Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1099: Tentative

At night, Bai Tan went to Chengdong's house to find Mo Beichen.

"Come here."

The man seemed to be in a bad mood and his voice was a little low.

Baitan raised the medicine box in Yang's hand. "I'll change the medicine for you."

The **** came to the man and took out the medicine box to change his medicine.

The man's scald was better than before, and Beaver smiled with relief. "It recovered very well, and it can be cured by changing it a few times."

Tie the man the gauze, and the **** looks into his throat again, "I'll give you a medicine for your throat, did you take it?"

The man raised his eyes. "Eating."

The **** nodded and smiled, "That's good, that medicine is specially made for you. You should take three or five pills."

The man took out the medicine bottle that the **** had given him before, poured out a capsule and ate it.

"By the way, is the blue dragon mark on your body awakened?" The **** looked at the man and asked.

The man frowned frantically, a gloomy flash of light flashed in his eyes and did not answer.

"What's the matter with you?" Seeing the man's expression wrong, Beaver immediately lowered the gauze and frowned.

The man turned back and smiled at the beaver, "Nothing, the mark is not yet awake."

"How could that be?" Baitan looked at the man in surprise and said, "Aren't you already on the **** stage? You should have experienced thunder."

Hearing the meaning of Beaver's words, the man sank suddenly, frowning, "Your mark is awake?"

The **** nodded his head. "Yes, I was awakened during the thunderstorm before."

The man fixedly looked at the beaver, his eyes full of wonder and entanglement.

"What's wrong? Any problem?" The **** was nervous when he saw that the man's face wasn't right.

The man shook his head and took a deep breath. "No, it's late, I'll send you back."

The **** pursed his lips. "No, I can go back by myself."

"I'm gone. I'll change your medicine tomorrow." Before the man talked, the **** packed up the medicine box and left.

The man looked at the beaver's back and secretly raised his fist.

What should I do with you?

Beaver was restlessly returning to Chu's house.

Chu Xiangjun took the medicine box in Baiju's hand, and saw her unwilling to abstain, suddenly frowning.

Beaver dragged his lips and said, "It's okay, I'm a bit tired. I'm going to bed first, you mother, please rest early."

"Come on." Chu Xiangjun rubbed the beaver's head lovingly.

Beaver returned to his room and sat absently on the bed.

Today, A Mo's eyes look strange. Does he not want her to wake up the Suzaku beast? But why?

Also, he was promoted to the **** stage, why didn't she wake up Qinglong, did she wake up Suzaku just by chance.

The more the **** thinks, the more confused he becomes. Fortunately, he lies directly in bed and sleeps with his eyes closed.

That night, the **** was awakened by a nightmare again.

The same dream, she really broke her heart.

What happened, and why did she dream like this?

A Mo Ming is already by her, isn't she?

It was another night without sleep. Early the next morning, the **** went to the house in the east of the city.

The man didn't seem to be there, and Beaver visited the house.

The house was not very big, it was just a three-in courtyard and no servants, not even a gatekeeper.

The **** entered the master bedroom, and saw that the quilt was neatly arranged, as if no one lived.

The **** frowned, his heart growing more confused.

"How did you come?"

Sudden noises startled the beaver, but she soon calmed down.

"I made dumplings for you to eat." Baici raised the food box to the man, then put the food box on the table, and took out a bowl of dumplings. . "

The man walked to the table and looked at the distiller's grains in dumplings, his face suddenly changed.

"Do you really want me to eat?" The man looked at Beaver with a sad look.

Beaver pursed his lips with a guilty conscience, "I made it for you, you taste it."

The man stared at the **** for a long time, and finally took up the bowl of dumplings and ate it.

It seemed to be breathless. The man took one bite, as if he wanted to eat all the dumplings in the bowl.

The raccoon stared nervously at the man until she had a red dot on his neck, and she panicked.

"Don't eat it." Bai Tan grabbed the dumplings in the man's hand, and guiltyly took the elixir from his arms and passed it.

The man looked at the elixir in the beaver's hand, but did not take it.

"Sorry, I ..." Beaver looked at the man with guilt, trying to explain something, but felt so pale.

Looking at the beaver's crying appearance, the man finally took the elixir softly.

The red dot faded quickly, and the man pulled the **** into his arms, tapping her forehead gently, and whispering, "Let's get married."

The **** stunned and laughed: "We are already married, you forgot ..."

Thinking that he had lost his memory, Baitan's words stopped abruptly, and his smile froze on his lips.

"Sorry, I forgot." The man looked at Baitan apologetically, "I want to be with you again."

The **** looked at the man's serious expression, and suddenly smiled, "Okay, when your face and voice are good, we will be married."

In fact, she doesn't matter. Since he is willing to become a pro again, then it will be good again.

The man immediately rejoiced, "Okay, I'll take medicine well."

Looking at the man's happy expression, the **** also laughed.

Their barriers are finally less, and maybe they become relatives, and they will become the same.

When Baitan returned to Chu's house, she saw Lan Yuyu waiting in the courtyard.

"Why are you here again, aren't you refining your alchemy at home?" Baitan gave a strange glance at Lan Yanyu.

Lan Yanyu sighed, "Don't mention it, my grandpa pulled me to propose again."

"No," White Beaver suddenly pulled a black line and pulled the blue pheasant to a small whisper. "How do you do that, you know what it is, you haven't stopped your grandfather."

Lan Yanyu glanced resentfully at the beaver, "Not all of you are too eye-catching."

The **** stunned and looked at Lan Yuyu strangely, "What happened to me?"

Lan Yanyu pouted, "Grandpa knows that you have awakened the Suzaku **** beast, so he wants us to get married."

The raccoon stared grimly. "You mean, he wants you to enter the Chu family?"

Anyway, my grandmother would definitely not be able to marry her to the Chu family. This old man, Blue, wants to get married, and this is the only way to go.

"That's what it means." Lan Yanyu nodded resentfully.

"You, the young master of the blue family, are really cheap." The white raccoon glanced at Lan Yanyu suddenly.

In order to marry the Chu family, this old man even wanted his grandsons to leave it, which is absolutely enough.

"I think so, too." Lan Yanyu dropped her shoulders and stared at the **** resentfully. "Don't talk about these useless things, what do you do now?"

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