Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1101: Rui and his party are here

"How about you, has there been any recent love affair?" Lan Yanyu frowned and looked at Leng Yihan.

Leng Yihan's eyes flickered lightly, and he felt a pain in his heart and said, "Xueer is gone, why is my love still going on?"

Lan Yanyu glanced at him in disbelief, and the love affair did not occur. Who did this lie to? He didn't believe he didn't want her.

"You leave me alone, how is your elixir trained?" Ignoring Lan Yuyu's skeptical eyes, Leng Yihan shifted the topic.

Lan Yuyu lamented, "How can it be so easy, I am afraid that only the Master and the Valley Owner of the Valley of the God of Refinement can refine the god-like elixir. I still have to suffer."

Leng Yihan nodded his head, "No matter what, there is a direction, letting you practice alchemy is much faster than cultivation."

"Also." Lan Yanyu sighed, and she was jealous. "Neither of us is the pervert of Bai Juer. It is not easy to wake up the beast."

Leng Yihan raised his eyebrows uncritically. To say that Bai Tan's talent is not comparable to that of ordinary people. I am afraid that only Mo Beichen and Mo Dongxian can compare with her.

"When are you retreating?" Lan Yanyu sipped her tea and looked cold and cold.

Leng Yihan raised his eyebrows. "Today's retreat, I'll go to Fengshen College, and be clean there. If there's something urgent, you can go to me."

Lan Yuyu nodded, and got up and said, "Then I won't bother you, you can retreat as soon as possible, it is best to enter the magical fairyland, maybe you can activate the beast."

"Um." Leng Yihan responded, and then got up and sent Lan Yuyu out.

"Remember to remind Rui and his party that Bai Taner is waiting for him." Lan Yanyu reminded what came to mind.

"Got it."

Leng Yihan went to Fengshen College, and Lan Yanyu retreated at home to practice alchemy. Bai Jue spent almost all these days in Chengdong's courtyard, and he healed Mo Beichen with all his heart.

"Well, today is the last patch, let's see how it works."

The **** was a little excited, and carefully opened the gauze on the man's face.

The scars had been completely healed at this moment, and those uneven scars had completely disappeared and replaced with new skin.

Although the faces on both sides were slightly different, they were completely restored.

"It's great, look, it's exactly the same as before."

The **** excitedly turned the man's face to the bronze mirror.

In the bronze mirror, the man's face is absolutely glamorous and beautiful, unlike the mortal.

The man looked at the face in the bronze mirror stupidly, at this moment he seemed to see another person.

How long has he not looked in the mirror, he can't remember.

"Thank you." The man looked at Beaver gratefully.

The **** chuckled, "Do you still need to say this between me and you? But why didn't your throat recover?"

Although the sound was not as hoarse as before, it was not the same as before.

The man's eyes flickered and he laughed, "Maybe it's been too long."

Beaver raised his eyebrows, grabbed the man's hand again and gave him a pulse.

After a while, Baitan put down his man's hand. "The throat is all right. It seems that it can't be changed before, but it doesn't matter. It's fine now."

The man took the beaver's hand and laughed, "When will we get married?"

The **** staggered, apologizing, "Wait a few more days, and when my dad wakes up, we will get married again."

At this moment and a half, she really couldn't marry him. The old man Lan was still waiting with a stare. If she was a married man, she would definitely wear it. She would have nothing to do, and Lan Yuyu would be miserable.

There was a disappointment in the man's eyes, but he nodded. "I'm waiting for you."

When Baitan returned to Chu, she saw the person she had been waiting for.

"Second Master!" Bai Tan ran over and hugged Rui and his party in excitement. "You are finally here. You can wait for a long time."

Rui and his team rubbed Baitan's head pettifully. "I came over as soon as I received the letter."

"Master, please go in and see my dad." Baitan pulled Rui and his party into the room.

"You child, don't let your master drink tea."

Chu Xiangjun carried the tea into the room, and stared at the **** strangely.

"I'm in a hurry." Baitan spit out her tongue, took the tea from the table and brought it to Rui's party. "The second master drinks tea."

Rui and his party took the tea with a smile, took a sip, and sat down beside the bed to give Bai Tingxuan a pulse.

At the beginning, Rui and his team still looked as usual, but the more they frowned, the tighter their brows were.

Beaver's heart was "suddenly" a little bit anxious.

Chu Xiangjun also twisted the tense nervously. She searched for the **** doctor of the continent and could n’t heal Tingxuan. She really hoped that Master Tan’er could have a way, even if it was just a hint of hope. Yeah.

"Master Two can find out, did my dad hit something?" When Rui and his party retracted their hands, Baiju asked nervously.

Rui and his team glanced at Bai Tingxuan's bloodless face, and frowned, "If I'm not mistaken, he will be purged."

"Cleaning the soul?" The **** face sullenly white, anxiously: "The poison that can change the soul?"

When Chu Xiangjun heard the words, he was scared, his soul was changed, wouldn't he ...

Rui and his party shook their heads. "This cleansing soul does not change people's souls, but it can wash a person's soul and erase all the marks on this person."

Beaver frowned. "What does this mean? Can the second master say something more clearly?"

Rui and his team raised their eyes and explained, "It can be said that the effect of this purifying spirit is similar to that of amnesia, but this purifying spirit is obviously more domineering, which will not only make people lose their memory, but even erase those imprinted on the soul. Thing, after the soul washing time and time again, the person in the middle will completely become an unconscious person. "

The beaver's heart was terrified, and Chu Xiangjun stepped pale.

No wonder he didn't know her before.

"Your father has always been consciously resisting the washing of the soul of Dihunya, otherwise, from the time of his neglect, he should have been a tadpole." Rui and his party looked at Bai Tingxuan, and there was a touch of admiration in their eyes, they It is rare in this world to resist those who wash away their souls.

"Is there any way to solve it?" Chu Xiangjun looked nervously at Rui and his party. Since he could see what was in Ting Xuan, he should know how to solve it.

Beaver looked at Rui and his team with anticipation.

Rui and his party turned to Bai Tingxuan again. "His arrogance has deepened, and most of his consciousness has been washed. It is not easy to solve the problem."

Just when Baitan and Chu Xiangjun were disappointed, Rui and his party again said, "However, there is nothing to do."

"What is it?" Baitan asked nervously.

Chu Xiangjun also looked anxiously to Rui and his party, "Please also explain to your husband, no matter how difficult it is, we must try it."

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