Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1100: Willingness

"This is really a problem," Baitan frowned sadly.

This old Mr. Lan has retreated to such a point. If they shirk again and again, the old man must doubt it, but she can't really marry him.

The **** wailed and looked at Lan Yuyu with remorse: "I shouldn't save you that way, my pig brain."

"Forget it, you are also for me." Lan Yanyu poked her mouth and glanced at the beaver. "Otherwise, let's pretend to be married and talk about it later."

The **** glanced quietly at Lan Yuyu, "Do you think Amo will make us marry?"

When referring to Mo Beichen, Lan Yuyu was suddenly stunned, "What should I do?"

The **** frowned. "Let's take one step at a time. My grandmother hasn't agreed yet. She will ask when she asks."

However, according to the conditions given by Mr. Lan, it is difficult for grandma to disagree.

It wasn't until the afternoon that Chu Kun called Baiju to the past.

"Maternal grandmother."

"Come and sit." Chu Yan waved at Beaver with a smile.

The **** sat down, Chu Chu poured a cup of tea for her, "Boy of the Blue Family has come to you."

"Hm." Baitan raised his eyebrows, and it really was for this matter.

"Lan Yetian is here to propose to the blue family again today." Chu Yan stared at the beaver, as if to see her reaction.

The **** dropped her head and didn't speak, so she drank tea.

Chu Yan chuckled, and said, "Lan Yetian said, he is willing to let the blue family boy enter the Chu family, what do you think?"

The **** chuckled and smiled. "This is not very good, but the blue family has only one blue grandson."

The blue father gave birth to a son and a daughter. The daughter married to Leng's house, which is a cold and cold mother. The son also gave birth to two blue pheasants and blue ruo xi. Isn't this blue family going to die?

"Then there is anything, we have discussed it. After waiting for you to become a relative, give birth to a few more dolls, when the male dolls will be carried to the blue family, the female dolls will stay in the Chu family, so good." The **** looked at him excitedly, as if the baby had been born.

The **** drew his eyes unconsciously, and even thought of this, which was a reason for refusing to leave her alone.

"I think that Lan Yetian's heart is very good. The Lan family boy is also a good one. You are in love with each other, it is better ..."

"Ah ..." Before Chu's words were finished, Baijue hurried: "Maternal grandmother, Dad is still drowsy and doesn't want to be, Wuer doesn't want to get married now, let's talk later."

Chu Yan smiled in disappointment. "Okay, let's talk about it later."

"Thank your grandmother." Beaver bowed to Chu with a smile.

Blue home.

Lan Yetian received the reply from Chu Yan, and immediately hesitated over Lan Yuyu.

"What the **** is going on with you, why doesn't that girl always agree?"

Lan Yanyu looked up at Lan Yetian and said, "Grandpa, am I your grandson?"

"If you weren't my grandson, you thought I would take care of you." Lan Ye weather annoyed and threw a reply to Lan Yuyu.

Lan Yanyu caught the post and said with a lip: "Then you want me to go into the burden, you can bear to see me go to Chu's house to get angry."

Lan Yetian stared blankly, "You are my grandson of Lan Yetian, who dares to give you pity."

Lan Yanyu raised her eyebrows. "That's not necessarily true. This Chu family is not the Blue family. I can't handle those house fights."

"You just want to go, people don't want to." Lan Yetian gave Lan Yuyu a disgusting look.

Lan Yanyu looked at Lan Yetian with a resentful expression, "Grandpa, let's not think about it, okay?"


Before Lan Yuyu was happy, Lan Yetian said with a stubborn neck. "Her Chu family shouldn't or shouldn't. I'll find Hipo tomorrow. I still don't believe that Huacheng has no good girl. "

Lan Yuyu suddenly stunned again. He collapsed his shoulders and looked at Lan Yetian suddenly: "You have to let me be married?"

As if seeing through the code of Lan Yuyu, Lan Yetian sneered, "Either you let that girl agree to marry you, or you marry someone I'm looking for."

Lan Yanyu raised her eyebrows helplessly, "Well, then I continue to work hard, you can rest assured, I will let her promise to be married."

"That's right!" Lan Yetian finally laughed. "That girl is so smart and so talented, your children will be very powerful in the future."

Lan Yanyu rolled her eyes secretly, this is the purpose of Grandpa.

Lan Yetian hated staring at Lan Yuyu, "You said, if I had the talent of that girl, where would I need to work so hard?"

Compared with several other owners, Yuer's talent is indeed a bit worse, not to mention compared with Mo Dongxian and that girl, even the cold is much stronger than him, if it is not for the sake of the descendants of the Lan family, Why should he let Yuer go to the lavatory?

Lan Yanyu grunted resentfully, "What's the difference in talent? I can awaken the white tiger **** beast."

Lan Yetian's eyes brightened, "What do you mean?"

"Sister Bai said, I can awaken the **** beast after thunder calamity. Although I ca n’t promote the **** rank within a short time, but I can refining the **** rank elixir. Will I be able to awaken the white tiger **** beast by the thunder calamity?

"Do you mean it?" Lan Yetian was instantly excited, to know to awaken the **** beast, but their generations of homeowners dreamed of doing things.

Lan Yanyu raised her eyebrows. "Sister Bai said so."

Lan Ye stared at him with a sullen expression. "Then you aren't going to practice alchemy yet. If you work hard, the girl might agree."

"Then I'll go to alchemy first."

Lan Yanyu snickered and ran away immediately.

Lan Yuyu did not return to his yard to practice alchemy, but sneaked out of Lanfu and went to Leng Yihan.

"So hard?" Leng Yihan was practicing when Lan Yanyu arrived in Lengfu.

"Why are you here?" Leng Yihan didn't open his eyes.

"White raccoon gives you the elixir of refining." Lan Yanyu took out all the elixir that Baiju had asked him to transfer.

Leng Yihan opened his eyes and looked at a dozen small medicine bottles on the table. "So many."

Lan Yanyu chuckled, "This dragon **** pill is an elixir that is close to the divine product. It has no side effects. Eat more to promote faster."

Leng Yihan took all the medicine bottles in his arms and gave a playful glance at Lan Yanyu. "This Chu family runs very hard."

Lan Yanyu stared at Leng Yihan resentfully. "Don't talk cold words, I'm annoying now."

Leng Yihan raised his lips and paused, "I think you should tell your grandparents clearly."

Lan Yanyu frowned. "I think so, but you also know Grandpa's temper. If I told him, he wouldn't have killed me."

As long as the grandfather jumped into a thunderous scene, Lan Yanyu couldn't help shivering.

No, it must not be said, otherwise he would die terribly.

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