Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1083: I found A Mo

"I still have things to do," the man raised his eyebrows, simply.

"What's the matter?" Baitan frowned.

"A lot of things." The man hugged the **** and gently scratched her forehead. "Wait for you to tell me later."

The **** nodded resentfully. "All right."

"I promise, when everything here is over, we will go back to Yunjing and never come back." Seeing Baici unhappy, the man immediately bowed his head to coax her.

The **** finally laughed and said, "This is what you said. We will return to Yunjing as soon as things are done here."

"Um." The man nodded, and there was a look of longing and longing in his deep eyes.

Maybe simple days are the happiest.

The **** held up the man's face and suddenly laughed: "I can't find the symptoms of amnesia temporarily, but I can cure your face."

Although it burned badly, she should be able to recover it.

The man raised his eyebrows indiscriminately. The scar on his face didn't make much sense to him. If she was willing to heal, then he should.

"I will go back tonight to adjust the medicine, and I will be able to treat you tomorrow." Baitan studied the medical plan and said.

"Okay." The man smiled petulantly at Beaver.

"That's bad!" The **** thought of something and immediately slipped off the man. "I won't go back for so long. They must be in a hurry."

The man frowned, and before she could tell who the **** said, she was pulled up, "You go back with me, Lan Yanyu, they must be anxious."

To meet them?

Thinking of the intimacy of Baiju and Lan Yanyu today, the man's eyes flashed with uneasiness.

"I'll take you back." The man held the **** horizontally and took her out of the air.

The **** chuckled the man's neck with a smile. "You said you don't remember, the posture is obviously the same."

The man was stiff, holding his beaver's hand harder.

When the two arrived at Lanfu, Lan Yanyu was so anxious to call out the Lanjia guards to find someone.

"You are finally back." After seeing the **** back, Lan Yanyu immediately ushered up.

Murong Xuefei also came over immediately, pulling the **** nervously: "Are you all right, you are not injured."

Beaver shook her head with a smile, "Don't be nervous, I'm fine."

Leng Yihan on the side looked silently at the man who came with the beaver.

What the **** thought of, immediately pulled the man in front of the three, "Look, I have found A Mo."


Seeing the man's face, Lan Yanyu stared in amazement.

Murong Xuefei also frowned and looked sad.

Leng Yihan carefully looked at the man's intact half face, his frowning eyebrows finally loosened.

It turned out to be Mo Beichen, no wonder he couldn't catch up.

"Why are you hurting like this?" Lan Yanyu looked at the man with a distressed look.

Such a serious injury, how much sin it has suffered.

"He has amnesia, can you help him see it?" Baitan looked at Lan Yuyu looking forward.

Lan Yanyu's medical skills are good, and maybe you can see something that is not necessarily.

"Amnesia?" Lan Yanyu was even more surprised.

Leng Yihan frowned. "Go ahead and talk."


Bai Tan nodded and pulled Mo Beichen into Lan Yuyu's room.

"Let me see it for you." After everyone sat down, Lan Yanyu wanted to explore the pulse for the man, but the man shrank his hand before he reached over his hand.

Lan Yanyu looked at the man strangely, "What's wrong?"

Beaver suddenly felt a little embarrassed: "Sorry he doesn't remember you anymore, so maybe a little ..."

"It's okay." Lan Yanyu nodded in understanding and looked at the man's face again. "The injury on the face is a little serious, but it should be cured."

The **** nodded: "The injury on the face is fine, it just takes time."

Leng Yihan observed the man for a while and then said, "Do you really remember nothing? Do you know how you got hurt?"

The man was silent for a moment and shook his head.

Lan Yanyu sighed and appeased, "It doesn't matter, just find it."

The **** also laughed: "Yeah, I finally found him, and I will treat him a little bit, and it will always be cured."

As long as people live, there is hope for everything.

"What are you going to do next, back to Yunjing?" Lan Yanyu looked at the two and asked.

Hearing the word "cloudscape", Murong Xuefei's eyes lit up.

She wanted to go back, after all, it was not as good as Yunjing.

The **** glanced at the man and smiled, "Stay here for the time being, and then go back later."

Lan Yuyu nodded, "Yeah, then you live in Blue House for the time being."

As soon as Baitan promised, the man's hand grabbed her.

The white raccoon froze, thinking of the previous yard, and immediately understood, "Amo has a yard, we can live there temporarily."

The **** said, looking at Murong Xuefei, "Xuefei come with us."

Murong Xuefei glanced at the man and nodded.

Leng Yihan frowned at Murong Xuefei and struggled, "I'll send her back to Yunjing."

Even if he didn't want to, he still had to admit that it wasn't for her.

The **** thought for a while, and nodded, "Then stay here for another night, and wait for me to practise the baodandan, you can send her back."

Originally, she also wanted to send Xue Fei back to Yunjing. After all, Murong Ye was still waiting for her to return. The most important thing was that she was pregnant. If you let the old dean know, maybe she will return to Lengfu. By then things will be even more troublesome.

Although Leng Yihan had hurt Xue Fei, he still loved her and should not harm her. She was escorted by him and she was relieved.

Murong Xuefei lowered her head and never looked up at Leng Yihan from the beginning to the end, nor refuted the words of everyone.

The **** pulled the man back to his room. "You go back first, I'll go to see you tomorrow."

"Okay." The man nodded, bowing his head and kissing gently in her forehead before flying away.

The **** looked at the man's back, his eyes became wet again.

She finally found A Mo, and she will surely heal him and help him restore his memory.

The **** stood by the window for a long, long time, until the man's back completely disappeared, she didn't look back.

This night, several people lost sleep.

Early the next morning, the **** sent the refined Baodan Dan to Murong Xuefei's room.

"It's enough for you to have my third apprentice born."

"Thank you, Tanuki." Murong Xuefei looked at Baitan feelingly.

The **** chuckled and stepped forward to embrace Murong Xuefei, "Must be good."


Murong Xuefei nodded softly with tears.

"Go back and tell Murong Ye, I will help him find Yun Shaoning."

A Mo has found it, she believes Yun Shaoning must be here, and she will find him sooner or later.

"it is good."

Murong Xuefei responded, expectation flashed in her eyes.

I hope Yun Shaoning is alive, so that her sins will be a little less.

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