Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1103: Noble

"Of course." Rui and his team laughed, took out a jar, and packed the bugs on the ground.

"It's great." Chu Xiangjun laughed and cried, wondering how to do it.

Chu Yan nodded with relief, fortunately, their efforts were not in vain, and the poison was finally solved.

"Is this the Dihun?" The **** looked surprised at the black bug in the jar.

"This is just a son-in-law." Rui and his team smiled and handed the jar to the beaver. "Keep the bug. When the bug changes color, your father can fully recover."

The **** frowned and looked at Bai Tingxuan. "You mean my father hasn't fully recovered."

Rui and his team squinted squintingly at the beaver: "You think this diarrhea is a joke, and you can recover so soon."

The **** blinked innocently, and she really thought that she could recover after she was relieved. Isn't that usually the case?

"Your father's soul is very weak now. Even if he wakes up in two days, he will still be lethargic." Rui and his party explained briefly.

Chu Xiangjun worried momentarily: "Can he recover completely after that?"

"Of course, drowsiness is only raising the soul. After his soul recovers, he will naturally recover completely." Now the maggots have resolved, and they will definitely be better in the future.

The **** frowned. "How long does it usually take to fully recover?"

"Well," Rui and his group looked at Bai Tingxuan who was still asleep. "Generally, it is about the same number of years as Zhongli, but your father is firm and should recover early."

After all, Zhongli can rely on his will for so many years. He has never before.

The **** was dumbfounded, and it was about the same age as Zhongli. Did n’t the father have to wait more than ten years to recover, which is too bad.

The white raccoon pinched the jar in his hand, anxious to pinch the little black worm.

Chu Xiangjun didn't pay much attention, no matter how long it took him to recover, she would wait for him.

"Sir, thank you for saving Ting Xuan. Please let me worship him." Chu Xiangjun knelt down in front of Rui's party and wanted to scratch his head.

Rui and his party immediately lifted up Chu Xiangjun, "What are you doing? Get up."

"Mother, I have to kneel to kneel."

After Bai Ci raised Chu Xiangjun, he knelt before Rui and his party.

"Thank you, Master Er, for saving my father. Master Er's kindness will never be forgotten." The **** said with three solemn heads to Rui and his party.

This time Rui and his party didn't let him, the apprentice gave himself a few heads, and he could still stand it.

"Get up."

When the raccoon hoeed her head, Rui and her party helped her up.

Chu Xiangjun looked gratefully at Rui and said, "First of all, I have already prepared a room for you. If you are tired for so many days, go to rest.

"Then I'm disturbing." Rui and his party bowed towards Chu, and then followed Chu Xiangjun out of the room.

After settling Rui and his party together, Chu Xiangjun asked Baiju and Chu Yi to go back to rest.

The two were indeed involved, and did not evade each other to the room to rest.

Chu Xiangjun sat next to the bed, gently holding a papa to help Bai Tingxuan wipe the wet sweat on his forehead. "Ting Xuan, we have met a noble man, and your poison has finally resolved."

Thinking of the hardships of resolving death in recent years, Chu Xiangjun reddened his eyes again.

"In fact, Tanuki is our nobleman. Wake up quickly and look at our child. She is so good. You will definitely like her." Chu Xiangjun Wo went to Bai Tingxuan's arms and hugged him gently.

This **** had been sleeping for three days and three nights without waking up. Chu Xiangjun was scared to ask Rui and his party to see it twice, still uneasy.

It was not until the fourth morning that the **** finally woke up.

"You are finally awake, are you okay, isn't there any discomfort?" Chu Xiangjun pulled the **** nervously and looked at it carefully.

"Mother, I'm fine." The **** shook his head staggeringly, maybe he had slept too long and was a little dizzy.

"You have been sleeping for four days, but you can scare me to death." Chu Xiangjun was finally relieved to see Baitan.

It's been four days?

The **** frowned at Chu Xiangjun, "Are my father awake?"

Chu Xiangjun's eyes darkened, and he shook his head, "Not yet."

"I'll go see Dad." Beaver immediately got up and went to the next room.

Bai Tingxuan was still asleep, but his face was much better than before.

Bai Tan gave Bai Tingxuan a pulse, and although his pulse was weak, it was a lot better than the previous pulse, which seemed to be absent, and he was relieved.

"Mother, my father is physically weak, and it may take a few days to wake up. Don't worry, he will be able to wake up." Bai Tan turned to comfort Chu Xiangjun.

Chu Xiangjun smiled and rubbed her head. "I know, your master said the same thing. Whenever he wakes up, I wait patiently."

"Where is my master?" When referring to Rui and his party, Bai Tan thought of Mo Beichen.

A Mo has amnesia, she should find a second master to show him.

"Where is he in your grandmother's house?"

The **** frowned, "What happened to your grandmother? Is she sick?"

"Maybe it was tired of treating your father before, and they have been lying for two days." Chu Xiangjun said with some guilt.

"Then I'll see her."

Beaver was also guilty. After returning to the room to wash, he went to Chu's room.

"Grandma, second master."

When Chu Yan saw Baitan coming, she felt a joy, "You girl is awake, but you are worried about me."

"I'm okay, how are you?" Baitan sat next to the bed, looking at Chu Chu with pale face, a little distressed.

Chu Yan chuckled and patted Beaver's hand and said, "I'm fine. People get old and always get sick. Your master said, I'll be fine after two days of rest."

The **** frowned and looked at Rui and his party.

Rui nodded and said, "Before Xuanli was used a lot, I have reconstituted her elixir, and just take it for a while."

Baitan let out a sigh of relief, holding Chu Chu's hand and saying, "Thank you very much for your grandmother this time."

Chu Yan stared at the **** strangely. "What's your family kind? If your father can be good, your mother won't be so bitter."

Thinking of Chu Xiangjun's fate, Chu Yan could not help but sigh.

"My grandmother rest assured, my father will wake up and be good to my mother." Knowing Chu Min's mind, Baiju immediately consoled.

Chu Yan laughed, "I know, as long as you and your mother are good, then everything is worth it."

"Have a good rest."

Bai Chu and Rui and his party went out together after sitting for a while in Chu Yan.

Out of the yard, Beaver looked at Rui's party and was grateful. "Thank you, Master Er, for doing such a hard job for me."

"Is it too late to be polite?" Rui and his team looked at Baiju jokingly, jokingly.

The raccoon blushed and said playfully: "That being the case, there is another patient who wants to trouble the second master for treatment.


Rui and his team were surprised, and the girl had good medical skills. How could there be so many incurable diseases that she couldn't cure?

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