he hugged Beaver back into his arms. "I will never leave you again."

Hearing the same words again, the **** couldn't help crying again, "You guy lied to me again."

He had said before that he would not leave her, but he disappeared.

The man wiped the tears in the corner of her eyes distressed, "This time it is true."

The **** nest was in the man's arms, crying sparsely, as if he had been greatly wronged.

Men want to be comforted, but it seems like they don't do it often.

The **** cried for a while, then she cried as if she had cried enough.

"What happened that year, who hurt you like this."

The **** looked at the wound on the man's face, and it was another distress and resentment.

Don't let her know who hurt A Mo, she must kill him.

The man was silent for a moment and said, "I don't remember much. I have forgotten many things."

The **** frowned, "Are you having amnesia?"

The man raised an eyebrow. "Maybe."

The **** was anxious. "What about our past, don't you remember?"

The man thought about it, then shook his head, "I don't remember."

The **** was holding the man's face anxiously, so that he could see his own face clearly, "Why don't you remember me? Obviously you came to me."

If he doesn't remember her, how can he know that he is coming to see her.

The man's eyes flickered. "I went to the bucket doctor and saw you feel familiar."

The **** was astonished, it turned out to be this way. Is Momo really amnesia?

The **** frowned and grabbed the man's wrist, and began to explore for him.

The man froze, trying to retract his wrist subconsciously, but he thought of it but didn't stop it.

After a while, the **** did not release the man's wrist.

The man looked at his frown, like a **** in trouble, and laughed, "How?"

Beaver raised his eyes bitterly. "Sorry, I can't find out."

She probed for a long time, but she didn't find anything wrong with him, and there was no blood clot in her head pressing the nerves. It seems that her medical skills are still not working.

Looking at Baidu's cute look, the man couldn't help but kiss her lips gently, "It's okay, you slowly treat me."

The **** blinked bitterly, "It doesn't matter if you forget the past, I can tell you."

"Um." The man nodded.

"If it is the second master and the old man, you may be able to restore your memory." What Baitan thought, broke through and said, "Will we return to Yunjing?"

Go back to Yunjing to find the second master and the old man, they will be able to cure Amo.

The man's eyes lightened: "I can't go back yet."

"Why?" Beaver frowned in doubt.

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